• Volume 27,Issue 3,2003 Table of Contents
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    • >PAPERS
    • The medium-term growth and development of hybrid between Chinese and Japanese populations of Chlamys farreri

      2003, 27(3).

      Abstract (1912) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2258) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the research of juvenile (9 months)growth and survival of three populations of Chlamys farreri from two different geographic areas in Dalian of China and Ishinomaki of Japan and their F1 hybrids derived from Chinese population (C)♀×Japanese population (J)♂and Japanese population (J)♀×Chinese population (C)♂, the study of the medium-term(11 , 13 , 16 , 18 months)growth and development of C .farreri was carried out .The four determined results indicated that there existed heterosis of varying degrees (5 %-50 %)for growth in two types of F1 hybrids and the offspring derived from J ♀×C ♂had a higher heterosis than the offspring derived from C ♀×J ♂;the uptrend among traits are live weight >shell length >shell height >shell width ; Japanese population slightly exceeds Chinese population ;and season influence on the daily increment and growth rate of each trait of C .farreri was highly significant and it is losing weight in a state of survival in winter (18 month).

    • Comparison on main traits of F1 from matings and crosses of different geographical populations in Pinctada martensii

      2003, 27(3).

      Abstract (2905) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2165) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Matings and crosses within and among geographically dif ferent populations of Pinctada martensii (Dunker) were carried out in order to breed new strains for pearl culture. Six populations of the f irst filial generation have been obtained. Three populations, designated BB1, DD1 and SS1, were from matings of wild populations of Beihai( BW) , Daya Bay (DW) , and Sanya ( SW) . Three populations, that is BD1, BS1 and DS1 were from cross between BW and DW, BW and SW, and DW and SW respectively. After analyzing f ive trait s, shell length, shell width, shell thickness, total weight and shell weight by ANOVA, no population of first generation from crosses had heterosis in growth. Six populat ions gained were considered as the basic populations to breed new strains. Increased Variation parameters in first f ilial generation( F1) of cross could be a very good potential for selecting new strains.

    • cDNA cloning and expression analysis of molt-inhibiting hormone in the mud crab Scylla serrata

      2003, 27(3).

      Abstract (1938) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2142) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the present study, cDNA encoding molt..inhibiting hormone ( MIH) was amplified from the total RNA of eyestalk neural ganglia of the mud crab, Scylla serrata, by means of reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction( RT..PCR) with degenerate oligonucleotide primers based upon the homology DNA sequence of MIH from other Brachyuraspecies. Then the fragments were cloned with pUCm..T vector and sequenced. The total length of 316bp sequence was obtained that encoded full..length mature peptide of 78 amino acids and partial signal pept ide. According to the search results of GenBank databases, the cDNA fragment and the deduced amino acid sequence of mature peptide share 79% ~ 91% identity with that of other species in the Brachyura. Expression of MIH was detected in the eyestalk, brain, midgut gland and muscle tissues examined by RNA dot hybridization. The results indicated that the MIH was expressed only in the eyestalk and brain not in other tissues.

    • Isolation of microsatellite markers from Fenneropenaeus chinensis ESTs

      2003, 27(3).

      Abstract (3080) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2232) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By using the on-line bioinformatics software Repeatmasker, the ESTs database of Chinese shrimp was screened. 229 microsatellite sequences were obtained f rom 10446 ESTs sequences, about 2. 19% in the who le database. A total of 146 dinucleotide repeat s and 58 trinucleotide repeats were found in these 229 microsatellite sequences and most of them were perfect repeats, with ( AT) n in dinucleotide repeats and ( TAA) n in trinucleotide repeats being the most common, about 28. 82% and 17. 03% in the total microsatellite sequences respectively. Nineteen primer pairs were designed from microsatellites using computer program Primer Premier ( Version 5 . 00 ) . Among the 16 primers that can be detected PCR products by electrophoresis, eight primers were polymorphic in about 20 Chinese shrimp samples by electrophoresis analysis. In these eight microsatellite loci, the alleles numbers distributed from 5 to 15, and the range of these alleles were between 165 to 305bp, similar to their predicted size. The expected heterozygosity and the PIC values of them distributed from 0. 59 to 0. 89 and 0. 56 to 0. 88, respectively. These values showed that these 8 microsatellite loci were suitable for genet ic analysis.

