• Volume 28,Issue 2,2004 Table of Contents
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    • >PAPERS
    • The mechanism of estradiol-17 β inducing female sex differientiation in Mugil cephalus

      2004, 28(2).

      Abstract (2091) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2222) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In situ hybridization and immunocytochemical techniques for aromatase localizat ion in each region of brain and gonads in the experimental group( treated with 17B-E2 diet) and control group ( w ithout E2 treatment ) of young grey mullet s were carried out. The results show that aromatase transcript and specific protein were abundant in the telencephalon ( olfactory bulb and cerebrum) , dienecephalon, mesencephalon and cerebelli of young grey mullets. The distributive density of aromatase immunoreact ive cells in each region of brain had obvious dif ference in the sex undifferent iated period between experimental group and control group. In olfactory bulb, the distributive density of aromatase immunoreactive cells in the contro l group was higher than that in experimental group, but the density of positive cells in the dienecephalon, mesencephalon, and cerebelli in the experimental group were about 1- 3 times higher than that in the control group, and the density of aromatase immunoreactive cells showed dominance in the preoptic area of hypothalamus, especially. This suggests that aromatase may play a key role in the sex different iation of young grey mullets. In addition, after sex differentiation aromatase immunoreactivity was localized in the granular cells of ovary and Leydig cells and Sertoli cells of testis. At the same t ime, aromatase immunopositive substance also distributed in the germ cells of ovary and testis. These results revealed that the mechanism of 17 B-E2 inducing feminization may be mediated by aromatase. The study will provide for the first time a new proof . Finally , the physiological role of aromatase in the gonadal development was discussed in the paper.

    • Analysis of genetic variations of five populations in Trionyx sinensis by RAPD

      2004, 28(2).

      Abstract (1864) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2103) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:RAPD was conducted to analyse the genetic variations of five populations in Trionyx sinensis ) Yellow River population, Huai River population, Dongting Lake populat ion, Poyang Lake population and Taihu Lake population, w ith 30 po lymorphic 10-based random primers selected from 97 ones. The major results indicated that the genetic diversity of the five populations in T . sinensis was rich. They were: ( 1) 341 bands were detected and 234 of them were polymorphic, accounted for 68. 6%. Two primers could amplify distinctive bands among the f ive populations. The appeared frequency of 1408bp band amplif ied by primer S105 was 20% in the Yellow River population, but it was 80%~ 90% in the other four populations. The range of appeared frequency of 438bp band amplified by primer S37 in the five populations was: Yellow River population 85% > Huai River population 65% > Dongting Lake population 55% > Poyang Lake population 40% > Taihu Lake population 20% , which indicated a genetic decline from Yellow River to Huai River, from middle reaches of Yangtze River to its lower reaches; ( 2) The range of proportion of polymorphic loci was: Taihu Lake population 59. 25% > Dongting Lake population 56. 52% > Poyang Lake population 55. 80% > Huai River population 55. 03% > Yellow River population 54. 43%, and there was no signif icant difference among the five populations( F= 0. 644< F0. 05; 4, 145 = 2. 45) . The genet ic diversity index ( P) was 0. 3644~ 0. 3833 in the populations; ( 3) The average genet ic similarity index within each population ranked as Huai River population 0. 782 > Yellow River population 0. 771 > Poyang Lake population 0. 768 > Dongting Lake population 0. 750 > Taihu Lake populat ion 0. 722. There was significant dif ference between Taihu Lake populat ion and Yellow River population,Huai River population and Poyang Lake populat ion( P < 0. 05) ; ( 4) The results of analysis of molecular variance( AMOVA) showed that there was signif icantly genetic breaking up between Yellow River population and Huai River population,Dongting Lake population, Poyang Lake population respectively, also between Taihu Lake population and Yellow River population, Huai River populat ion respectively ( P < 0. 001) ; ( 5) Yellow River and Huai River population, Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake population clustered f irst respectively, then they clustered with Taihu lake population by UPGMA and NJ method according to their genetic distances, which indicated that there was an obvious divergence between Taihu Lake population and the other four populations.

    • The influence of parental stock size on the genetic structure of Haliotis discus

      2004, 28(2).

