• Volume 28,Issue 3,2004 Table of Contents
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    • >PAPERS
    • A preliminary study on the induction of spawning by sex pheromones in Bostrichthys sinensis

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (1915) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2226) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The result s obtained from fixing sex pheromones to the inside surface of the artif icial ceramic spawning nests showed that ovarian extract attracted more males than females to enter the nests, while testis extract and seminal vesicle extract attracted more females than males. 17A- P, 17A, 20B- P and PGE2 were equally effective in attracting both females and males. Spawning frequencies and the spawned egg number of females as well as fertilization rates were related to different kinds of sex pheromones. The mo st spawning frequencies were found in both 17A, 20B- P and PGE2 treated groups. The greatest spawned egg number and the highest fertilization rate were observed in PGE2 group. The levels of 17A- P in seminal vesicle extract and test is extract were signif icant ly higher ( P < 0. 05) than that in ovarian extract . The levels of PGE2 and PGF2A in seminal vesicle extract were signif icantly higher ( P < 0. 05) than those in testis and ovarian extract. The levels of both PGE2 and PGF2A in sexual organs were in the order of seminal vesicle extract > testis extract > ovarian extract. The mean EOG, stimulated by ovarian extract , was higher in males than in females, whereas the mean EOGs, stimulated by testis or seminal vesicle extract, were higher in females than in males. The mean highest EOG of both females and males in response to 17A- P, 17A, 20B- P, PGE2 and PGF2Awas observed in PGE2 group.

    • Effects of dietary olaquindox on antioxidant enzymes system in hepatopancreas of Cyprinus carpio

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (2088) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2331) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mirror carp Cyprinus carpio were fed diets containing different concentrations of olaquindox ( 0- 3200 mg ..kg - 1) for 12 weeks. Activities of two antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase ( SOD) and glutathion peroxidase ( GSH..px ) , levels of malondialdehyde ( MDA ) and total ant ioxidat ive competence ( T..AOC ) in hepatopancreas were determined every 3 weeks. SOD activities roughly increased with increasing olaquindox concentration, but didn.. t change greatly as feeding period was prolonged. Activities of GSH..px were not affected markedly by increasing olaquindox concentration and feeding period until above the dose of 1600 mg..kg- 1. Also were MDA contents influenced in general with the change of olaquindox concentration in feed, however, decreased gradually when the period was lengthened except for a do se of 3200 mg ..kg - 1 . T..AOC values declined with increasing olaquindox concentration and feeding period, and did to a very low level at above 1600mg..kg - 1Fromthese results, it can be concluded that ant ioxidant enzyme activities are induced more signif icantly at relat ively higher concentration of olaquindox than at lower concentration. Elevation of concentration of olaquindox in feed is accompanied by weakened antioxidative ability of carp.

    • The identification of vitellogenin induction by 17β-estradiol in male Carassius auratus

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (2076) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2227) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The vitellogenin of male goldf ish ( Carassius auratus ) was induced by intraperitoneal injection of 0. 05 mg..g - 1 BW of 17....estradiol dissolved in ethanol. After two weeks induction, the blood was collected from caudal vessel, then centrifuged at 8 000 r..min - 1 for 5 min. After plasma native..PAGE, the gel was stained with the method of CBB G250.., phospho.., lipo.. and glyco..staining respectively. the location of vitellogenin in the gel was identified. This method provides a practical and ef fective way of vitellogenin identif ication. The result of native.. PAGE showed that, after the injection of 0. 05 mg ..g - 1BW of 17....estradiol for two weeks, the male fish can synthesize vitellogenin. The vitellogenin average content in E2 group was 690. 2 ng ..mL - 1 by ELISA, it was signif icant ly different from male control group( P < 0. 01) , whose average content was 10. 7 ng..mL - 1 , and it was also much higher than that of the female control group, who se average content was 285. 5 ng..mL - 1 . Compared w ith control male group, the Ca2 and plasma total protein content of the E2 exposed male group was increased signif icant ly. In control group, the Ca2 contents in plasma of male and female control groups were 1. 6 mmol..L- 1 and 1. 7 mmol..L- 1, respectively. After two..weeks treatment of E2, Ca2 content of male groups was 50% higher than that of male contro l group, which was 2. 3 mmol..L - 1 . The contents of total protein in the control male and female groups were 3253. 1 mg..L- 1 and 7071. 0 mg..L- 1, respectively. After two..weeks treatment of E2, the total protein content in plasma was 9616. 6 mg..L- 1, which is 3..folder higher than that of the control male group. So E2 not only can induce male goldf ish to synthesize vitellogenin but also can alter the physical index of f ish plasma.