    • Calcium and phosphorus levels in the muscle, hepatopancreas and carapace of Eriocheir sinensis in different stages of moulting cycle

      2003, 27(3).

      Abstract (1918) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2246) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The levels of calcium and phosphorus in the muscles , hepatopancreas, carapace and cast exuviae of Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis, were determined during the intermoult and 24h, 48h and 96h of postmoult respectively. The concentrations of calcium in the muscle in postmoult were lower than that of intermoult , but showed slight increase from 24h to 48h in postmoult. No significant changes of calcium levels were found in the hepatopancreas while the levels of calcium in the carapace increased f rom 24h to 96h in postmoult. The calcification of the carapace was almost finished after 96h of moulting. The levels of muscle phosphorus in postmoult were higher than that of intermoult , but there were no changes in the later times. The content of phosphorus increased in the hepatopancreas and decreased in the carapace in postmoult stages. The muscle calcium and phosphorus ratio decreased sharply in postmoult as compared with that of the intermoult, while it showed no changes in intermoult and 24 h of postmoult in hepatopancreas, but decreased from 24 h to 96 h of postmoult . The carapace calcium and phosphorus ratio was low in intermoult and 24 h of postmoult, but increased f rom 24 h of postmoult to 96 h. The carapace mineralization rates of calcium of Chinese mitten crab were found faster than that of phosphorus.

    • Histological and histochemical studies on digestive diverticula of Sinonovacula constricta

      2003, 27(3).

      Abstract (2020) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2022) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The structure and function of the digestive diverticula of Sinonovacula constricta were studied using light and transmission electron microscopy and histochemical methods .The digestive diverticula is the type of compound tubuloacinar gland which communicates with the stomach by a system of ducts .The glandular epithelium is composed of four types of cells :embryo cell (E-cell), fibrillar cell(F-cell), resorptive cell(R-cell) and secretory cell(B-cell).These cells are different from each other in distribution , structure and function .E-cells are mostly located at the proximate position of tubules connecting the duct and the big nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio shows that they may be involved in mitotic activity for production of other cell types which comprise the glandular epithelium.F-cells contain plenty of rough endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosome suggesting that they may synthesize and secrete digestive enzymes .Lipid and glycogen are abundant throughout R-cells suggesting that these cells are the sites of significant energy stores .B-cells distribute only in the distal end of alveoli and have their cytological features :congested microvilli on the free border , numerous secondary lysosome and residual body support the view that B-cells are capable of absorption and intracellular digestion of food .B-cells and R-cells have the strong function of digesting lipid .The duct is composed of simple ciliated columnar epithelium and abundant mucous cell , and the former can synthesize and secrete digestive enzymes .The digestive diverticula may also participate in the metabolism of inorganic salt .

    • Mast cells in the lymphoid organs of Ctenopharyngodon idella

      2003, 27(3).

      Abstract (1985) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2009) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mast cells were identif ied first in lymphoid organs including thymus, head kidney and the splenic sinus of grass f ish ( Ctenopharyngodon idella ) histochemically and morphologically . It seemed that the staining properties of grass f ish mast cells were similar to mammalian mucosal mast cells in some aspects. Carnoy.. s fluid and Alcian blue proved to be the good f ixative and excellent dye for grass fish mast cell, respectively , but neutral buffered formalin ( NBF) completely blocked the staining of the cells. It was noticed that some other histochemical methods previously used to detect mast cells, or so called eosinophilic granule cell ( EGC ) in teleo stean fish, failed to identify grass f ish mast cells in present study. Under electron microscopy a great deal of characteristic cytoplasmic granules were observed in the grass f ish mast cells. The granules contained amorpholous granular matrix but electron density of the matrix from low to high. Special substructures were not observed in the cytogranules.

    • Expression of Acipenser sinensis cystatin C in prokaryote

      2003, 27(3).

