• Volume 28,Issue 6,2004 Table of Contents
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    • Study on the embryonic development of Paralichthys olivaceus

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (2051) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2581) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Japanese flounder ( Paralichthys olivaceus) , which naturally inhabits the seas of China , Korea , Russia andJapan,hasbecomeoneofthemostimportantcultivatedspecies. Inordertodocryopreservationresearchof the Japanese flounder embryos , it is important to define definitely embryo developmental stage. In addition , study of Japanese flounder embryo development will provide support for the fry breeding. In the present study , embryonic development of Japanese flounder cultured in hatchery was studied. Japanese flounder embryos were incubated in sea water (salinity : 29. 9) at 14 -16 ℃ and the course of embryonic development was observed consecutively under Olympus microscope. The total development time of every development stage was noted and calculated and the characteristic images were taken using Olympus camera. The characteristics and time of 29 embryonic development stages were noted from the fertilization to the hatching after 5 d. 30 photographs , representing the characters of all the development stages and fry , were taken. The time2table of major embryonic development stages of Japanese flounder was as follows : blastodisc forming stage at 0. 5 h post fertilization (pf) ; four cell stage at 2. 5 h pf ; morula at 10. 5 h pf ; low blastula stage at 17 h pf ; early gastrula stage at 20 h 10 m pf ; late gastrula at 28. 5 h pf ; blastopore closing stage at 29 h 44 m pf ; nurula stage at 30 h 40 m pf ; 4 -5 somite stage at 35 h 20 m pf ; 15 -20 somite stage at 40 h 10 m pf ; tail bud stage at 49 h 10 m pf ; heart beating stage at 67 h 12 m pf; embryo movement at 75 h 10 m pf; pre2hatching stage at 90 h 9 m pf ; hatching stage at 93 h pf. Yolk sac was completely absorbed 190 h after fertilization and then entered metamorphosis stage.

    • Cytological observations on artificially induced gynogenesis in Chlamys farreri

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (1919) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2246) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Nuclear changes in normal and gynogenetic eggs of the Chlamys farreri were examined under a fluorescence microscope during meiosis and fertilization. Two milliliters of sperm suspension ( 1 ?107 sperm? mL -1) were spread on a 9. 0 cm diameter plastic petri dish and placed on a reciprocal shaker 15 cm below a 15 W UV germicidal light. Haploid gynogenesis was induced by sperms , which were ultraviolet (UV) 2irradiated for 30 s at an intensity of 2561μW?cm -2 ?s -1. Both the treated sperm and the untreated sperm (control) were mixed separately with a suspension of eggs ( 2 ?104 egg?mL -1) , and the eggs were then allowed to develop at 22 ℃. Samples of eggs from the two groups were taken at 5 min intervals up to 2 h after the addition of sperm and fixed in 2 % formalin in seawater at 4 ℃. After rinsing three times with 0. 1 mol?L -1 phosphate buffer containing 8 % sucrose , the samples were stained with DAPI , and observed with a fluorescence microscope. The results obtained in this study demonstrated that although UV irradiation did not affect either meiotic maturation or the formation of the male and female pronuclei , their developmental progress was delayed apparently. At metophase of the first cleavage , the male pronucleus derived from sperm genome inactivated by UV -irradiated sperms inseminated with the normal egg formed no chromosomes , unlike the female pronucleus , but became a dense chromatin body (DCB ) , which did not participate in the karyokinesis at anaphase of the first cleavage as evidenced by chromosomal nondisjunction. On completion of cytokinesis of the first cleavage , the DCB was seen either in the cytoplasm of one of the two blastomeres or on the equatorial plate as two partitional parts. As did the normal eggs , the eggs inseminated with UV -irradiated sperm also developed in an asynchronous manner. On the other hand , in this study the eggs inseminated with UV -irradiated sperm developed slowly , and time difference between normal and gynogenetically developed eggs in reaching a developmental progress. Cytological evidence of the induction of gynogenesis in the scallop was first demonstrated.