    • Genetic analysis for Hucho taimen in Wusuli River with microsatellites

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (3176) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2395) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Hucho taimen, a kind of cold water fish, is mainly distributed in Huma branch of Heilongjiang River, upper reaches of Wusuli River and Hanasi Lake of Xingjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. In recent years, the number of its population extremely decreased due to environmental deterioration, intense capture and so on. In a word, this treasure species has been considered as one of the endangered species in China. So, it is very urgent for researchers to protect this f ish with effective methods as soon as possible. However, the f irst thing should be done is to learn about genetic diversity of its natural population, then, to take some valuable measures to restore its population. Now, molecular markers are very useful tools in estimation of germplasm resources, variety identification and preparation of genetic linkage map. 30 microsatellites derived from Oncorhynchus mykiss were obtained from nucleotide web sites and designed primers ( Primer 3. 0) by their flanking sequences, then applied to analyze the genetic diversity for Hucho taimen in Wusuli River by using PCR method. As a result, 10 microsatellite markers were amplified polymorphisms for genomic DNA of Hucho taimen, and of which 6 markers were assessed genetic diversity for 17 individuals. The PCR products were electrophoresed by 2% agarose gel, and the data like allelic frequencies and heterozygosities were calculated and analyzed by statistic method. As a consequence, the data showed that allelic frequency ranges from 0. 0455 to 0. 7857, PIC value ( polymorphism information content) from 0. 2801 to 0. 6351, and heterozygosity f rom 0. 3368 to 0. 6563. All of these indices indicated that genetic diversity of Hucho taimen was not inspiring at present. Therefore, considering the reduct ion of its populations, this research aimed at attracting much attention to protecting its genetic diversity. According to the findings, it is suggestted to enlarge its population naturally through artificially reproduced exiling. Meanwhile, make sure the size of effective breeding population more than 200 individuals, in order to avoid the occurrence of genetic / bottle neck0.

    • RAPD analysis of five geographic stocks of Fenneropenaeus chinensis

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (2084) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2128) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:RAPD ( random amplified polymorphic DNA ) was employed to detect the genet ic variat ion of Fenneropenaeus chinensis. Samples were collected from Liaodong Bay, Bohai Bay , Haizhou Bay, Rushan Bay and Haiyangdao) . Fourteen 10bp RAPD primers were used for DNA amplif icat ion and 19 samples of each stock were analysed. Totally 103 markers were detected in a range of 200- 2500bp. Percentage of polymorphic loci of each stock was from 31. 07% to 34. 95% and genetic diversity was from 0. 1056 to 0. 1192. Genetic distance between stocks was from 0. 0243 to 0. 0742 and the index of genetic diversity of the stock was 0. 2083, which indicated that stocks differentiated from each other genetically. Clustering of the stocks was analysed by UPGMA. The RAPD revealed that the overall genetic diversity of F . chinensis was low.

    • Cloning and sequence analysis of phylogenetic evolution of serum transferrin cDNA in Carassius auratus

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (2037) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2142) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Transferrin of f ish sera is a kind of non..heme ....globulin banding irons in fish sera. Transferrin has not only the property of lower oxygen tolerance but also the property of anti..diseases. Transferrin is coded by only one gene exceeding 10kb in size and it s gene has much repetition structure. The two pairs of primers P1, P4 and P2, P3 were designed and synthesized according to the banding and functional sites of irons while referring to published cDNA or gene sequences of f ish transferrins in the Database of GenBank. The reaction conditions of PCR are: fore.. denaturation, 96 .. , 4min; denaturation, 96 .. , 1min; annealing, 60 .. , 1min; extension, 72 .. , 2min; cycle number, 35; last extension, 72 .. , 10min. The pGEM..T vector system was used in cloning process. An 866bp length key segment sequence of crucian carp serum transferrin cDNA was cloned. Another two pairs of primers P5, P6 and P7, P8 were designed and synthesized according to the key segment sequence respectively. 5.. end ( 787 bp) , 3.. end ( 1081bp) and the full..length cDNA of crucian carp serum transferrin cDNA were cloned by RACE respectively. The full..length cDNA ( 2444 bp) of crucian carp serum transferrin cDNA was arranged in computer. The deduced protein sequence length is probably 807bp. The homology of cDNA sequences of 14 f ish serum transferrins was compared. Their homology is between 30% and 80%. The result shows that Cyprinidae fish ( such as Carassius auratus , C. gibelio, Cyprinus carpio, and Danio rerio ) has very close relat ive relationship. Their homology is more than 50% . At the same t ime, phylogenetic evolution was also analyzed. The evolut ional conservatism and amino acid sequence homology of fish serum transferrins were conf irmed. DNA Club, DNAman v4. 0, DNA Tool v5. 1 and BLAST v2. 0 were adopted in the process of nucleotide sequence analysis. The nucleotide sequence analysis offers even more direct evidence for the hypothesis that recent transferrin is from original transferrin banding single iron site, deriving from common ancestor of 5 .. 109 year ago and forming many branches of homology transferrins and homology analogs in different animals and different cells or tissues during a long evolutional process. Furthermore, the analogy of transferrin structure and function f rom different resources are based on the analogy of transferrin genes.

