• Volume 24,Issue 5,2000 Table of Contents
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    • >PAPERS
    • Anatomy and histology of the reprodustive system of Cymatium pileare

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (1753) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2221) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Cymatium pileare is gonochorism. It s male genital system comststs of testis, vesicula seminalis, vasdeferens prostate gland seminal groove and penis and its female genital system consists of ovary, oviduct , albumin gland, receptaculum seminis, capsule gland bursa copulatrix and vestibule. The sperm delivery ducts in pro state gland, seminal groove and penis are open, and the sperm comprises head and tail with central structure of 09+ 20 axoneme. The penis behnd the right tentacle of the male is the main morphological feature to be dist inguished form the female.

    • Phagocytic activity of hemocytes from injured Anodonta woodiana pacif ica

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (2068) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2144) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Hemocytes of f reshwater mussel( Anodonta woodiana pacif ica) after injured in mantle were extracted from adductor, and the phagocytic activity against bacterium Pseudomonas f luorescens during 0- 25 days was studied in vitro assay. It was found that the granulocytes and agranulocytes of four type hemocytes had the ability of phagocytose. Phagocytic activity of hemocytes increased signif icantly f rom 10 days af ter mussel were injured, and came to the highest on 20 days, then reduced slowly. The serum from injured and control mussel showed an opsonization to the phagocytosis of hemocytes.

    • Observation on the process of sperm penetration into egg of Scylla serrata with a scanning electron microscope

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (1886) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2627) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The process of sperm penetration into egg of Scylla serrata was examined with a scanning electron microscope(SEM)in this paper .The sperm contacts with vitelline membrane by its radial arms of the nucleus , and undergoes acrosome reaction immediately .During the process of acrosome reaction , the reversion of acrosonal vesicle , the forword-extending of the acrosomal tubule and the contraction of the radial arms were observed .The nuclear cup separates itself from the acrosome and is pull at the back of the acrosonal vesicle reversed .While the acrosome tubule passes through the egg membranes , the nucleus was carried into the egg . Because S .serrata has no micropyle , in the process of fertilization , a great number of sperms attach themselves to the egg and then several of them penetrate into the egg .The mechanism of the acrosome reaction and the action of the egg during the fertilization were discussed in this paper .

    • The feedback effects of 4-androstene-3, 17-dine and 17A-methy-l testosterone on gonadal development in the female Anguilla japonica

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (1953) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2415) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The effect s of 4-androstene-3, 17-dine ( ADSD) and 17A-methy-l testosterone ( MT) via implantation on maturat ion of the female silver eel, Anguilla japonica and their kinetic effects on serum GtH levels, brain and pituitary GnRH levels were studied. Serum GtH levels increased during the period of 1- 5 days after implantation of ADSD, and the responses elevated w ith increasing times of implantation of ADSD. Implantation of MT, however, did not increase serum GtH levels significantly, except on the 15th day after 7 times of implantation. These results indicated that implantation of ADSD and MT stimulated the secretion of GtH, and there was a difference in effect between ADSD and MT. A single ADSD implantation significantly increased mGnRH contents in the brain and pituitary one day after treatment, but two days later, mGnRH contents in the brain and pituitary returned to the levels of the controls, indicating that implantation of ADSD stimulated the mGnRH synthesis and secretion. Thus, androgen have positive feedback ef fects at the brain and pituitary level to st imulate gonadal development in the female silver eel.

    • Sequence comparison of mitochondrial DNA 12S rRNA region between Eriocheir sinensis and Eriocheir japonica

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (1923) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2247) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The primers of Eriocheir sinensis and Eriocheir japonica were designed by using the sequences of mitochondrial DNA 12S rRNA region of Drosophila yakuba and Daphnia pulex . 457 base pairs of encoded 12S rRNA region of mitochondrial DNA were amplified and sequenced. The length of sequence of two species was the same, the A, T, G, C content s were similar, which were 159bp( 34. 79%) , 177bp( 38. 73%) , 51bp( 11. 16% ) , 70bp ( 15. 32% ) and 159bp ( 34. 79%) , 178bp ( 38. 95%) , 50bp ( 10. 94% ) , 70bp ( 15. 32% ) respectively. Between E. sinensis and E . japonica , there were 5 different sites, that were transition sites at 98bp, 151bp, 317bp, 417bp, and transversion site at 294bp.