    • Cytological observations on fertilization and early embryonic development in Ruditapes philippinarum

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (2215) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2773) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The cytology of the fertilization and early embryonic development in Ruditapes philippinarum were consecutively observed by the fluorescent microscope with HOECHST 33258 stained. The results showed that the mature eggs were at metaphase of meiosis Ⅰ. Sperms bound to the eggs and began the acrosomal reaction quickly after mix of sperms and eggs . With the activation of the dispersed sperms , the eggs released their first and second polar bodies and finished their meiotic division. The early male and female pronuclei were formed when the second polar body was released. The two pronuclei were expanded and closed to each other , finally associated with each other after the chromosomes formed in the central of the egg respectively. The development is quick in the early embryogenetic stage. There are a few of polyspermy phenomena in the fertilization process in Ruditapes philippinarum.

    • Effect of Astragalus radix on proliferation and nitric oxide production of head kidney macrophages in Cyprinus carpio :an in vitro study

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (1981) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2480) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The in vitro effect of Astragalus radix water extract on the non2specific immune responses of macrophages isolated from the head kidney of Cyprinus carpio was evaluated. Astragalus radix extract stimulated the proliferation of the head kidney macrophages , and it alone had no effect on nitrogen burst activity of macrophages. But it enhanced the nitric oxide production of the mixture of macrophages and granulocytes induced by LPS. It is suggested that Astragalus radix could modulate the non2specific immune response of Cyprinus carpio.

    • Histological studies on gonadal origin and differentiation of cultured Acipenser sinensis

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (2247) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2936) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Gonadal origin and gonadal different iation of cultured Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis were studied using light microscope. The primordial germ cell( PGC) was first seen below the nephridium area on the third day after hatching, and by the 11th day the primordial gonad, genital fo ld formed. Later, with the gonad growing, the blood vessel appeared in it when f ish was 2 months old and the adipose fatty tissue appeared by the age of 7 months. According to Hochleithner &Gessner( 1999) , we classif ied stage 0 of gonad development of this f ish as the stage with no histological sex differentiation. Histological sex differentiation of the gonads was completed by the age of 9 months( 0. 6 - 1. 1kg B. W. ) , and the gonads entered stage . , during which mitosis of the spermatogonia and oogonia occurred. With the primary spermatocytes or oocytes appearing , the testes or ovaries reached stage ? when f ish were 1. 8- 2. 2 years old( 1. 55- 5. 6kg B. W. ) or 2. 5- 3 years old( 3. 1- 8. 2 kg B. W. ) respectively. After the age of 3 years, the gonads, in succession, became what could be sexed by gross examination, and at the age of 5- 5. 6 years( 18- 35. 5kg B. W. ) , all of the gonads could be sexed by gross examination and st ill remained in stage ? , with the diameter of oocytes of 60- 240Lm.

    • Mitochondrial DNA genetic diversity,origin and evolution of four populations of red common carps in China

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (1910) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2304) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:RFLP analysis of mtDNA from Xingguo red common carp( C . carpio var. singuonensis ) , glass red common carp( C . carpio var. wananensis ) , purse red common carp( C. carpio var. wayuanensis ) and Oujiang color common carp( C. carpio var. color ) was conducted by 13 restriction endonucleases. 17 restrict ion morphs in all red carps were detected and in which 5 morphs were polymorphic and were def ined as 5 kinds of haplotypes. The average nucleotide diversity ( ..) in Xingguo red common carp, glass red common carp, purse red common carp and Oujiang color common carp was 0. 0087, 0. 0059, 0. 0094 and 0. 0286 respectively, which indicated there was the greatest genetic diversity in Oujiang color carp. Oujiang color carp would have originated f rom a maternal ancestor mainly composed of haplotype II, 115 thousand and 95 thousand years ago respectively. Glass red carp and purse red carp would have originated from a maternal ancestors mainly composed of haplotype I, 50- 65 thousand and 20 thousand years ago respectively.