    • Pyrenoid ultrastructure and molecular localization of Rubisco and Rubisco activase in Enteromorpha clathrata

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (2005) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2237) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The pyrenoid ultrastructure, gold immunolocalization of Rubisco and Rubisco activase in chloroplast of Enteromorpha clathrata were studied in this paper. E. clathrata is a marine macroalga with rapid growth and mutiple pyreno ids. The ultrastructure studies showed that there were 1 - 2 pyrenoids with similar shape and component in the cells of E. clathrata. The pyrenoids were embedded by starch sheath. There was a portrait channel formed by a thylakoid through pyrenoid. Sometimes the portrait channel was enlarged in the middle of pyrenoid and was connected with the stroma of chloroplast at both channel ends. The Western blotting with antibody raised against Rubisco large subunit from Chlorella protothecoides showed there was only one protein band in the Western blotting map. The SDS-PAGE and Western blotting showed the molecular weight of Rubisco large subunit of E. clathrata was about 55kDa. Gold immunolocalization showed the gold particles with antibodies raised against the large subunit of Rubisco heavily concentrated the pyrenoid ( 71. 86% ) and starch sheath ( 27. 94%) , both totalling 99. 8% by area calculation, whereas the thylakoid region of the chloroplast was lightly labeled ( 0. 2% ) . Rubisco act ivases also were mainly distributed in the pyrenoid and starch sheath. All the results demonstrated pyrenoid and starch sheath were closely related with photosynthetic function. Furthermore, the result s of initial and total activity of Rubisco in E. clathrata determination of Rubisco showed its active ratio of Rubisco was as high as 77. 62% .

    • An immunocytochemical evidence for the presence of GnRH and GnRHR in the digestive system of two teleosts

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (2094) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2001) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By using the strept avidin biotin-peroxidase complex( SABC) immunocytochemical staining technique, the immunoreact ive endocrine cells in the esophagus, cardia, fundus ventriculi, pylorus, foregut, midgut, hindgut, pancreas and liver of oriental sheatfish( Silurus asotus ) and yellow catf ish( Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) were localized with 2 kinds of antisera-gonadotropin releasing hormone ( GnRH) and gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor( GnRHR) . The result showed that there was GnRH and GnRHR immunoreactive positive reaction in the esophagus, stomach, intestinum, membrana propria, nerve plexus in myenteron, pancreas and pancreatic island of S. asotus and in the digestive system of P. fulvidraco, and the immunoreactive positive reaction of GnRH and GnRHR was also found in all parts except in the esophagus and pancreatic island, and the distributive patterns of GnRH and GnRHR are similar. It is suggested that the GnRH in the gastrointestinal tract may participate in modulation the digestive function via autocrine or paracrine mechanism. It is demonstrated for the first time that there are GnRH and GnRHR immunoreactive endocrine cells in the digestive system of fishes. It provided new morphological basis for the research f ield of the functional diversity of GnRH.

    • Comparison of growth and survival between the self-fertilized and hybridized families in Argopecten irradians irradians

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (3319) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2414) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Hybridized families of bay scallop Argopecten irrandians irradians between Stock A and Stock B, which are separated from each other were established by using the pair mating and self..fertilized families were used as control groups at the spring of 2002. The experiments consisted of AA ( A .. .. A .. ) , BB( B .. .. B .. ) , AB( A .. .. B .. ) and BA ( B .. .. A .. ) groups. Heterosis is very clear. Growth and survival of the hybrid progeny are both improved. Considering growth, heterosis is 35. 34 % at larvae stage and 21. 17 % during grow out , respectively. The growth rate of the cross compared with the self..fertilized was improved 35. 53 % for AB and 35. 13 % for BA at larvae stage, and which was 43. 32 % for AB and 12. 34 % for BA during grow out. Considering survival, heterosis is 35. 17 % at larvae stage and 12. 34 % during grow out , respectively. The survival percentage of the cross compared with the self..fertilized was improved 25. 23 % for AB and 12. 36 % for BA at larvae stage, and which was improved 49. 44 % for AB and 21. 29 % for BA during grow out . The genet ic difference between Stock A and Stock B may be the success fundament of genetic improvement.