    • The comparison of isozymes in different tissues of Pinctada martensii

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (1991) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2024) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Seven isozymes in eight different tissues of Pinctada martensii were analysed by level slab polyacrytamide gel electrophoresis. The results showed that there were not A- GPDH and ADH isozymes in the any of eight tissues. The expression of LDH isozymes had one faint band only found in liver. The isozymic phenotypes of ME、MDH and SOD had evident difference among certain tissues, but the EST isozymes exhibited an apparent tissue-specif icity.

    • Consumption and ecological conversion efficiency of Thrissa kammalensis

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (2084) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2032) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Consumpt ion and ecological conversion efficiency of rednose anchovy, Thrissa kammalensis, was determined with samples of 38. 69- 64. 45mm in fork length and 0. 5179- 2. 1878g in body weight , caught in an earthen pond for shrimp rearing. Being a typical zooplanktonvore, rednose anchovy preferred to feed large copepods and o stracods without distinct feeding rhythm. Daily food content in its complete digestive tract was 1. 2196g#( 100g) - 1#d - 1 on average, and its daily food consumption was 10. 8135g#( 100g) - 1#d - 1 with an evacuation rate of 0. 3141g#( 100g) - 1#h - 1 . Food and energy conversion efficiency of this f ish was 35. 08% and 39. 30% respectively . In terms of its daily rat ion and abundance in the Bohai Sea, food requirement of redno se anchovy was deduced about 87 000 tones per year. Results indicate that high conversion eff iciency ensures the anchovy high growth rate, and lower zooplankton abundance may support its higher product ivity . That supplies a reason for that the stock of rednose anchovy increased rapidly while the biomass of zooplankton declined obviously in the Bohai Sea in recent years.

    • Examination on the biochemical composition of six pelagic fishes in Minnan-Taiwan bank fishing ground

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (2141) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2052) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The biochemical compo sition of muscle were examed in six pelagic fishes( Decapterus maruadsi , Sardinella aurita, Pneurmatophorus japonicus , Decapterus lajang , Trachurus japonicus , Rastrelliger kanagurta) . The protein content of muscle is 16. 94% - 18. 77%, the lipid content is 20. 12% - 25. 15%. With the increase of body length, lipid content increases. There is apparently relationship between the lipid content of muscle and reproduct ive activities. 17 amino acids in muscle were detected, the percentage of the essential amino acids in total amino acids content s is 45. 25%- 49. 39% , the polar amino acids, nonpolar amino acids and tasty amino acids in muscle are 16%, 39. 24%- 41. 59%, 42. 56%- 46. 02% respectively.

    • The biochemical composition of one-year and two-year old Fugu obscurus in pond aquaculture

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (1845) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2165) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The biochemical composition of one-year old ( weight: 40- 80g) and two-year old Fugu obscurus ( weight: 200- 300g ) cultured in ponds was studied. The results showed the content of crude protein of twoyear old f ish was lower than that of one-year old, but the content of crude fat is higher than that of one-year old obviously. Among essential amino acids, the level of lysine and arginine of two-year old f ish were apparently higher than that of one-year old, the contents of the other amino acids are all lower than those of one-year old, and their component rates were similar. Among non-essential amino acids, glutamic acid content is the highest in both one-year and two-year old fish, which is 26. 54% and 26. 69% respectively. The contents of monounsaturated fatty acids of two-year old fish are higher than those of one-year old, especially the C18B1which content of two-year old fish increased by 12. 23% . But the contents of saturated and highunsaturated fatty acids of one-year old f ish are higher than those of two-year old, especially the DHA which contents are 12. 86%, 8. 43% respect ively. Among the 14 measured mineral elements, the contents of Ca、Zn of two-year old f ish are obviously higher than those of one-year old, the contents of the other elements are lower than or almost close to those of one-year old f ish.