    • Classification and morphological observation of haemocytes of Panulirus homarus by LM and SEM

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (2069) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2310) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The kind and quantity of hemocytes in crustaceans are very important for immune defense. There is prominent difference of immune mechanism in the different species and types of hemocyte of crustaceans. It is very important to study the form structure and function of hemocyte for practice. Histology structure , morphology characters and quantity of hemocyte of Panulirus homarus are studied by light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) . The hemocytes of Panulirus homarus are classified on the basis of whether there are granulesinthecytoplasm, howmanygranulesinit,andthesizeandtheformsontheoutsideofthecells. The results show that there are three types of blood cells on the stained smears : agranular hemocyte , small granular hemocyte and large granular hemocyte. The size of them are 8. 65μm ?8. 08μm, 12. 80μm ?11. 30μm and 15. 90 μm ?13. 50μm respectively. The nucleus2cytoplasm ratio is 4. 88 , 2. 03 and 0. 89 respectively. There are many shapes of hemocyte such as sphere , oval and ellipse. According to the morphology characters , a granular hemocyte , small granular hemocyte and large granular hemocyte are not the blood cells during the different growth periods in the sequence development process of hemocyte , but separate development. The counts of different hemocytes are performed by light microscope. The percentage of agranular hemocyte , small hemocyte and large hemocyte is 57. 1 % ,18. 0 % ,24. 9 % respectively. There are different percentages of the three types of hemocytes in circulation hemocyte of various crustaceans respectively. The differences relate close with the various species , the different physiological capabilities , the different growth and development periods of crustaceans. The pigmentation of three types of hemocytes shows analogy with human white cells by Wright and Geimsa. By the scanning electron microscope observation , all types of hemocytes are not smooth on the surface , where there are a lot of protuberances. It is analogous with the hemocyte and granular hemocyte of humanity. This suggests that the cell structure changes actively and implies their functions with phagocytosis and encapsulation. The granular hemocyte of Penaeus chinensis and other crustaceans have the functions of immune defense. Thus , agranular hemocyte , small granular hemocyte and large granular hemocyte of Panulirus homarus are similar to humanity’s white cells and the other crustaceans in immune mechanism.

    • Quantitative distribution of fish resources in main coral reef waters of Nansha Islands

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (2227) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2509) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:DuringMarchtoMay1998and MaytoJune 1999, twosurveycruises were carried out insevencoral reef waters of Nansha Islands : Zhubi , Nanxun , Dongmen , Meiji , Chigua , Yongshu and Huayang reefs using three fishing methods , namely handlining , longlining and gillnetting. The results show that there are obvious differences in relative abundance of fish resources between different reefs surveyed with respect to the three fishing methods , the highest relative abundance of fish resources for gillnetting being in Yongshu reef , for handlining in Huayangreef,andforlonglininginNanxunreef. Andforgillnettingandhandlining,therearealsovariationsin the relative abundance in different depth waters , the biggest value observed for gillnetting occurring in 11 -30m depth waters , and for handlining in less than 10m. The cause leading to the differences is not primary productivity but ecological conditions, mainly related to reef shape and macroalgal biomass. In addition, the dominant taxonomic groups caught in the reefs surveyed are of manifest discrepancy , and this is directly related to such biotic and abiotic environment factors as size and number of grotto , macroalgal biomass and species and quantity of coral polyp etc.

    • Biological characteristics of Ovalipes punctatus in the East China Sea

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (2360) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2317) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the biological study of 1576 samples of Ovalipes punctatus collected every anniversary from 1998 though 2002 in the East China Sea for surveying crustaceans resources and fishery product ion, it was found that the length of carapace ranged from 26 to 95mm and its width from 32 to 120mm. The body weight of them was between 5 to 410 g, in which the male crab seemed bigger than the female one in average. The female crab grew rather slow in spring (February to June) , while the male one grew very fast with an average growth rate of 38. 7%. However, the female crab grew slightly more than the male in the whole year w ith a sex ratio being around 1B0. 88. Moreover, The female crab reproduced vigorously in March to May and the amount of brood for various O. punctatus was between 68000 to 758000. The body weight of the smallest brood crab was 59 g with its carapace length and width being 46 and 60mm, respectively. Most of brood crab had the body weight of 80 to 115 g with the carapace length of 50 to 60 mm and the width 65 to 80 mm. The rate of half or full stomach of crab reached over 50% to 60% .The feeding activity of O. punctatus became stronger in summer and autumn than in spring and winter. On the basis of the quantity distribution and resources situation of O. punctatus in the East China Sea, it is suggested to organize the f ishery to exploit and utilize the resources properly.