    • Study on the relations between aquatic ecofactors and health of Siniperca chuatsi

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (2092) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1949) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The article systemically studied the relations between healthy synthetical index of Siniperca chuatsi and six aquatic ecofactors by computer technology . The experiment was conducted from July to October at Guangdong Province in 2001. The total test area is 4. 72hm2 composed of 16 fish ponds. The samples were collected every two weeks at 8: 00- 9: 00am during the experiment . The aquatic ecofactors were determinated according to GB11607- 89 and GB3838- 88. Results show that the varied ranges of water temperature and pH are narrow, whereas those of other four aquatic ecofactors about dissolved oxygen, total ammonium, phosphate and nitrite are wide under natural breed conditions, The correlation coefficient of six aquatic ecofactors will help aquatic ecofactors to keep under control . Research suggests that Siniperca chuatsi healthy synthetical indexes have nonlinear relations with six aquatic ecofactors. Accuracy rate of forecast on the basis of the pattern was 89. 6% and standard deviation of fitting was 12. 1 if the third power of factors was adopted. Influence of six aquatic ecofactors on Siniperca chuatsi health index in sequence is PO4 3- > NO2 - > pH> DO> T> NH4 . The article discussed the accuracy rate of forecast of various range, and optimal range of aquatic ecofactors in culture was obtained on the pattern.

    • Effect of starvation and compensatory growth on feeding,growth and body biochemical composition in Acipenser schrenckii juveniles

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (2303) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2220) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The effect of starvation for different time and re..feeding on growth, feeding and body biochemical composition of Amur sturgeon juveniles( Acipenser schrenckii ) were investigated indoor under 22 .. 2 .. . The body weight and ratio of RNA/ DNA of f ish decreased with the increasing of starvation period. After being deprived of food for 7 days, 14 days or 21 days, body weight was signif icantly lower than that of fed fish ( P < 0. 01) . At the same time, protein, lipid and glycogen content of fish were lower, while ash and moisture content became higher of the starved group than that of the control. The liver glycogen and muscle glycogen content reduced mainly in the f irst week, and lipid and protein content reduced obviously in second and third week of food deprivat ion respectively . The results indicated that sturgeon juveniles mobilize energy f rom glycogen, lipid and protein in turn. Upon re..feeding, all the starved groups exhibited higher feed intake rates and specif ic growth rates than that of the control group. The ratio of RNA/ DNA of f ish deprived of food for 7 and 14 days reached or approximated to that of the control, while the ratio of RNA/ DNA of the testing f ish starved for 21 days was lower significantly compared to the control ( P < 0. 05) . After re..feeding for 30 days, there were no significant differences in body biochemical composition among four groups ( P > 0. 05) . The f ish deprived of food for 7 and 14 days were able to catch up with the control in body weight , while the fish weight of starving 21 days less than the control ( P < 0. 05) . It suggested that both complete and partial compensation is contributed somewhat by improvement feeding rate in Amur sturgeon.

    • Nutrient requirements for EPA and DHA by juvenile Paralichthys olivaceus

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (2069) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2152) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Juvenile Japanese f lounders were fed with purif ied diets containing different levels of eicosapentaenoic acid ( 20: 5n- 3; EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid ( 22: 6n- 3,DHA) to determine the effects of the both fatty acids on fish growth performance. Combining the growth data with the analysis of fatty acid composition of muscle and liver, it was indicated that the optimum requirement for EPA and DHA are 0. 5% and 1. 0% - 1. 5% , respectively. Under the conditions, the f ish fed with diet 5 and diet 6 showed highest growth rate, lowest muscle moisture and HI, higher muscle lipid content and highest EPA, DHA accumulation in the polar lipid fraction of the liver. However, in the non-po lar lipid fract ion of the liver and muscle, the compositions of fatty acid showed no signif icant difference between the groups. So the contents of polar lipid fraction could indicate the ef fects of n- 3 HUFA on fatty acid composition of f ish muscle, and EPA, DHA contents in the polar fraction were much higher than those of non-polar fraction. Either in liver or in muscle, the contents of 16: 0 and 18: 1n- 9 were quite high both in polar and non-polar lipid fraction. So the ratio of 18: 1n- 9 and n-s HUFA could determine if the diet EFA contents could meet the requirements. The ratio will reduce when fish grow s well, in the present experiment, the f ish fed diet 5 and diet 6 showed lowest 18: 1n- 9/ n- 3HUFA, they were 0. 62 and 0. 74, respect ively.