      Abstract (1938) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2071) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to reveal the influence of stock size on the genetic structure of f ilial populations, two groups of Haliotis discus hannai ( SS with small number of parents, LS with large number of parents) were analyzed using AFLP( amplif ied fragment length polymorphism) markers. It was found the total number of loci in SS was less than that in LS and some rare loci of LS were lost in SS, Furthermore, the number of low-frequency loci increased, and high-frequency loci slightly decreased in SS compared w ith LS. The similarity was lower and heterozygosity was higher in SS than in LS. In order to prove above results, another two groups ( SH, LH) were also analyzed, which were hybrids of H . discus hannai @ H . discus discus. The trends of loci number, loci f requency, similarity and heterozygote in SH and LH were similar to SS and LS. Both results revealed small parental stock size could result in the loss of low-frequency loci and cause low-frequency loci to drift to highf requency loci, and extremely small stock size could result in temporal increase of heterozygosity.

    • Induction of androgenesis in Chlamys farreri by ultraviolet irradiation

      2004, 28(2).

      Abstract (2065) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1908) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Androgenesis is defined as all2paternal inheritance. Viable androgenetic diploids can be generated by inhibiting the first cleavage to double paternally derived chromosomes ,after fertilization of genetically inactivated eggs with normal sperm. It is a technique that could facilitate the production of completely homozygous isogenic lines, examine sex determination, make genetic analysis, and protect endangered species. Gamma and X2rays inactivation are the usual methods used to inactivate egg nuclei. However, since special facilities are required to manage radioactivity safety, these methods are not practical for routine induction of androgenesis. In many fish species, efficient procedures of genetically inactivating eggs and restoring diploidy have been studied and achievements of successful diploid androgenesis were reported. In contrast , in mollusks , there were only a few reports of cytobiological studies on one species of spontaneous androgenetic Corbicula leana , artificial induction of androgenesis has rarely been studied. Chlamys f arreri is a main cultured mollusk species in China , as well as an important object of study in mollusk breeding science. In this study , optimum conditions of ultraviolet (UV) ray irradiation for genetic inactivation of eggs were examined to develop simple and safe techniques to induce haploid androgenesis in C. f arreri . Mature cultured C. f arreri were collected locally in late March and early May from the coast of Weihai , Shandong. Eggs and sperm were obtained by artificially inducing spawning with the stimulations of dryness and raising water temperature from 16 to 20?C. Discharged eggs were collected by suction and rinsed in filtered seawater several times. Suspensions of sperm and egg were prepared at concentrations of 1. 0 ?106 sperm per mL and 1. 0 ?104 egg per mL by dilution with filtered seawater. Egg suspension (4 mL ) was spread on a plastic Petri dish and treated with the UV rays (254 nm) at intensity of 2. 8 mW?cm -2 ?s-1for 0, 5, 10 ,15 ,20 ,25 ,30 ,35 ,40 ,45 ,50 ,60 ,or 70 s. Onthecompletionofirradiation,eggsuspensionwasmixed -20 ℃. recorded and samples of with normal sperm (0. 5 mL ) and transferred to group were The fertilization rate was a baker for culture at temperature of 19 During the culture, the fertilization and development rates of each the larvae (trochophores) were collected to determine the ploidy of embryos. The result showed that the ultraviolet ray was effective for inactivating egg chromosomes. relatively high (60. 2 %) and the developmental rate became zero when eggs were irradiated for haploid was the highest (49. 2 %) . 20 s at UV intensity of 2. 8 mW?cm -2 ?s -1and mixed with normal sperm. The results of chromosome observation showed that under this condition the rate of This result indicated that irradiation for 20 s at UV intensity of 2. 8 mW? cm -2?s -1 was the optimum dose to achieve haploid androgenesis in this kind of scallop. The fertilization rate decreased with increasing irradiation time. This is probably because with the increasing of irradiation dose , the degree of damage of some important factors that control the fertilization potency of eggs and the development of embryos increased. It was also observed that the development of D2shaped larvae decreased with increasing irradiation time , and the development of the genetically inactivated eggs fertilized with the normal sperm terminated before reaching the D2shaped stage. Aneuploids were found in this study. Because ultraviolet irradiation is known to cause pyrimidine dimerization in the DNA helix , which prevents the replication of genome , the occurrence of these aneuploids is probably attributed to different degrees of maternal chromosomal inactivation by UV irradiation and/ or DNA repair.

    • The effect of crowding stress on non-specific immune functions of Ctenopharyngodon idellus

      2004, 28(2).