    • Growth characteristics of golden-skin porgy,Parargyrops edita,in the south Fujian and Taiwan bank fishing ground

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (2248) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2541) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the biological data published, the age composit ion and growth characteristics of crimson tai ( Parargyrops edita Tanaka) grown in the south Fujian and Taiwan bank fishing ground in the period of July 1998 through June 2000 were studied. It was found that the catch consisted of 7 year-classes from 0 to 6 age in which 0 age was dominant. The average age was 0. 71, being smaller than 1. 08 in 1976 and 0. 99 in 1994. On the basis of their actual length and weight of each age class, the relative growth rate, instaneous growth rate and growth target were computed. It could be seen that crimson tai grew quickly prior to 2 age, stably in the stage of 2 to 4 age, and doated after 4 age. The parameters of von Bertalanffy.. s growth equation were: L .. = 244. 56 mm, K = 0. 2313 and t 0= - 1. 1817. The infexion point on the body weight growth curve of stock was 3. 71, being lower than 5. 38 in the early 1980s. As compared with the population structure of f ish, a tangible variation occurred, in which the adult s were early matured and their growth speed increased, while the individuals of catch stock were smaller and in low-aged size. The fork length of maturing female individuals was 117mm seen for the f irst time and the individuals of the same generation all possibly matured which were born before one year. In recent years, the yield of crimson tai in the area of the south Fujian and Taiwan bank fishing ground possibly remained in high level, the main reason of which was overf ishing of immaturing population. Now the resources of crimson tai seems in a state of overexplo itation with high intensive utilization. Therefore, based on the catch composition, stock status and growth characterist ics, it is suggested that the young stage of crimson tai should be well protected and managed as well as reasonably utilized.

    • Studies on feeding rhythm and daily feeding amount of larval Epinephelus coioides

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (2160) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2557) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The daily feeding rhythms of fish were classified into four groups , named daytime feeding , night feeding , morning2dusk feeding and rhythmless feeding. In order to characterize the daily feeding rhythm and daily feeding amount of larval Epinephelus coioides , the fifteen2day2old larvae (4. 86 ?0.38mm,total length) were used for study. The obtained results were as follows : experiments consisted of natural day2night group (control group ) , continuous light group and continuous dark group , the daily feeding amounts of rotifer were 142/ larva , 156/ larva , 47/ larva respectively and the amount of daytime feeding were 91. 3 % , 80. 5 % and 71. 7 % of that of total daily feeding amount , respectively. In the control group , an apparent feeding peak appeared at 14 :00 PM. Similarly , in the continuous light group , the feeding peak presented at 16 :00 -18 :00 PM. Bycontrast,inthecontinuousdarkgroup,apparentfeedingpeakdidnotexist. Intheevening,thefeeding incidence of the continuous light group was higher than that of control group , in contrast with this , at the daytime , the feeding incidence of continuous dark group was much lower than that of control group . In the continuous light group , daily feeding amount increased slightly and it was 109. 9 % of that of control group , however , in the continuous dark group , daily feeding amount decreased obviously and it was 33. 1 % of that of control group. Taken together, our results showed that the feeding rhythm of larval Epinephelus coioides was identical with the daytime feeding. The feeding behavior of larval Epinephelus coioides had close relationship with light .

    • Effects of photoperiod on reproduction performance and egg quality of Cherax quadricarinatus