    • Observation on morphogenesis and cytopathology of a spherical virus found in Argopecten irradians

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (1983) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2045) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Bay scallop is one of the main culture species in China .But in recent years , a disease frequently occurred on cultured scallop , and led to a serious loss .In spring of 2001 , a mantle erosion disease of cultured scallop Argopecten irradians Lamarck broke out in Qingdao , Shangdong Province , which led to death of 50 % parent scallop .It was first found in indoor cultured parent scallop in March .From April to May , the scallop cultured in sea area took on the similar symptoms .With the rise of water temperature the death rate increased .The main clinic symptoms of diseased scallop are the erosion of the mantle , and visceral mass thin .To the serious ones , about 2/3 of the diseased scallop' s mantle ulcerated like glue-water , digestive diverticula became loose , gonad shrinked , adductor had no force to open or close , gills slightly ulcerated .Vivisecting the diseased scallop , fixing the mantle , gill , digestive diverticula , gonad and etc .in 2 .5 % glutaraldehyde , and post fixing in 1 % osmium tetroxide to prepare electron microscopy specimen .Two parasitic micro-organisms were found in diseased scallop by the transmission electron microscopy .The virus is mainly found in digestive diverticula epithelium and connective tissue cytoplasm.The present paper reports the morphology , morphogenesis and cytopathology of the spherical virus .The mature virus is approximately 150 -180nm in diameter and possess a bilaminal envelopes .The formation and multiplication process of the virus occurred in lysosome near the nucleus .In the beginning , the myeloid body was formed in lysosome , and with the process of the virus formation the layers of the myeloid body increased and formed polymorphological virogenic stromas .The proteinic crystal structure was found in the virogenic stroma , and is a regular square structure .It is the initial report on mussel in the world .At post development of the process , the myeloid body disappeared , and many virus particles were filled in lysosome .As a definite feature in cells infected by the virus , most organelles were damaged , e .g .the endoplasmic reticulum was swelling and a lot of ribosomes detaching from it .The mitochondria was swelling , deforming and the crest were dissolving .The nuclear membranes were swelling or dissolving , and the amount of lysosome increased .No virus but many Chlamydia-like organisms were found in the epithelial cells of mantle and gonad .The result of observation showed that the virus and the Chlamydia-like organisms were correlated with the disease of scallop .

    • The pathogeny of ulcer disease in Epinephlus awoara

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (3612) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2199) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The summer of 2002 was hot and dry in Xiamen, and the seawater salinity was higher than usual, sometimes reaching 38 in Tongan Bay. From the end of May , ulcer disease occured on a large scale in Tongan Bay. In the middle of June, a heavy rain brought about high mortality among the cultured groupers, which caused serious loss. The characteristics of ulcer disease were observed. Infected groupers displayed sluggish swimming and refused feeding, several days later, the groupers.. eyes swelled and became ulcerated, the tail turned red, the scales became detached and the back muscle gradually ulcerated, then the eyes even dropped out and the muscle became so necrotic that the spine was exposed, finally the diseased f ishes died. Anatomized the dead fish and found that the livers and gills were pale and the gallbladder was distended. The time course f rom appearance of disease signs to death lasted about a week. Dominant bacteria, which were Gram-negative and seen short rod w ith single polar f lagellum under electron microscope, were isolated and designated TS-628. In artif ical infection test all f ish of the experimental group died on the third day after injected with bacterial suspension, while all the fish in control group showed no signs till the end of another week observation. The dead grouper had pale livers and gills and small ulcerations on the caudal fin and anal fins. These were the same signs as the natural infected f ishes. The re-isolate also had the same characteristics as TS-628, which proved the isolate TS-628 was the pathogenic bacteria that triggered this ulcer disease. Different methods were used to ident ify the pathogenic bacteria in this study. The identification result through VITEK-AMS system GNI card was that TS-628 was Burkholderia mallei , with 99% reliability. While traditional biochemical identification revealed that TS-628 exhibited relatedness to Vibrio harveyi through comparison with Bergey.. s Manual Determinat ive Bacteriology. In order to confirm absolutely different results above, further researches were carried out to identify TS-628 again. So 471bp sequence of TS-62816S rRNA gene was amplify and compared with all DNA sequences ( 1192858 in total ) in genebank ( GenBank EMBL DDBJ PDB) , homology analyses showed that 16 sequences were picked out to have the highest similarity , with 98% identity. These 16 sequences all originated from vibrio, 8 of them didn.. t mention specific names, 6 of them were V. harveyi and 2 of them were V. carchiariae which also belongs to harveyi because their similarity in physio logical and biological characteristics and DNA homology. According to morphological features, physiological and biochemical characteristics and 16S rRNA gene homology comparison of the bacteria, the pathogenic bacteria were V. harveyi . Drug sensitivity test showed that the pathogenic bacteria were highly sensitive to chloramphenicol, actinospectcin etc. V. harveyi is a kind of pathogenic bacterium commonly found in marine-fishes culture, but this is the f irst time that V. harveyi is reported as the pathogenic bacteria of cage-cultured grouper in China. And V. harveyi should be regarded as an opportunistic pathogen which has close relat ion to temperature and salinity and easily causes vibriosis under conditions of high temperatures and drought. Therefore, it is necessary to guard against V. harveyi vibriosis in such summer days.