      Abstract (2234) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2455) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Under laboratory conditions , the effect of crowding stress on the non2specific immune system and the resistance to fish pathogenic bacterial infection of grass carp ( Ctenopharyngodon idellus) was investigated. We made an inter2group difference by feeding grass carp ( C. idellus) in different densities and time to simulate the crowding stress encountered by aquaculture fish. After stress of 7 , 14 , 30 , 60 days , fish were sampled to examine their immune indexes. The results indicated that the lysozyme activity in serum of high density group (HG) increased after stress and reached a maximum on 14th day , then decreased over time. Plasma bactericidal activity reduced sharply when density increased. Leucocrit value did not show a significant difference among all groups , but phagocytic activity of macrophages from head kidney after crowding stress of 30 and 60 days showed a difference between HG and control group (CG) ( P < 0. 05) . After 60 days stress , fish in each group were challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila by intraperitoneal injection. Mortality rate of HG was 75. 0 % , middle density group (MG) 63. 6 % and control group only 25. 0 %. At the same sampling time , spleen weight indexes of both HG and MG were much lower than CG ( P < 0. 01) . Additionally , cortisol concentration in serum of all experimental groups came to their maximum values at the beginning of the stress , then dropped and recovered to normal level at the end of experiment .

    • Development and differentiation of gametophytic blade cells in Porphyra yezoensis Ueda

      2004, 28(2).

      Abstract (2113) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2221) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:From the gametophytic blades of Porphyra yezoensis Ueda which developed from conchospores and aged 10 to 80 days by culturing in the laboratory, the single cell were enzymatically isolated and regenerated into plants showing ten developmental types, such as normal blades, abnormal blades, cell2masses, sexual cell2masses and others. They did not only have the different morphological and structural features, but also were different in cell size and cell arrangement, monospore2release and their final developmental results. When the single cell were isolated from the mother blades in different ages, the numbers and the percentages of their developmental types were different, respectively. When the age of the mother blades increased from 10 to 30 days, among the plants regenerated from the single cell, only a few of cell2masses appeared, and the percentages of the normal blades and abnormal blades with rhizoids sharply decreased, but the percentage of the abnormal blades without rhizoids increased. When the mother blades aged more than 40 days, among the plants regenerated from the single cells, the normal blades did not appear, and the percentages of the abnormal blades without rhizoids also sharply decreased in addition to the significant increase of cell2masses, and the percentages of both spermatangia and caposporangia gradually increased with the increase of the ages of mother blades. When the single cells were isolated from different parts of a long blade, among the regenerated plants from them, the percentages of both normal and abnormal blades significantly decreased, but with increasing of percentage of the cell2masses. These results suggested that the single cell isolated from the gametophytic blade of P. yezoensis regenerated into different types of plants in vitro are attributed to the difference of the differentiation stages of the cells in vivo. The differentiation period of the gametophytic blade cells from the conchospore cell to sexual cell, can at least be divided into eight differentiation stages.

    • Studies on the nutritional requirement of vitamin D for Haliotis discus hannai Ino

      2004, 28(2).

      Abstract (1782) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1934) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This feeding experiment was conducted to determine the nutritional requirements of the juvenile abalone (Haliotis discus hannai Ino ) for fa-t soluble vitamin D. The casein-gelatin-based diet containing seven graded levels of vitamin D was fed to the animals for 103 days. The red alga, Palmaria palmate, was used as a control diet . The results were summarized as follows: Moisture, lipid, protein content s of soft body and abalone growth were markedly af fected by the supplemental levels of dietary vitamin D, but the survival rate remained unaf fected. The progressive increase in alkaline phosphatase activity of the soft body reached a maximum value at an optimal dietary vitamin D level; however, excessive level of dietary vitamin D decreased its activity. Ash content, calcium and phosphorus composition of the shell were greatly affected by the vitamin D supplemented levels. Taking into considerat ion the weight, protein gain and alkaline phosphatase activity, it is proposed that the requirement of juvenile abalone for vitamin D is about 100IU per 100g diet.

    • Effects of water temperature and salinity on energy budget of Penaeus vannamei juveniles

      2004, 28(2).

