• Volume 25,Issue 4,2001 Table of Contents
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    • >PAPERS
    • Genetic variation and divergence of Pagrus major from China seas using AFLP fingerprinting

      2001, 25(4).

      Abstract (4042) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2488) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AFLP fingerprinting was used to detect genetic variation and divergence of three wild stocks of Red Sea Bream , Pagrus major , from the Yellow Sea (Weihai) , the East China Sea (Xiamen) and the South China Sea (Beibuwan). Atotalof 42 individualswerestudiedusingsixprimerpairs (E-ACC/M -CAT, E-AGG/M CTG, E-AGG/M -CTT,E -AAC/M -CTA,E -ACA/M -CTGandE -AAC/M -CAA). 452 (70.0%) of 646 selectively amplified fragments ranging in size from 50 bp to 400 bp were polymorphic. The mean percentages of polymorphic bands of the three geographic stocks in question varied from 58. 4 % to 64. 0 % , and the genetic similarities estimated within stocks varied from 0. 8425 to 0. 8200. The maximum and the minimum polymorphism occurred in the samples from the Yellow Sea population and the South China Sea population , respectively. The genetic distances between stocks and UPGMA dendrogram indicated that the genetic divergence between the East China Sea stocks and the South China Sea stocks of P. major was small , suggesting that they belong to the same subpopulation , and the Yellow Sea stocks was separated from the other two stocks , belonging to a different subpopulation.

    • Histological and histochemical studies on digestive system of Pinna ( Atriina) pectinata

      2001, 25(4).

      Abstract (1983) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2453) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The structure and function of digestive system of Pinna ( Atriina ) pectinata Linnaeus were studied using histological and histochemical methods. The epithelium of the digest ive tract is composed of columnar ciliated cells, goblet cells ( mocous cell) , and eosinphilic cell only in the epithelium of labial palp, mid-gut and ascending limb intestine. The epithelium of digestive diverticula consist s of secretory cells and digestive ( absorptive) cells. Many blood spaces present in the subcutaneous connective tissue, and / granular cells 0 exist in the connective tissues and blood spaces. The epithelium of esophagus, stomach, mid-gut , style sac and digestive diverticula can produce the digestive enzymes which involved in the digestion and absorption of food particles, and the connective tissues and / granular cell 0 also participate in the digestion and absorption of food. Ferric ion is present in the epithelium of labial palp, esophagus, mid-gut and style sac, and / granular cell 0in the connective tissues. Calcium exists in the connective tissue.

    • Influences of metal ions in seawater on activities of alkaline phosphatase(AKP) and ATPase in mysis and postlarvae of Penaeus chinensis

      2001, 25(4).

      Abstract (2126) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2276) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The influences of some metal ions in seawater treated by Cephlex 100 on metamorphosis , growth and activities of alkaline phosphatase (AKP) and ATPase in mysis and postlarvae of Chinese prawn Penaeus chinensis werestudied. The results showed:Alkaline phosphatase (AKP) and ATPase are two kinds of enzymes that are related to growth and development of animals. Cu2+ , Co2 and Mn2 whose concentrations were 40 , 40 , 20μg ·L -1 respectively could increase the AKP activity significantly in mysis , but higher concentrations decreased the AKP activity. Low Cu2 concentrations (40 -80μg ·L -1) increased the activities of AKP and ATPase significantly ( P < 0. 05) in postlarvae , and Co2 at 20μg·L -1 increased the activities , but Ni2 could not activate these two kinds of enzymes. Because changes of AKP and ATPase activities were relative to the growth directly, the activity of AKP and ATPase could be the indicators for assessment of the physiological condition of the larvae.

    • Profile of progesterone and estradiol in hepatopancreas, ovary, and hemolymph of shrimp Penaeus chinensis during reproduction cycle

      2001, 25(4).