    • Effects of glucose and corn starch on growth and the fat deposition in the mesentery of grass carp

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (1895) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2344) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the experiment, two groups of fish w ith an initial body weight of ( 35194 ? 1186) g were reared fed w ith two diets, which contain 30% glucose or corn starch for nine weeks. The results showed that the fish fed with glucose diet had significantly ( P< 0105) higher relative growth rate, feed efficiency and protein ef ficiency ratio than those fed w ith corn starch diet. In addition, significant dif ference was found in the content of mesentery fat between grass carp fed w ith glucose diet and those fed w ith corn starch diet ( 1185% ? 0146% and 3156% ? 0145%) . The results suggest that glucose in the diet has better effects on the growth of grass carp than corn starch in the diet , while corn starch w ill increase fat deposition in the mesentery of grass carp more easily than gluco se.

    • Effects of rotifer and Artemia nauplii on larval development and survival of Eriocheir sinensis

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (2011) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2174) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The effects of rotifer, Branchionus plicatilis , and Artemia nauplii on the development and survival in the Chinese mitten - handed crab were investigated during the larval developmental stages. The results showed that rot ifer is a kind of appropriate feed for the early zoeal larval culture ( Z1 and Z2 ) , their development and survival may be affected by the amount of feed, the survival rate of the crab larvae increased gradually with increasing of amount of the rotifer, but it decreased when exceeding the optimal amount . The highest survival rate of the larva was gained by fed with the rotifers at 40ind..mL - 1 in HUFA - enriched group, and at 60 ind..mL- 1 in control group respectively. However, all groups fed on rotifer only showed high mortality in postlarval stages ( Z3, Z4, Z5, M) . Nevertheless, Artemia is a kind of suitable diet for the postlarvae of the crab, when the larvae were fed with Artemia at 10 ind..mL- 1 instead of the rotifer, higher larval survival rate and normal metamorpho sis to megalopa could be expected. The experimental results show that HUFA in feed inf luence significantly the development and survival of the crab larvae, and the survival and molting rate can be improved by enriching HUFA especially EPA and DHA in feed of larval stage.

    • Effects of ω- 3HUFA on survival rate and body fatty acids composition of Eriocheir sinensis larvae

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (2021) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2173) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Effects of ....3 series highly unsaturated fatty acids( ....3HUFA) on the development and survival of Chinese mitten..hand crab larvae, were studied by feeding with rot ifers enriched with two kinds of marine unicellular algae and the enrichment 50DE..G at early developmental stages and Artemia nauplii during postlarval developmental stages. The crab larvae obtained highest survival rate, 12. 00%, after fed with the rotifer treated with Chlorella, and then two groups treated with 50DE..G and Chaetoceros muelleri , 10. 67% and 9. 67% respectively, while the control group treated with baker.. s yeast is the lowest one, 3. 67%. The survival rate increased w ith increasing of the content of total lipid and ....3HUFA in the crab larvae, and the relative percentage content of ....3HUFA ( mainly eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA and docosahexaenoic acid, DHA) in the crab larvae may be affected by the content of ....3HUFA in its diets. The results suggest that EPA and DHA absorbed at the early developmental stages can influence the development and survival of the crab postlarvae.

    • Numerical taxonomic study on principal nutritional compositions of Artemia cysts of different geographic strains from China

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (1889) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2084) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The nutritional compositions of 25 Artemia cysts of different geographic strains from China were analysed by means of principal component s analysis and cluster analysis. The total amount of lipids, amino acids, protein and vitamins were analysed. The experimental results showed: ( 1) Artemia cysts of 25 strains can be divided 2 groups: A. freshwater-type cysts and B. marine-type cysts by the methods of principal component analysis and cluster analysis of 43 nutrit ional factors. ( 2) C20: 5n- 3, C18: 3n- 3, proteins, C16: 1 were primary nutrit ional components among Artemia cysts of different geographic strains. ( 3) Reproductive type can not af fect the nutritional composit ion, but there were difference among Artemia cysts of different geographic strains. ( 4) The freshwater type Artemia cysts only suitable for feeding to freshwater-animals and marine-type Artemia cysts containing C20: 5n- 3 suitable for feeding to marine animals.