      Abstract (2453) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2668) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Components of energy budgets of Pacific white shrimp( Penaeus vannamei ) juveniles with body length of 4. 5- 5. 0 cm fed on Limnodrilus sp. were measured at different water temperatures ( 20- 23 .. , 25 .. , 30 .. or 33 .. ) ) and salinities( 5, 15 or 25) by an experimental ecological method to improve husbandry for shrimp culture. The result s indicated that there were decrease in assimilation efficiency and increase in energy conversion efficiency with salinity increment within the range of 5- 25. At 5, there were the highest K1( 29. 02%) and the lowest assimilation eff iciency ( 77. 89% ) by the juveniles. The ef fect of salinity on assimilation eff iciency was dependent on respiration energy and compensative mechanism. There was an increase in specific growth rate ( y ) of the shrimp with water temperature ( X , .. ) increment as the fo llowing equation: y= 0. 0168lnX 0. 0831 ( R 2 = 0. 9324) . Better growth at high temperature is attributed to the high food consumption, high absorption and less feces. At the same water temperature, the shrimp has higher food consumption at fluctuated water temperature than at constant water temperature.

    • The contribution of size fractionated algae to biomass and primary production of phytoplankton in rotifer culturing ponds

      2004, 28(2).

      Abstract (2169) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2107) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Primary productivity , biomass and chlorophyll2a of size fractionated phytoplankton ( < 0. 2μm, <2μm and < 200 μm) were estimated in three ponds. The ratio of the concentrations of chlorophyll2a of the phytoplankton to the total chlorophyll2a in the corresponding size of pico2 (<2μm) , nano2 (2220μm) and micro2 (202200μm) in the experimental ponds 14 was 3. 7 % , 82. 9 % and 13. 4 % , respectively. The ratio of the production of size fractionated phytoplankton to the total phytoplankton production corresponding to pico2, nano2 and micro2algae were 13. 6 % , 66 % and 20. 4 % , respectively. The ratio of the concentrations of chlorophyll2a of the phytoplankton to the total chlorophyll2a in the corresponding size of pico2 (<2μm) , nano2 (2-20μm) and micro2 (20 -200μm) in the experimental ponds 11 was 4. 5 % , 16. 1 % and 79. 4 % , respectively. The ratio of the production of size fractionated phytoplankton to the total phytoplankton production corresponding to pico2,nano2 and micro2 algae was 9. 0 % , 78. 9 % and 12. 1 % , respectively. The ratio of the concentrations of chlorophyll2a of the phytoplankton to the total chlorophyll2a in the corresponding size of pico2, nano2and micro2 algae in the experimental ponds 15 was 4. 7 % , 22. 3 % and 73. 0 % , respectively. The ratio of the production of size fractionated phytoplankton to the total phytoplankton production corresponding to pico2, nano2 and micro2 algae was 12. 4 % , 60. 8 % and 27. 8 % , respectively. Nano2algae are important producers in rotifer culturing ponds ecosystems.

    • Partial replacement of fish meal by soybean protein in diets for grouper Epinephelus coioides juveniles

      2004, 28(2).

      Abstract (3654) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2531) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A 562day feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the potential of replacing white fish meal (WFM) with fermented soybean meal ( FSBM ) and soybean meal ( SBM ) in experimental diets for juvenile grouper Epinephelus coioides of initial weight 9. 4 ?0. 1g. Six The control diet (diet 5) contained 68 % of WFM as a sole (1. 5m ?1misonitrogenous diets were formulated to contain 52 % proteinand 12 %lipid. WFMwasreplacedbyFSBMatfourinclusionlevelsof 28 %, 21 %, 14 %and 7%(diets 124) . SBM was tested at one level of 20 % (diet 6) . protein source. Grouper juveniles were cultured in the floating net2cages ?1. 5m) and fed to satiation once daily. Weight growth (WG) and special growth ratio (SGR) were maximized when fish were fed with a combination of diet containing 14 % FSBM and the control diet , respectively. Feeding efficiency (FE) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) decreased with increasing inclusion of FSBM. whole body composition, HSI and VSI. 7 % FSBM and 63 % WFM but they were not significantly different from fish fed with the FSBM and SBM substitutes had no significant effect on At the same inclusion level , fish fed the diets containing 21 % FSBM had higher growth , FE and PER than fish fed the 20 % SBM diets , indicating that FSBM was a kind of better protein source for fish growth than SBM. Based on broken2line regression analysis of WG ( WG versus replacementlevelof WFMwithFSBM),10 %of WFMcanbereplacedbyFSBMwithnoeffectongrowth, FE, PER and body composition of Epinephelus coioides.

    • Cloning and sequence analysis of the coat protein gene of nervous necrosis virus in Epinephelus coioides

      2004, 28(2).