      Abstract (1982) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2809) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The concentrations of progesterone and estradiol in hepatopancreas, ovar y, hemolymph of Penaeus chinensis were investigated by means of radioimmunoassay during a reproductive cycle, and changes in GSI ( gonado somatic index) and HSI( hepatosomatic index) were monitored. Progesterone and estradiol were detected in the hepatopancreas, o vary, and hemolymph of the shrimp with maturing or matured ovary . During immature stage ( length< 8- 10cm ) , the two hormones were undetectable, however, during previtello genesis stage ( perinucleolus stage, length> 11- 13cm) , the concentrations of both hormones in three tissues increased rapidly, and estradiol in ovary reached a peak ( 450? 86. 7pg/ g) . During vitellogenesis stage ( length> 13- 15cm) , the tw o hormones maintained relatively high levels. Progesterone reached peaks in ovary ( 1975. 1? 175. 2pg/ g ) , and hepatopancreas ( 902. 6 ? 130. 5 pg/ g) , and estradiol reached a peak in hemolymph ( 451. 3 ? 73. 7 pg/ ml) . The hormone level decreased sharply during maturation stage, and in hepatopancreas, the hormones even became undetectable. During whole reproductive cycle, GSI increased continuously and HSI stopped increasing during maturation stage, and showed a similar change like that of hormone levels in hepatopancreas and o vary. The results suggested that hepatopancreas might be the site of vitellogenin synthesis in P. chinensis .

    • Establishing gynogenetic groups of genetic improved Megalobrama amblycephala and its genetic analysis

      2001, 25(4).

      Abstract (2155) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2616) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In 1999 and 2000 , gynogenesis was carried out based on 32year old ( F5) and 22year old ( F6) fish respectively, in order to maintain the response of genetic improved blunt snout bream ( Megalobrama amblycephala) which was named strain Pujiang 1 (selected for 15 years ) , and establish pure lines for further study. Gynogenetic fry were produced by cold2shocking eggs , activated with UV2irradiated common carp sperm (1∶3 diluted , two Philips 30W germicidal tubes , 253. 7nm , 10cm distance between lamp and sperm surface) , inhibiting the second polar body extrusion. The optimal treatment conditions including cold2shock temperature , treat time after fertilization and duration time were investigated and selected to fit for 22year old eggs and 32year old eggs. The optimal treat time after fertilization was similar 3min in 22year and 32year old eggs. But the optimal cold2shock temperature and duration time had some differences (0 -2 ℃, 30min for 32year eggs and 42 6 ℃, 20min for 22year eggs) . Three gynogenetic groups were established and more than 1000 normal gynogenetic fry were produced by 22year experiment. Using RAPD methods , heredity differences (genetic variations ) of gynogenetic fry (G1) and non2gynogenetic fry (F6) were compared and analyzed. The 1100bp band amplified by primer S8 was only found in F6 group , the 860bp band amplified by primer S18 was only found in gynogenetic fry ( G1) group . The two bands could be used as molecular markers of these two groups . The genetic distance among gynogenetic fry G1 was much less and only 54 % of F6 group.

    • Observation on the ovary development of Ilisha elongata in the East China Sea

      2001, 25(4).

      Abstract (2142) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2270) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Observation on the ovary sections of Ilisha elongata ( Bennett) was taken. It shows that it s breeding season extends from May to July, during which period the ovary is variously found to be in stages . , . , .- . . and .. ( recovering) . In August and September, the ovary is in a stage of degeneration after spawning. From October to February of the following year, the w inter ovary is in stage ò . In March and April there is the prespawning spring ovary. In the course of development of oocytes of Ilisha elongata, the nucleus increases in volume more markedly than the cytoplasm during the small growth stage, but during the great growth stage, with the accumulation of yolk substances, the volume of the cytoplasm increases rapidly with a correspondingly sharp drop in the nucleus-plasma ratio, which approaches a minimum ratio as the oocyte approaches full maturity. In the development of oocytes, there are two layers of membrane outside the plasm membrane, but in the late stage of vitellogenesis the zona radiata of the oocytes degenerates, and there is only a layer of gluey membrane. Evidently the development of oocytes in the ovary of Ilisha elongata is in a successive process and female seems to be able to spawn twice in one spawning season.

    • Biological characteristics of some small species in Engraulidae and Clupeidae

      2001, 25(4).