    • Fishing capacity of light-purse seine in Fujian Province

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (2304) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2144) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the fisheries stat istical data issued by the relevant authorities in Fujian Province, both methods, the peak to peak( PTP) and the data envelopment analysis( DEA) , were debuted to assess the fishing capacity and the capacity utilization of light..purse seines( LPS) in Fujian. The results showed that the capacity of LPS was not sufficiently utilized in the past years, but the trend of PTP techno logy showed that the fishing techno logy of LPS was becoming more and more efficient during that period. The DEA method was also applied to estimate the capacity and capacity utilization of LPS which was operated in the Minnan..Taiwan Shoal Fishing Ground( MTSFG) during the past 13 years, the results of which indicated the average capacity utilization being 79. 9% and the f ishing capacity of LPS being not sufficient in the Ground too. The number of f ishing days was one of major factors affecting the f ishing capacity of LPS in the Ground. Moreover, the authors also applied the DEA method to assess the capacity and capacity utilization of LPS in Hui..an County. The results showed that the utilization of LPS was 84. 4% in 2001 and 95. 7% in 2002. The major factors affecting the fishing capacity of LPS were included the light equipment for f ish attraction, the number of fishing days spent in a year, the engine power operated and the gross tonnage of f ishing boats involved. However, other factors such as the gear size, the number of crew and the auxiliary engine power need to be provided properly .

    • Hydrodynamic characteristics of vertical V type otter board

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (1980) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1967) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This study inspected the effects of main structure parameters of otter board on the hydrodynamic characteristics of vertical V type otter board by the orthogonal design and appending the simulated sea bottom, based on the test of model in the wind tunnel .The test results indicated as follows :1 .one of the most important factors to influence the hydrodynamic characteristics of otter board was dihedral angle , followed by aspect ratio and sweepback angle .When the curvature on surface of otter board is 14 %, the dihedral angle of the optimal match was 12?, aspect ratio was 1 .60 and sweepback angle was 10?.The lift coefficient was 1 .68 and higher than tested other boards when attack angle was 25?and 28?.2 .the critical angle of attack of the optimized otter board is reduced from 28?to 25?after appending the simulated sea bottom.It was obvious that the attack angle of vertical V type otter board on bottom was less than that in middle water .3 .the lift coefficient of the optimized otter board was obviously raised in the range of the commonly used attack angle after appending the simulated sea bottom. Meanwhile the lift to drag ratio also rose slightly .However , the lift to drag ratio held the line at attack angle of 20?.4 .in the front of the critical attack angle the moment coefficient of the optimized otter board rose slightly after appending the simulated sea bottom and it was favorable for the stabilization of otter board in practical operation .