      Abstract (2111) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2184) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The nodaviridae , which include two genera : alphanodavirus and betanodavirus , are a family of small , isometric and non2enveloped RNA viruses. Alphanodaviruses primarily infect insects and betanodaviruses infect fish. Their genomes , which are among the smallest known for animal viruses , consist of two co2encapsidated positive2sense RNA segments : RNA1 encodes the RNA2dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) which replicates the viral genomes , while RNA2 encodes a precursor to the coat protein. Based on the coat protein sequence , betanodaviruses are categorized into four different genotypes : TPNNV (tiger puffer nervous necrosis virus ) , SJNNV (stripedjack nervous necrosis virus ),BFNNV (barfinflounder nervous necrosis virus ),RGNNV (red2 spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus ) . Orange2spotted grouper ( Epinephelus coioides) nervous necrosis virus (OGNNV) is the causative agent of viral nervous necrosis (VNN) in larval and juvenal orange2spotted grouper fish. In this study , total RNA was extracted from the head of orange2spotted grouper infected with VNN. A pair of primers were designed according to the homogenus gene sequences , which have been submitted to GeneBank , from other fish nervous necrosis virus (NNV) . The forward (sense) primer contained Sac Ⅰsite and the reverse (antisense) primer contained Hind Ⅲsites. One target fragment was amplified by means of reverse2transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT2PCR) . After digestion with Sac Ⅰ and Hand Ⅲ, the RT2PCR products were ligated into the pET32 plasmid vector and transformed into E. coli BL21. The RT2PCR product and recombinant plasmid were sequenced , respectively. The coat protein gene of OGNNV was 1017 bases , encoded a protein of 338 amino acid with molecular mass of 37059. 88 da , and with isoelectric point (IP) of 8. 87. The sequence of the coat protein gene from OGNNV was submitted to GeneBank and the accession number was AF534998. The nucleotide sequence of the coat protein gene from OGNNV was aligned with four betanodaviruses : SJNNV , TPNNV,RGNNV,BFNNV and one alphanodavirus: BBV (Black beetle virus ). Analyses indicated that the nucleotide length of the coat protein gene from OGNNV was six bases shorter than SJNNV and TPNNV , and that the length of encoded protein was 2 aa shorter than SJNNV and TPNNV , and that the length of nucleotide sequence and encoded protein was the same as RGNNV and BFNNV. The sequence similarities between the coat at nucleotide proteingenefromOGNNVandfourfishnodaviruses of 22 % with (SJNNV,TPNNV,RGNNV,BFNNV) was 76 % ,76 % , 81.4% and 99 %, respectively. The coat protein gene from OGNNV had the highest identity of 99 % with RGNNV at nucleotide level , and had low identity BBV level . Phylogenetic comparisons of OGNNV were performed against five nodaviruses. Analyses showed that the coat protein sequence related to BBV. Neutralization epitope analysis revealed that OGNNV completely preserved in RGNNV genotype , at aa 254 -256 with RGNNV. of OGNNV was closely related to four fish nodaviruses , and was most closely related to RGNNV , but was not shared the same PDG, which was These results suggested that OGNNV belonged to RGNNV genotype , but was different from insect nodaviruses.

    • Comparison of the immune defense functions in different farming groups of Haliotis diversicolor supertexta

      2004, 28(2).

      Abstract (2071) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2013) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this article, the immune functions were discussed in three different groups of the abalone, Haliotis diversicolor supertexta, and the results showed that they had a clear difference both in cellular immunity and humoral immunity functions. The degrees of cellular immunity funct ions and humoral immunity funct ions of the rejuvenative abalones were higher obviously than that of the degenerative abalones. Comparing with the wild group of abalones, the rejuvenative abalones had some higher degrees in cellular immunity functions, and obviously lower degrees in humoral immunity funct ions. With phagocytosis the hemocytes of the abalones had a respiratory burst and then turned out reactive oxygen intermediate species ( ROIs) . The ROIs were much in relation to the physical state of the abalones themselves and the environmental temperatures and the quantities of the stimulant s. Both cellular immunity functions and humoral immunity functions had a signif icant decrease as the environmental temperature drop from 25bC to 18bC, while the ant ibacterial activities of the degenerative abalones only had a little difference under the two kinds of temperatures. There was some Phenoloxidase in the hemolymph of the abalone, but their activities were low and had little difference within different groups. It could not be conf irmed as a main humoral immune factor of the abalone.