      Abstract (1842) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2343) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to explore the functions of f ish cystatin and the potential values in the f ish disease prevention and cure, as well as seafood process industry, polymerase chain reaction ( PCR) technique was used to modify the cDNA of Chinese sturgeon ( Acipenser sinensis ) cystatin mature peptide, The cDNA was subcloned into expression vector pBV220, then a cystat in recombinant expression bacteria was constructed. After temperature inducement and SDS..PAGE analysis, the recombinant expression bacteria produced a special protein about 12. 4 kD in molecular weight. The proportion of recombinant protein in total bacterial protein was about 25%. The purity of the recombinant cystatin, which was washed, dissolved, dialysed and renatured, was about 85%. The inhibitory activity of recombinant cystatin could be measured by inhibiting the protease activity of papain. The inhibitory activity of recombinant cystatin was 48U....g- 1.

    • Determination of food consumption and ecological conversion efficiency of Pneumatophorus japonicus by stomach contents method

      2003, 27(3).

      Abstract (1793) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2282) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The ecological energetic parameters of Pneumatophorus japonicus ( Houttyn ) , such as food consumption, growth and ecological conversion eff iciency, were determined by gut content method in net cages which were situated in f ish reproductive waters in offshore area of Shandong peninsula. The results indicated that, ( 1) under constant experimental conditions, the f ish.. s maximum daily food consumption and daily growth change as irregular sine wave. The wave distance is constant, but the wave height .. s change is bigger; ( 2) the Relationship between instantaneous food content in stomach and corresponding time could be described as St = 9. 0876e - 0. 1868 t , and instantaneous gastric evacuation rate calculated by the formula was Rt = 0. 1868g .. ( 100g ) - 1..h - 1 ; ( 3) the daily food consumption calculated according to Eggers.. formula was Cd = 15. 60 .. 2. 55g..( 100g) - 1..d - 1 = 69. 84 .. 11. 42kJ..( 100g ) - 1..d - 1 ; ( 4) the change of f ish.. s body weight with time was linear, which could be described as Wt = 2. 23t + 16. 71. The daily growth could be obtained by the linear formulae and average body weight at experiment period and was Gd = 3. 72g .. ( 100g ) - 1 ..d- 1 = 30. 00kJ.. ( 100g) - 1 ..d - 1 . So ecological conversion ef ficiency could be obtained as Eg = 23. 85% = 42. 96% kJ from known Cd and Gd values.

    • Esitimation of growth and mortality parameters of Parargyrops edita Tanaka in Beibu Bay

      2003, 27(3).

      Abstract (1957) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2310) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on length..frequency data of crimson sea bream Parargyrops edita collected in Beibu Bay in the 1990.. s and 1960.. s growth and mortality parameters were estimated using ELEFAN ..technique in FiSAT. The estimated parameters for von Bertalanffy growth equation was L .. = 27. 3cm , K = 0. 45, t0 = - 0. 34; the turning point on body weight growth curve of the stock was situated at t= 2. 12; the instantaneous rate of total mortality ( Z) was Z = 2. 825, and the instantaneous natural( M) and fishing mortality( F ) rates were 1. 045 and 1. 78 respectively . The exploitrate in recent years was 0. 63, and is in a state of over..exploitation. According to the curve of equal catch, the fishing intensity was too high but the catch age and body..length were too low , so the stocks declined. Considering fishing effort and social..economical benef it, this paper suggests that the optimum catch age should be above one year and body length above 120mm.

    • Quantitative distribution of pelagic copepods in the East China Sea

      2003, 27(3).

      Abstract (3436) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2222) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on four seasonal oceanographic survey data during 1997- 2000 in the East China Sea ( 23o30c~ 33oN, 118o30c~ 128o00cE) , eco logical characteristics such as quantity, community characteristics, species composition and dominant species were approached. This paper is first part; it shows that pelagic copepods abundance occupies about 55. 5% of total abundance in the East China Sea and about 64. 8% diet total abundance. Abundance peak occurred in autumn. Second peak occurred in summer, and the lowest abundance appeared in spring. It s horizontal distribution was not even. Normally, it s abundance in coastal water is higher than that in off sea and Taiwan Strait, high abundance region appeared in convergence region of waters. Among them, its abundance value of convergence region of coastal current water and of f seawater was higher than that in other mix region. Its abundance value of copepods was about 1/ 3 value only compared with 20 years before in the north part of the East China Sea( 29b~ 32bN、west of 125bE) . Horizontals distribution of pelagic copepods in the East China Sea is dependent upon some dominant species such as Calanus sinicus , Euchaeta concina, Eucalanus subcrassus etc.