    • Previous assessment of ecological environment in the Zhoushan Fishing Ground being put the artificial reef into

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (2063) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2074) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the relevant literature and findings date of marine living things and marine hydrological environment in the water out of Zhujiajian, Zhoushan Fishing Ground where the artificial reef put into f rom June to July in 2002, detailed analysis and research have been carried out on marine physics and chemistry factors, marine biological varieties, quant itative distribution, community structure features in the waters out of Zhujiajian to assess whether this area would fit for artificial reef or not. The conclusion shows the waters out of Zhujiajian is at the waters where Changjiang, Qiantangjiang, Yongjiang join ocean. Plenty runof f makes the water fertile, biological baits rich, water turbidity low and transparence high. The depth of water is 14- 19m, the bottom type is powder and grit clay, the kinds and quantities of plankton and benthon are many, the variations of temperature and salinity is clear as the seasons change. Most indexes of the water are up to the government standards of the First and Second water. The water is f it for the coastal reef fish such as Epinephelus drummondhayi , Sebastiscus marmoratus , Lateolabrax japonicus to live. The fishery resource was rich in the history, with no emission of wasted water, and did not make heavy pollution. So this area is the good water to put into artificial reef .

    • Suppression subtractive hybridization and its application to fish gene cloning

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (2095) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2292) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:There are 10 percent to 15 percent genes expression in certain cells during the life time of f ishes like other vertebrates. The genes were different at different development stage, under different physiological conditions, and in different kinds of cells. So comparing the differences of gene expression in different cells can help us understand the genetic nature of phenotypic dif ferences, and understand the basic information of life period, and f ind the genes in relation to development and diseases, and f inally benefit mankind. Several methods were developed to clone differential expression gene in recent years. They are subtractive hybridizat ion ( SH) , differential display ( DD) , representional dif ference analysis (RDA) , and so on. These methods all have postive influences on cloning special genes, but they all have some defects, such as higher false..positive, lower replication, lower sensitive and diff iculty to manipulate. Suppression subtract ive hybridization ( SSH) was developed by Diatchenko et al in 1996. SSH was based on suppression PCR and combines normalization and subtraction in a single procedure. It is a more effective and convenient method than all others mentioned above. The principle and the rules of manipulation of SSH in detail was illuminated and the novel genes cloned by SSH was listed. They are immune related genes and reproduction and development related genes. The reproduction and development related genes are as follows: ZP3, Cyclin A2, CB102, YA2, FSTRAP. The immune related genes are as follows: NKEF( natural killer enhancing factor ) , CC chemokine, CXCR1, CXCR2, CXCR4, AIF..1( allograft inf lammatory factor..1) , IL..1..( inteleukin..1) , Fc..RI..( .. submit of high aff inity Fc receptor for IgE) , SSA( serum amyloid A) , LECT2( leucocyte cell..derived hemotaxin 2) , GMF..( glia maturation factor..) , CD45, Lysozyme C, PBEF ( Pre..B cell enhancing factor) , C..type lectin, PTX( Pentraxin) , IL..1RII, IL..8..like CXC chemokine, TF( tissue factor) , trout chemokine 2, TNF decoy receptor, M17. Some subtracted cDNA libraries were also built by SSH method.

    • Progress of phage antibody library technique and its application prospect in aquaculture

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (1670) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3031) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Phage display antibody library has been proven to be a powerful technique used in development of ant ibodies. Since it was established in 1990, the technology has made enormous improvement and played more and more important role in basic research of biology, immunology, oncology, protein engineering, ligand-receptor studies and proteomics among others in last two decades while there is no report about the application of it in aquaculture so far. It is a success implication of phage display technique in antibody engineering in which antibodies or antibody f ragments are displayed on the surface of filamentous bacteriophage by genetic fusion to a coat protein of phage. Cooperating w ith the effective screening technique, aff inity panning, these form the principle of phage display ant ibody library. The most characteristic of it is a direct physical link between phenotype and genotype. So, the technology makes it practicable to improve characteristic of selected antibodies by genetic manipulation. In the present work, the background, principle and advantages of the powerful tool over traditional hybridroma technolgy are summarized. In addition, several key problems possible to face in the course of application of the technology, including improving the diversity of library , augmentation of library size, generation of high aff inity antibody and effective screening of specif ic antibody were dissertated. At last the possible implication prospect of phage display ant ibody technique in aquaculture was discussed, especially in elucidating the immune system of fish and producing large amount ant ibodies with important diagnost ic and therapeutic value in fish diseases.