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (2159) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2643) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Effects of different photoperiods on reproduction performances and accumulation of main biochemical components in the fertilized eggs of the red claw crayfish , Cherax quadricarinatus , were investigated. Crayfish were divided into five groups , group Ⅰwas nature light , group Ⅱto group Ⅴwere 12 h light/12 h dark, 14 h light/ 10 h dark , 16 h light/ 8 h dark , and 18 h light/ 6 h dark respectively. Results showed that during the one2 and two2month periods spawning rate , weight gain rate , gonadosomatic index , and hatching rate of all experimental crayfish changed hyperbolically , with group IV exhibiting the highest values for each of these four endpoints, specifically, 61. 54 % for one2month period spawning rate , 92. 31 % for two2month periods spawning rate , (29. 48 ?0. 51 ) % for weight gain rate , (5. 38 ?0. 25 ) % for gonadosomatic index,and (46. 99 ?3. 15) % for hatching rate. Additionally , the total weight of eggs per female crayfish , the average spawning number and the average weight of individual eggs per female were the greatest in group Ⅳ. Significant increases in total amino acids (essential and non2essential amino acids ) of the fertilized eggs and main amino acids (Leu , Arg and Glu) were also found in group Ⅳ. Total lipids of fertilized eggs (dry weight and wet weight) in groups Ⅲ and Ⅳ were the highest and each significantly differently from those of the other three groups. Photoperiod had no effect on the proportional accumulation of neutral lipids and phospholipids. The content of neutral lipids in each group was approximately twice as much as that of phospholipids. Both neutral lipids and phospholipids of all experimental crayfish were found to be mainly composed of C18∶1ω9 , C18∶2ω6 , C16∶0, and C16∶1 fatty acids. For crayfish of group IV , the content of C20∶4 was slightly lower whereas the contents of 16 h light/ 8 h dark is the ideal light regime for reproduction performances in this crayfish. C20∶5ω3 and C22∶6ω3 were slightly higher than those for the other groups. These results suggest that photoperiod can significantly affect reproduction performances and the quality of the fertilized eggs of Cherax quadricarinatus and

    • Effects of acid supplements on growth and feed utilization in tilapia Oreochromis niloticus ? O.aureus

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (2126) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2341) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A 92week feeding trial was conducted to investigate effects of different dietary acid supplements on growth performance in juvenile hybrid tilapia Oreochromis niloticus ?O. aureus (average body weight was about 1. 9g) . 5 test diets were applied for triplicate tanks and 15 fish was stocked randomly in each tank. Feeding rate was6%ofwetbodyweight. Noacidsupplementwasaddedinbasaldietwhichwasappliedascontrol,0.3%of phosphoric acid , fumaric acid , citric acid , lactic acid were added in basal diet , respectively. The results showed that specific growth rate of fish fed diet with citric acid and lactic acid were significantly higher than those of fish fed basal diet and diet with fumaric acid ( P < 0. 05) . Feed efficiency in fish fed diets with phosphoric acid , lactic acid and citric acid was higher than that of fish fed basal diet , but differences were not significant ( P > 0. 05) . However , significantly higher feed efficiency was observed in fish fed diet with lactic acid than that of fish fed diet with fumaric acid ( P < 0. 05) . The content of body moisture in fish fed diet with lactic acid was significantly higher than that of fish fed diet with fumaric acid ( P < 0. 05) , while no significant differences were observed in whole body protein , lipid and ash among treatments ( P > 0. 05) . The activity of pepsin in fish fed diet with fumaric acid was significantly lower than those of fish fed with other diets. The intestinal amylase activities in fish fed diets with citric acid and lactic acid were significantly higher than that of fish fed basal diet ( P < 0. 05) . Significantly higher activities of hepatic lipogenetic enzymes were observed in fish fed diet with lactic acid and citric acid than those of fish fed other three diets ( P < 0. 05) . Accordingly , serum triglyceride concentration in fish fed diets with citric acid and lactic acid was increased significantly. The results suggested that 0. 3 % citric acid and lactic acid supplements can significantly improve growth performance in juvenile hybrid tilapia , while , fumaric acid supplement reduces feed utilization.