    • Culture of selenium yeast and its application of the yeast to shrimp culture

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (1647) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2209) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The selecting experiment on ut ilizing starch wastewater by f ive Candida tropicalis strains and their transforming of selenium were studied. The result s showed that the strain of CY-173 produced more protein and protein-form selenium than the others . The temperature tolerance test proved that the bacteria were able to grow upto 33- 45 e . The growth rate slowed down when temperature were above 40 e and the growth was inhibited at 45 e . An experiment concerning the ef fects of pH and temperatures on their growth rate and the amount of protein produced was also carried out in a standard 6-liter tun. The dif ference of growth rates of the strains was not significant at pH 3- 5 , and they could grow normally at 33- 40 e . The amounts of protein and protein-form selenium produced by the strains reached the highest level at 37 e .Feed with the seleniumrich yeast was used in the culture of Penaeus chinensis . The results showed that the three groups fed with the selenium-rich yeast ( containing 10% , 20%, 30% selenium yeast ) had better effect s than the control group , and the group with 10% of the yeast ( containing 0. 6 @ 10 - 6 selenium ) had the lowest feed rat io, 2. 56, reducing 13. 3% compared with the control group.

    • A sphereovirus resulted in mass mortality of Haliotis diversicolor aquatilis

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (1855) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2177) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mass mortality of abalone Haliotis diversicolor aquatilis, occurred at abalone farms of Dongshan Prefecture, Fujian Province during the spring of 1999 and Since then pathological study was performed. Electron micrography revealed mass enveloped, about 100nm in diameter, hexagonal particles in the cytoplasm of liver of diseased abalone. Artificial infected experement revealed that the virus is the lethal pathogen of mass mortality, and histopathological changes and necrosis of the liver cell were the reshan of death. A further study on specib clasifieation of virus will be needed.

    • Application of Xiphophorus helleri to detection of virulence of fish pathogenic bacteria

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (1965) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2029) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Swordtail fish (Xiphophorus helleri)were infected with 18 strains of fish bacteria .The result showed that the sensitivity of swordtail fish to the strains was coincident with that of the fishes from which the strains of bacteria were isolated or other sensitive fishes .It occurred notably stair-changes of dead rates to strong , medium strong and weak virulence strains .The appropriate route of swordtail fish infected with pathogenic bacteria was injection in the dorsal muscle .The individual difference of the high generation swordtail to the pathogenic bacteria was less than the primary generation .And it had shorter time from the first infected fish to death to the last one of the same group .The research suggests that the purebred swordtail fish have good prospects as an aquatic laboratory animal in detection of the virulence of fish pathogenic bacteria .

    • Application of green fluorescent protein marked bacteria to investigate the site of antigen uptake in Carassius auratus ibelio

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (1840) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3125) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The uptake of granular antigen was examined in Carassius auratus ibelio af ter bath administration of GFP..marked Aeromonas hydrophila strain 4332( Ah4332GFP ) by hyperosmotic infiltrat ion ( HI) and direct immersion ( DI) . Much more marked bacteria had been found in gills than that in skin and gut in both treatments throughout the experiment. Quantitative analyses indicated that the main site of antigen uptake were the gills in bothHI and DI treatments. In addition, the amount of marked bacteria in gills and skin had increased obviously after hyperosmot ic treatment , and gut also had increased bacteria during experiment of 10min, 30min and 120min with the exception of 60 min after immersion. It showed that hyperosmotic treatment facilitated antigen entrance in fish.

    • Effects of turtle plasmasol on immune function in mice

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (1768) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2080) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An experiment was conducted to study the turtle plasmasol on turmor immunization , by feeding the turtle plasmasol to observe the inhibiting turmor trial and using MTT to assay the cytotoxicity of macrophages .The activities of SOD were observed to determine the effect of antiagting .The results showed that wild turtle and biomimetic turtle had shown marked inhibiting effect on S180 tumor growth (P <0 .01). The inhibiting tumor rates were 70 .69 % and 63 .17 % respectively .Significant increase(P <0 .01)was observed at the longevity rate on them, 40 .59 % and 39 .95 % respectively .The intruction of nitric oxide in murtur macrophages and macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity in wild turtle group and biomimetic turtle group were significantly higher than those of control group (P <0 .05 -0 .01).These observations suggest that turtle plasasol could be susceptible macrophage to increase NO production and improve the efficiency of killing tumor cells .Significant increase(P <0 .01 -0 .05)was also observed at the SOD activities between treatments and control , which indicated that turtle plasmasol could increase humoral immunity .

    • Advances in the experiment study of ultra-high strength fibers and its application in fishery

      2000, 24(5).

      Abstract (1778) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2189) Comment (0) Favorites


Volume 24, No. 5

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