    • Establishment and application of phosphorus variation model in the East China Sea

      2003, 27(3).

      Abstract (1821) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2007) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the hypothesis that phosphorus nutrient variation consists of linear trend and periodical fluctuation , a model of phosphorus nutrient variation (PVM)is developed .The stepwise choice method is adopted to solve the model parameters ;such as period parameters based on observed data of unequal time interval series .The satisfactory results have been obtained by using the PVM model in fitting the observed data of phosphorous nutrient and verifying the phosphorus nutrient variation as a forecast measure .It is shown that the fluctuation due to the periodical components has much more effect on the variation of phosphorus in the sea than the corresponding trend component .It is also showed that no periodical component has the dominant effect in phosphorus variation and it is the combined effect of periodical phenomenon in several time-scales to determine the variation of phosphorus nutrient .

    • The relationship between pathogenic infecion status and motality of the scallop Chlamys farreri

      2003, 27(3).

      Abstract (2131) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2052) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Pathogenic infect ion status of the cultured scallop Chlamys farreri was invest igated from May to November 2001. With negative staining technique, virus and Rickettisia-like organisms ( RLO) were detected in tissue extract of samples. Infection rate of virus ranged from 80% to 100%. The highest infection intensity of virus is found in July and August when acute death of Chlamys farreri occurred. Similar results acquired after Chlamys f arreri was injected with virus. The present work demonstrated that infection rates and intensity of RLO were not signif icantly different for cultured and artificial infected Chlamys farreri . The observation in 98 specimens conf irmed that the direct pathogen of explosive epidemic disease of Chlamys farreri was possibly a kind of spherical RNA virus with envelope and spike in cytoplasm. Which was found in a large amount during who le culture period and throughout all part s of the host .

    • Determination of chloramphenicol residues in aquatic products by gas chromatography

      2003, 27(3).

      Abstract (1878) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2216) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A gas chromatography method had been established for the determination of chloramphenicol in aquat ic products. Chloramphenicol was extracted with ethyl acetate and partitioned with n-hexane to remove lipids. Cleanup was performed on a Sep cartridge. After the drug was derived with BSTFA- TMCS, the derivatives were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography- electron capture detection. The linear range was from 0. 5..g..L - 1 to 500..g..L - 1 with r of 0. 999. The average recoveries were 62. 0%, 88. 2% and 96. 4% respectively when samples were spiked w ith 1..g..kg- 1, 10..g..kg- 1 and 20..g..kg- 1. The detection limit was 0. 1..g..kg- 1. The RSDs were 4. 3% - 11. 0% . The method is sensitive, accurate and suitable for the determinat ion of trace chloramphenicol in aquatic products.

    • Radical scavenging ability of agar oligomers

      2003, 27(3).

      Abstract (1956) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2137) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The free oxygen radical scavenging effects of agar oligomers were studied by the method for determination of Luminesecence and DPPH assay. The results showed that agar oligomer ML had strong scavenging effects on #OH and O2 #- , IC50 were 0. 05mg#mL- 1 and 0. 7mg#mL- 1, but the scavenging ef fect on DPPH radical was much lower than Vc and probuto l. Comparation of the scavenging activities on O2 #- between agar Oligomers with different sulphate content and molecular weight showed that high sulphate group or high molecular weight took the main action to scavenge radicals. Agar oligomers taken ig to LPS+ D- GalN induced liver injury mice could effectively inhibit the inrease of GPT acticity and MDA content , and maintain the acitivities of SOD、GSH- Px activity in mice serum. It had good protective effect on liver injury.

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