    • The producing effect and technological design for integrated system of closed circulating aquaculture and plant hydroponics

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (2072) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2569) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The integrated system of closed circulating aquaculture and plant hydroponics was designed , according to the principle of agri2ecological engineering. It includes fish2ponds , vegetable and flower hydroponics trenches , circulating water treatment units. It is a new producing model for aquaculture2crop2water cleansing. The objectives of this study are demonstration of agri2ecological engineering project , and studying the relation of energy flow between aquaculture and plant hydroponics. The results of Qingpu of Shanghai indicate : ①The fish output of red tilapia ( Tilapia mossambica ( ♀) ?Tilapia nilotica ( ♂)) and obscure puffer ( Fugu obscurus) is 58 kg?m 3, 12.28 kg?m 3 respectively , during culturing , concentation of ammonia2N , nitrite2N is respectively < 1.5 mg?L-1and <0.8 mg?L -1, DO >5.0 mg?L-1; ②The hydroponic vegetable has good growth , and its maximal purification rates of ammonia2N , nitrite2N , nitrate2N , total2N , phosphate2P and COD are 57. 46 % , 51. 72 % , 3. 7 % , 10. 67 % , 9. 72 % and 21. 78 % respectively , average N/ P ratio of inlet and outlet is 6. 60∶1 and 6. 53∶1 respectively ; ③The biofilter removal rates of NH 4 2N , NO 2-2N and COD were 44.79 %, 20.31 %, 20.10 % respectively; ④The foam2separation and ozonic2sterilization device reduced the heterotrophic bacteria number by 93. 58 % , NH 4 2N by39.00%, NO 2-2N by 38. 10 % in water through the reacting unit , raised pH and DO in the water through the device.

    • Establishment of discriminating method of various genotypes of viral nervous necrosis virus (VNNV) and application in quarantine and surveillance of VNNV

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (2170) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2931) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:All of the sequences of β2nodavirus were collected from GenBank and divided into four genotype groups , SJNNV (Striped jack nervous necrosis virus) group , BFNNV (Barfin flounder nervous necrosis virus , BFNNV) group , RGNNV (Redspotted grouper nervous necrosis virus) group and TPNNV (Tiger puffer nervous necorsis virus) group. The similarity among the sequences in the same genotypes was more than 85 % and the similarity among different genotypes was less than 66 %. Four pairs of primers were designed using the softwares of Premier and Sequencher. The four genotypes were identified and discriminated by RT2PCR with these primers.Quarantine and supervision were conducted on the larvae of marine fish imported from Taiwan through Shenzhen port and the marine fish cultured in Guangdong and Fujian provinces . The VNNV of RGNNV genotype was detected in the samples of imported larvae of marine fish. The same genotype was also detected in diseased adult fish and larvae of groupers ( Epinephellus sp . ) cultured in Guangdong and Fujian provinces . The similarity of gene sequences among all of these amplification products was more than 96. 5 % and the similarity of deduced amino acid sequences between these products and Malabaricus nervous necrosis virus (MNNV) was 100 %.

    • Pathogenic and hemopathological studies on the bacterial pseudotuberculosis of Lateolabrax japonicus

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (1909) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2496) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:One strain of bacteria 0251721 was isolated from Lateolabrax japonicus with the bacterial pseudotuberculosis in May 2002. After the pure culture , the bacteria were used to infect the health Lateolabrax japonicus in three ways : abdominal cavity injection ( 0. 3mL/ nos ) , wound soaking , and soaking. The concentration of bacterial suspension was determined by both McF and live bacterial counting technique. The physiological saline was substitute for bacterial suspension in the control. The concentration of soaking was 1.52 ?104 Cells ?mL -1. The result showed that the strain of bacteria 0251721 had powerful pathogenicity and the mortality of healthy fish was 100 %. According to Bergey’s , manual of systematic bacteriology and API 20E system indentification , the pathogen of Lateolabrax japonicus was identified as Aeromonas hydrophila. Serums were extracted from the blood of both diseased fish and healthy fish , and the blood biochemical and physiological indices were determined by Olympus biochemical automatic instrument. The results showed that , compared with healthy ones , the number of red blood cells , white blood cells , glucose ,total plasma protein , ureanitrogen and cholesterinindiseasedfishalldecreasedremarkably,whileserumenzymesofALT,AST,LDHincreased. These results indicated that many important physiological functions such as digestion , breath , excretion , metabolism and disease resistance were seriously impaired after Lateolabrax japonicus infection. The result of antibiotic sensitivity test showed that four chemotherapeutants (compound sulfamethoxazole , kanamycin , gentamycinum , norfloxacin) and four Chinese herbal medicines (sanguisorba , armeniaca , chaenomeles , schisandra ) were most effective against the pathogenic bacteria.