      Abstract (1822) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2367) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper the biological characteristics including catch compositions of fork length , standard weight and age , and growth , spawning time , fecundity and feeding habit of Sardinella zunasi , Clupanodon punctatus , Engraulis japonicus , Thrissa kammalensis and Setipinna gilberti were reported based on the data collected from the investigation in Laizhou Bay. The importance of these fishes in regional fisheries and interspecific replacement were also discussed. The author provided some suggestions for fishery resource conservation and management at the end of the paper.

    • Studies on the feeding of phyllosoma of the spiny lobster,Panulirus stimpsoni

      2001, 25(4).

      Abstract (1962) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3000) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The phyllosoma of Panulirus stimpsoni begin to feed about 1 -2 hours after hatching , and suitable diet of phyllosoma is Artimia salina nauplii. During phyllosoma stage Ⅱ、Ⅲand Ⅳ they eat A . salina nauplii. Its metamorphosis rate could reach 80 % ,40 % and 32. 5 % respectively. Phyllosoma have choice on different diets , and they can feed all day , and they have no rhythm of feeding. Light and darkness have no effect on their feeding and survival. In suitable density of A . salina nauplii , phyllosoma ( Ⅰ) can be full in 5 -9minutes and digest in 45 -90 minutes. The feeding of phyllosoma on different sizes of A . salina nauplii (349. 5 -604. 9μm) makes no obvious difference. This study can accumulate materials for the artificial culture of Panulirus stimpsoni phyllosoma.

    • The influence of light intensity on the growth and survival of the larvae and juvenile abalone of Haliotis diversicolor aquatilis

      2001, 25(4).

      Abstract (2050) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2494) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Under the cycle of natural light , in the two seasons of high temperature and long light and low temperature and short light respect ively, a smal-l type test of about 50d cultivation of the larvae and juvenile abalone of Haliotis diversicolor aquatilis was carried out by means of control over the light intensity. The result of the test shows, the light intensity has an important inf luence on the growth and survival of the larvae and juvenile abalone of Haliotis diversicolor aquatilis who feed on microalgae on substrata, and the most suitable light intensity to abalone larvae and juvenile abalone is 700~ 1200 lx under high temperature and long light, while 1300~ 2000 lx under low temperature and short light. Three groups of test s of the cultivation of larvae and juvenile abalone were carried out one after another by choice of the most suitable light intensity under high temperature and long light and low temperature and short light, and the result similar to that of the smal-l type test has been obtained.

    • Bio-economic models for purifying epidemic sources in aquacultural waters

      2001, 25(4).

      Abstract (1812) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2141) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Rana nigromacuata, Chinemys reveesii , Eriocheir sinensis, Monopterus albus , Misgurnus anguillicaudatus and Procambarus clarkii preying upon Oncomelania hupensis and the mosquito larvae were studied and compared. It showed that all can feed Oncomelania hupensis , and mosquito larvae in varying degrees. On Oncomelania hupensis , the sequence of feeding quantity is Procambara clarkii > Eriocheir sinensis > Chinemys reevesii > Rana nigromacuata; and on Culex , that is Chinemys reevesii > Procambarus clarkii > Rana nigromacuata > Eriocheir sinensis. In the epidemic region, the outdoor test demonstrated that Oncomelania hupensis is much less in the pools in which with Eriocheir sinensis and Procambarus clarkii respectively than the controls. It has been concluded that four ecological economic models have been formed to purify the epidemic water. Based on the experiments as well as the relavant studies for eight years, four bio-economic models for purifying epidemic sources in farming waters are given in detail. They are: 1) taro, frog, ricef ield eel, loach, earthworm, vegetable polyculture model; 2) lotus, vegetable, tortoise, ricefield eel, loach polyculture model; 3) lotus, Chinese mitten crab, loach polyculture model; 4) reed, crayf ish, loach po lyculture model. The application and benef it for all models are also given in the paper.

    • The method of RP-HPLC determination of ciprofloxacinum in hemolymph of Eriocheir sinenses

      2001, 25(4).