    • The effect of experimental cadmium poisoning on hepatopancreas, kidney, skeleton in Ctenopharyngodon idella

      2004, 28(2).

      Abstract (2034) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2651) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Experimentalcadmium (Cd) poisoningwasconductedon 200 grasscarpwithweightof 10.8g ?1. 2g. The content of Cd in the water of each experimental group was 80μg?L -1 for 1/ 10 LC50 group , 16μg?L -1for 1/ 50 LC50 group ,8μg?L -1 for 1/ 100 LC50 group , the control group < 1μg?L -1. This experiment lasted 120 days. The results indicated (1) the 24h LC50 in grass carp was 800μg Cd?kg -1weight. (2)themortalityratesin 1/10 LC50 group, 1/50 LC50 group, 1/100 LC50 group and controlgroup were: 64 %, 24 %, 20 %, 4%. (3) the contents (wet) of Cd in hepatopancreas , kidney , vertebra in experimental groups were very significantly higher than those of control group ( P <0.01). (4) the contents of glucose (GLU ), cholesterol (CHOL )glutamic2 oxalacetic2transaminase (GOT ) , alkalinephosphatease (ALP ) in blood plasma in experimental groups were significantly higher than those of control group ( P < 0 . 05 ) , but total protein ( TP ) is lower significantly ( P <0.05). (5) the contents (wet ) of Ca in vertebra and Ca, P, Mg in serum in experimental groups were significantly lower than those of control group ( P < 0. 05) . (6) The pathology showed that hepatocytes , nenal tubule and globule epithelial cells were granular degeneration , hydropic degeneration and fatty degeneration , dissolved necrosis , cyrtosis , silks of gill sinked , osteodysplasty. Ultrastructural changes showed that mitochondria in hepatocytes and kidney epithelial cells were swollen with disintegration and lysis of cristaes , endoplasmic reticulum was hyperplastic and fragemented. The thickness of basal membrane of the kidney glomerulus was found.

    • Advances in genetics and breeding in abalone:a review

      2004, 28(2).

      Abstract (2179) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2642) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abalones are important farming species with a high economic value. They have already been farmed for more than 50 years. As problems and new requirements rose continuously in culture industry of abalone, studies on genetic and breeding techniques are needed to improve characteristics and to gain new traits. This review concentrates on advances in genetics and breeding techniques in abalone. As for genetic studies, karyological analyses, allozyme, DNA markers and genetic diversity were reviewed. So far, karyological analyses in abalone have been performed in 12 species that can be divided into three groups according to the chromosome number. In some economically important species, loci of allozymes and microsatellites have been isolated and applied to investigate the genetic structure of natural and hatchery populat ions and to identify the result of chromosome set manipulat ion, but the related reports are only a few yet. The resultsof investigation with DNA markers and allozymes showed that the genetic structure of natural populations presents two characteristics: excessive homozygosity and subdivision. Advances of various breeding techniques, including introduction, selection, hybridization, polyploidy, gynogenesis and gene manipulation, were reviewed in the other part. Although Haliotis discus discus, introduced from Japan, has become one of the most important culture species in China, the economic, social and environmental effects of introduction have been rarely studied. Select ion is one of the most important and basic breeding techniques, but the studies on selection are only a few and preliminary, referring to the relations between genetic characteristics and the traits of growth and resistance, genetic diversity and heritability of quantitative traits, and the effect of selection. Interspecific hybridization was the first breeding program carried out in abalone. Experimental hybridization have been carried out for about 20 crosses. Heterosis, such as faster growth and high survival rate, has been observed in some crosses. Triplo ids have been successfully induced in many species of abalone with physical or chemical shock, e. g. H . discus hannai , H . ruf escens , H . diversicolor diversicolor and H . midae. Field experiments were conducted in some species of triploid abalone. In comparison with triploid, the research on tetraploid is still in quest stage. The progress of induction of gynogenesis in abalone is quite slow. Conditions of sperm inactivation, diploid restoration and nuclear behavior of gynogenetically activated eggs have been researched on in H . discus hannai . Notwithstanding the gene transfer techno logy in abalone is in the quest stage, the research have already involved preparation of exogenic DNA, means of gene transfer, identif icat ion integration and expression of target gene, etc. Three research directions in these topics were proposed: to investigate the germplasm resources of abalone deeply and widely, to make use of traditional breeding methods and modern biotechnique synthetically, and to combine the science research with production practice.