    • Genetic diversity of three geographical populations of Pagrosomus major revealed by RAPD analysis

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (1919) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1985) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Random amplif ied polymorphic DNA ( RAPD) technique was applied to assess the genetic variations among inter- and intra-population of three wild stocks( 24 individuals) in Red Sea Bream from Jiaozhou Gulf (Qingdao ) , Taiwan Strait ( Xiamen) and Beibu Gulf ( Hainan) . Under predetermined optimal reaction conditions, amplifications w ith 31 random primers selected from 60 gave 216 reproducible and stable fragments ranging f rom 200 to 2500bp. There were 176 polymorphic fragment s. Based on the RAPD data, the genetic distances of intrapopulat ion for Jiaozhou Gulf , Taiwan Strait and Beibu Gulf wild stocks were 0. 1350, 0. 1056, and 0. 1151, and similarit ies were 0. 8650, 0. 8944, and 0. 8849. The genet ic distances of interpopulation were 0. 1645, 0. 1413, and 0. 1073. The maximum occurred between Jiaozhou Gulf and Beibu Gulf , the minimum did between Taiwan Strait and Beibu Gulf . This showed there were high genet ic diversity among inter- and intrapopulation. With the methods of UPGMA and NJ in MEGA2. 1 on the basis of genetic distances, the results showed the populations of Taiwan Strait and Beibu Gulf assembled one branch first , then did Jiaozhou Gulf. Both results were accordant .

    • Morphological variations and discriminant analysis of different geographical populations of Tegillarca granosa

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (3391) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2201) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on nine morphological characters of populat ions of Tegillarca granosa from Guangxi, Zhejiang, Shandong , of China and Lishui, Korea, multivariate morphometrics was used to invest igate their morphological variations among the four different geographical populations. ANOVA indicated that four populations showed signif icant morphological variations respect ively ( P < 0. 01) . In the result of principal component analysis, two principal components ( PC) were constructed by factor loading, in which the first principal component ( PC1) was affected by shell width, shell height and shell moisture weight, and the PC2 was affected by hinge tooth, and the contributory ratios of two PC were 41. 02% and 20. 41%, respectively. The results of principal component analysis and cluster analysis revealed that the morphological characters of Tegillraca granosa from Zhejiang population and Shandong population were similar. The discriminant functions of four populations were established, and the discriminant accuracy was 90. 80%, 80. 89%, 71. 76% , and 97. 46% respectively, so the average discriminant accuracy was 86. 23%.

    • Effects of different food composition and feeding regimes on growth and reproduction of Moina mongolica Daday

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (1970) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2125) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract::A laboratory experiment was carried out to evaluate effects of different food composition and feeding regimes on growth and reproduction of Moina mongolica Daday .Three food composition (1 ?106cells ?mL -1 Chlorella sp . 2 ?10 -5g?mL -1 baker' s yeast , 1 .5 ?106 cells?mL -1 Chlorella sp . 1 .5 ?10 -5g?mL -1 baker' s yeast , 2 ?10 6 cells?mL -1 Chlorella sp . 1 .0 ?10 -5 g?mL -1 baker' s yeast)and two feeding regimes (feeding the M .mongolica mixture of Chlorella sp .and baker' s yeast everyday , or Chlorella sp .and baker' s yeast alternately )were examined in the experiment .There were no significant differences in increment of body length , age at maturity , intervals between broods , brood number , brood size and total reproductive output between the M . mongolica fed with different mixed food using same feeding regimes .Lower daily reproductive output , however , was observed in the individuals fed mixed food containing 1 .0 ?106 cells?mL -1 Chlorella sp .and 2 ?10 -5g?mL -1 baker' s yeast .When fed the mixed food with same composition , the M .mongolica that were fed mixture of Chlorella sp .and baker' s yeast daily did not exhibit significantly different growth and reproduction performances compared to the individuals fed Chlorella sp .and baker' s yeast alternately .The results suggest the mixture of 1 .5 ?106cells?mL -1 Chlorella sp . 1 .0 ?10 -5 g?mL -1 baker' s yeast is a nutritionally adequate food item for M . mongolica , and flexible feeding regime , feeding the animal either with mixture of Chlorella sp .and baker' s yeast daily or with Chlorella sp .and baker' s yeast alternately , can be used in commercial production of M .mongolica .

    • Transplant of Oncorhynchus in Dayang River of the Yellow Sea northern shore

      2004, 28(3).

      Abstract (2014) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2078) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the salmon. s ( Oncorhynchus) biological character of return to its hatching river, adopt ing the method of transplant and releasing, 9 839 000 eyed eggs of the salmon were introduced ( Oncorhynchus keta, O. gorbuscha, O. kisutch, O. masou) from Japan, total 8 409 000 juvenile f ish was hatched and cultivated for 11 years running from 1985 to 1996. total 127 returning and mature salmons were collected from 1987 to 1995. It proved that the salmon could exist in the Yellow Sea area and return to its releasing river.

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