      Abstract (1864) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2407) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A method of determination of ciprof loxacinum in the hemolymph of Chinese mitten-handed crab, Eirocheir sinensis, was established by RP-HPLC. The drug was administered by intramuscular at a dose of 8. 17 ? 0. 56 and 6. 25 ? 0. 85 mg#kg - 1 to male and female crab, repectively . The hemolymph was extracted from the cardiac region. By comparison among various ant-i coagulant methods, the permanent result of ant icoagulation was obtained through ACD mixing with equal volume hemolymph. Hemolymph samples got rid of protein by methanol, centrifuged at 3000 r#min- 1 for 10minutes and then the supernatant was used to HPLC. The RP-ODS- 5 LL 50 @ 4. 6mm ID column was used, with a mobile phase of methano-l phosphate buffer-tertrabutylammonium bromide= 250B750B20 ( v/ v/ v ) ; The f low rate was 1 mL#min - 1 ; the auto-injected volume, 2 LL and the uv detection wavelength, 280nm. The study showed that the linearity and repeatability were good; the average recovery of both male and female crab were : 100. 08 ? 3. 43% and 99. 11 ? 8. 20% ; the intra-day precision, the average extracted-precision were 1. 19 ? 0. 92%, 1. 55 ? 0. 01% and 2. 31 ? 1. 03% , respectively. The law of the metabolism of blood-drug concentration was disclosed dropping from 37. 12 ? 0. 08Lg#mL- 1 to 5. 96 ? 0. 18 Lg#mL- 1, by using RP-HPLC method to determine the ciprofloxacinum in hemolymph within 48 hours in male crab after administration of the drug through intramuscular.

    • Histology and cytology observation on the rot disease of Laminaria japonica caused by alginic acid decomposing bacteria

      2001, 25(4).

      Abstract (1976) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2185) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The changes of histology and cytology in Laminaria japonica were studied by art ificial infection and microscopic observation. The results showed as follow s: 1. The endodermis was infected f irstly by alginic acid decomposing bacteria ; the exodermis , pith and epidermis were infected later. 2. The damage of endodermis was heaviest , exodermis and pith were damaged less heavily, and the effect of alginic acid decomposing bacteria on epidermis was least remarkable. 3. a lot of storage material was accumulated in endodermic cells of infected laminaria japonica compared with control; the diameter of storage particles was from 1. 5 Lm to 4. 0 Lm, and the average value was 2. 7Lm.

    • Selection of Anticoagulant to the Hemolymph of Penaeus chinesis

      2001, 25(4).

      Abstract (2100) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2621) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The morphology of the whole hemocyte and the variation of organelle and nucleus were observed by TEM in order to determine the composition of shrimp anticoagulant. A confirmed desirable anticoagulant is composedofNaCl 450mM,KCl 10mM,EDTA.Na210mM,HEPES 10mM (pH 7.45),which can maintain successfully the form of the whole hemocyte ,organelle and nucleus.

    • Protein denaturation of Mugil cephalus in refrigeration

      2001, 25(4).

      Abstract (2006) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2295) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Activity of Ca2+-ATPase, TVB-N and jelly strength of Mugi cephalus were studied in refrigeration for providing theoretical basis for processing. The results showed that addition against freezing could efficiently control decreasing of activity of Ca2 -ATPase of Mugil cephalus in refrigeration, and increase jelly strength of surimi of it and control decreasing of it. Therefore application of addition against freezing was practicable and efficient in processing Mugil cephalus .

    • Software design and development for marine fisheries electronic mapping system

      2001, 25(4).

      Abstract (1858) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2306) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The data model and main functions of the software EA 2000 for marine fisheries electronic mapping system have been introduced systematically in this paper. EA2000 software adopts object2oriented data model , and a hierarchical approach for organizing electronic map data. The software has many functions such as multi2 sources data input ; layer2map2atlas making, mapping template; spatio2temporal dynamic display , dynamic monitoring of fishing boats , zoom in / out and so on.

    • Advances in methods of vitamin Bs nutrition studies on aquatic animals

      2001, 25(4).

      Abstract (1798) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2647) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Regulation of molting in crustacean larvae

      2001, 25(4).

      Abstract (1941) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2354) Comment (0) Favorites


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