    • Influence of cover net method on stow net selectivity

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (1969) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2232) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The cover net method is widely used in testing fishing gear selectivity. However, there exists influence of this method on the mesh selectivity of codend because of the blocking ( mask ) effect . In this paper, the selective characteristics of the codend by cover net method were compared with those by the parallel haul method based on the square mesh codends with the mesh sizes of 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45mm respectively. The selectivity curves were described by the logistic equation. The selective parameters and the main selective indexes were estimated by the maximum likelihood method in the case of cover net method, and by the SELECT model when using parallel haul method. The standard errors of the parameters were estimated by the Fisher information matrix and the goodness-of-fit of dif ferent models was assessed by the AIC ( AKAIKE information criterion) . The selectivity of different codends was obtained by the analysis of the catch data of anchovy ( Setipinna taty ) . In the selective analysis of parallel haul method, it was found that the equal split model was f itted better than the estimated split model through the comparison of the AIC. Then the main selective indexes est imated from different experimental methods were compared and the result demonstrated that the 50% retention lengths, the selective ranges and the selective factors obtained from the parallel haul method are respectively 7. 8 percent larger, 24. 5 percent less and 7. 4 percent larger than those estimated from the cover net method, but no signif icant differences ( P> 0. 05) among them were found. If the minimal mesh size of stow nets is determined based on the result from the cover net method, the mesh size will tend to be bigger, resulting in excessive escape of the fish inside the codend.

    • Current status of the studies on genome in aquatic animal and its application prospects

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (2315) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2528) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genomic resources from human and several model organisms have been increased very fast since 1990. The techniques for developing genomic resources have already been very advanced and smart. These could make scientists see and improve organism in genomic level. For Chinese aquaculture scientists and aquatic industry , developing genomic resources and genetic tools for the native species are most important in the genomic era. The genomic resources and genetic tools for several aquatic species have been developed and some of them have been used in the marker based selection and other researches . The genome research work on aquaculture species was reviewed in this paper , especially a USDA genome project was focused. Some functional genomic research for aquatic animal was also discussed here. The importance and necessity of China aquaculture species genome project were discussed. Common carp and other cultured fishes in Cyprinidae such as grass carp , silver carp , bighead carp etc were recommended as the candidate species for genome research , because the output of all carps is almost up to 1/ 3 of total fisheries output in China. Common carp with another virtue for genome research is that there are much more families and strains in common carp than those in other cultured species in China , and those families and strains are the basis for genome research and mapping quantitative trait loci associated with important economic trait. Although the first linkage map of common carp made by Sun needs to be added with more markers for mapping QTL and Type Ⅰmarkers ,it has laid the groundwork for QTL mapping and marker2 assisted selection in common carp. Because the model organism zebrafish and common carp , grass carp and other carps cultured in China all belong to Cyprinidae , the China carp genome research will obtain a lot of useful information from zebrafish genome research. How the China carp genome program will be conducted and what kinds of strategy involved in this program were all suggested. How the results of the genome research of aquaculture species will be used in the aquaculture industry was reviewed and analyzed here.

    • Effects and regulation of energy nutrient on the expression level of leptin

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (1721) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2241) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Leptin is a new obese gene (ob) product in animal , which related with feed intake , energy balance , lipid metabolism , reproduction and so on. The advances were summarized on structure , secretion and function of leptin. The effects and regulation of energy nutrient on the expression level of leptin were introduced , and the application prospects in aquatic animals were also discussed. Obesity is not the main problem of aquatic animal production, but the improvement of carcass quality and reproduction is the central goal of aquaculture. Some study indicated , leptin has had the remarkable regulative effect on lipid metabolism and neuroendocrine , the regulation of feed intake and energy balance could promote muscle produce , reproduction , milk secretion etc , at the same time the leptin expression of ob gene was affected and regulated by adipose tissue volume and cell size , energy intake , some hormones and so on. Therefore , ob gene and leptin not only have influence on gene effect of adipose deposit and improvement of carcass quality in aquaculture , but also show the potential that the Leptin expression could be regulated through nutritional ways. Energy intake 、energy utilization and lipid metabolism could be regulated by feed intake , energy assembling of diet , gain range and so on , consequently which regulated the expression of ob gene and the output ,the sensitivity ,the receptor activity of its product leptin , ultimately the objective of improvement of carcass quality , increase of reproduction , regulation of physiological metabolism and healthy protection could come true. To get this goal is possible and has important theory significance and practical value.