    • General situation of the immunological capability of shrimp

      2004, 28(2).

      Abstract (2019) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2324) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Shrimp farming is an important source of revenue and employment in many developing countries . However,infectious diseases have adversely affected the profitability of shrimp industry. For this reason,disease prevention is a priority and shrimp immunology has become a crucial research area of this field. In this paper ,the current importance and problems of shrimp2culture were described and the research advances in shrimp immunological defence mechanisms were summarized. The immunological tools are powerful and useful to evaluate the health state of the shrimp. The immunologies of shrimp mainly consist of cellular immunity and humoral immunity. In regard to cellular parameters , they are composed of haemocyte count (THC) , differential haemocytecount (DHC) and reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs ). The immunity cells exert their defence functions through phagocytizing , enveloping , etc ,and the changes of THC and DHC are related to health state of shrimp. The ROIs generated during post phagocytic event which maybe an important marker to evaluate the immunological capability and phenoloxidase activity have been considered as a potential marker which is relevant to the health of the shrimp too. Concerning humoral parameters , prophenoloxidase (ProPO) and phenoloxidase , antimicrobial peptides and proteins , hemagglutinin and plasma proteins were described. The determining methods of immunity parameters were discussed. The response of shrimp to pathogens such as bacteria , virus , etc. and environmental factors such as DO , pH, etc , were also reviewed. It is well2known that the immune responses induced by immunizing crustacean or shrimp are mainly the non2specific immune responses. The potential of immunological parameters , including the changes of THC and DHC , the production of ROIs , phenoloxidase (PO) activity , antibacterial activity of plasma , and so on , to appraise the healthy state of shrimp were partly discussed. The future directions for the evaluation of the immunological capability of shrimp were proposed.

    • Biological characteristics of Thunnus obesus in longlining ground of the Central Atlantic Ocean

      2004, 28(2).

      Abstract (1963) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2216) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the biological data of bigeye tuna measured from the longlining ground of the Central Atlant ic Ocean from Jun. 2001 to Oct. 2001, this paper analyzed the bigeye tuna. s maturity stages of the gonad, feeding intensity, species compo sition of prey, sex ratio , fork length distribution, relationships between fork length and dressed weight, fork length and round weight, round weight and dressed weight by statistic and regression methods. The results indicate: ( 1) Maturity at .- . of the gonad are dominant with the highest percentage of . ( 30. 11% ) . ( 2)The feeding intensity is mainly in the class 1, class 2 or class 3, totally 83. 16% . ( 3) In the bigeye tuna. s species composition of prey, the percentage of miscellaneous f ish or cephalopod is relatively high, 38. 05% or 30. 48% respectively. Catch rate of bigeye tuna can be enhanced when cephalopod is used as the bait. ( 4) The male-female ratio is 2B1. This pattern might result f rom elevated mortality of adult females. ( 5) The fork length distribution is suitable for the normal. The dominant fork length is 1. 13- 1. 49m, 64. 16% , with the mean value of 1. 32m. ( 6) The relationship between fork length and dressed weight. ( 7) The relationship between fork length and round weight. If the fork length is the same, the round weight converted in this paper. s formula is a litt le lighter than the round weight converted in Parks. s formula concluded at 1981 of the longline bigeye tuna catch. It might be caused by the different sampling areas or sampling time. ( 8) The relationship between round weight and dressed weight . The round weight conversion factor in this paper is a little higher than the ICCAT. It might be caused by the different processing methods. ICCAT is recommended to adapt this paper. s conversion factor.

    • Physiological effects of methmidophos and phoxim on Porphyra haitanensis

      2004, 28(2).

      Abstract (2005) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1954) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the effect s of methmidophos and phoxim with different concentrations and schedule on soluble protein content and chlorophyl a ( Chla) content in Porphyra haintanensis were studied under experimental and ecological conditions. The result s showed as follows: ( 1) there were some time-ef fect and dose-effect relationships between the pollutants and Chla contents. The Chla content of most of groups decreased with the increasing of do se and prolonging of the exposure time. In the same concentration, the toxicities of phoxim to Chla content was stronger than that of methmidophos. ( 2) All concentration groups in this study didn. t show the signif icant time-ef fect and dose-effect relationships between pollutants and the soluble protein. And there was no signif icant difference of the soluble protein content among various groups.

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