    • Induction of triploidy and its effect on growth and gonadal development in Pseudosciaena crocea

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (1957) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2781) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Triploid was induced by hydrostatic pressure in Pseudosciaena crocea. Pressure shock of 500kg?cm -2 was administered to eggs for 2 min at 3 min after fertilization. The triploid rate was 92. 1 %. The nucleus diameters (major axes) and volumes of erythrocytes in triploid were measured respectively 1. 28 and 1. 70 times those in diploid. The triploid growth rates (body length , weight) were not significantly different compared to the diploid controls. The gonadal development was studied through tissue section. The result showed that the triploids had undeveloped gonads and were sterile.

    • Study on hepatic cells apoptosis induced by olaquindox in Cyprinus carpio

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (2010) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2238) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Hepatic cells apoptosis induced by olaquindox in common carp, Cyprinus carpio , were studied. The test was conducted for 30 days, with dose of 200mg..kg - 1 feed. Terminal deoxynucleotidy transferase mediated dUTP-Biotin nick-end labeling ( TUNEL) , electronic microscopic and flow cytometry were performed to analyze apoptosis. The result showed that hepatic cells apoptosis were indent ified under light microscope with TUNEL staining; chromatin condensation, chromosal clumping and margination, and apoptotic bodies were observed under electronic microscope; and sub-G1 PEAK ( AP peak) in hepatic cells could be detected by f low cytometric method. The apoptotic rate measured by flow cytomtry increased with dye-poison time, on the 7th, 14th, 20th, 25th and 30th day, the apoptotic rate was 2. 05%, 6. 25%, 9. 49%, 13. 31% and 17. 44% respectively.

    • Effects of sample disposal on determination of intestinal digestive enzyme of tilapia and silver crucian carp

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (1942) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2142) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper reported the effects of disposal methods of sample on determination of digestive enzyme of tilapia and silver crucian carp. The results showed that activities of digestive enzyme in intestine tissue homogenized for 1 min and 2 min ( 10000 r#min- 1) respectively were not remarkably different, and so did that frozen and melted once. By centrifugation, the activities of digestive enzyme in superstratum of intestine tissue homogenized were 2. 8%- 7. 4% lower than those of initial intestine tissue homogenized. At 4 e , the activities of digestive enzyme in intestine tissue homogenized were the most stable in the phase of 3- 9 h and 9- 18 h for protease and amylase of silver crucian carp respectively after homogenization, and so did that in the phase of 6- 9 h for both protease and amylase of tilapia, in the other phase, the activities of digestive enzyme in intestine tissue homogenized decreased at most by 9. 0% - 18. 2% and 11. 5% - 44. 4% for protease and amylase respectively.

    • Dicrateria zhanjiangensis Effects of CO2 concentration on efficiently cultivating and Dunaliella sp. in photobioreactor

      2004, 28(6).

      Abstract (1819) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2291) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The effects of CO2 concentration on the growth and photosynthesis of Dicrateria zhang, jiangensis and Dunaliella sp, in 100 liter air lift photobioreactors were investigated. The results showed that biomass of both algae significantly increased in high CO2 concentration (above 700μL ? L^-1) compared to low CO2 concentration (350μL?L^-1) ,and the culture periods were shorter, However, no significant difference as observed in growth rate when the alga cultured in CO2 concentration of 700μL? L^-1 and 1000μL? L^-1, respectively. These for the maximum photosynthetic rate(Pm) and saturating irradiance level(Ik) of the two species remarkably raised with the elevated CO2 concentration, so was the initial slope(α)of Dunaliella sp.

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