• Volume 24,Issue 3,2000 Table of Contents
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    • >PAPERS
    • Two-way selective response of Megalobrama amblycephala

      2000, 24(3).

      Abstract (1843) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2237) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper reports the completely dif ferent results of positive selective breeding and negative selective breeding of blunt snout bream , Megalobrama amblycephala in 14 years. The positive selective breeding is by mass selection, the total selective intensity from fry to brooder was about 0. 04%. Large and healthy individuals were selected, the average daily body weight growth rate of selective strain F5 was 29. 1% higher than the control group, e. g. , 5. 8% selective response per generation. The negative selective breeding is by full..sib matting, which off springs are kept randomly. The average daily body weight growth rate of adult f ish of the 3th generation of inbreeding group was 16. 6% lower than the contro l group, e. g. , - 5. 5% selective response per generation. In the 4th generat ion of inbreeding group, the deformity rate of fingerlings was 2. 8%, survival rate overwintering was 28. 4% lower than the control group, and 48. 3% lower than the positive selective group. This study proved that the aquaculture performance can be improved signif icantly by scientif ic selection, but depressed rapidly by inbreeding, which should be prevented strictly.

    • The effects of starvation on growth and biochemical composition in Pagrosomus major

      2000, 24(3).

      Abstract (3467) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4090) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The recovery growth experiment in red sea bream, Pagrosomus major , following dif ferent starvation time at 20 .. .During starvation of 15 days, the f ish lost 7. 05% body weight comparing with it s initial weight s; the water content within the f ish body increased slightly; the protein and the energy content decreased slightly too; the lipid and ash did not significantly change. The tested fish were divided into 6 experiment groups which were deprived of food for 0( control) , 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 days respectively. Then each group was sated with food for two weeks. At the end of the recovery growth, chemical composition and energy content in each group were similar with the control group. The specif ic growth rate and feeding rate of groups which were deprived of food for 3 and 6 days significantly higher than the control group, but food conversion efficiency was similar w ith the control group; the specific growth rate and food conversion efficiency of groups which were deprived of food for 9, 12 and 15 days significantly higher than the control group, but feeding rate was similar to the control group. This results suggest the compensatory growth in red sea bream which was deprived of food for 6 days resulted in signif icant increase of the feeding rate in the recovery growth; but the compensatory growth in red sea bream which was deprived of food 9, 12 and 15 days resulted in signif icant increase of the food conversion efficiency in the recovery growth.

    • Cross breeding between four species of sea urchin, feasibility and early development of F1 offspring

      2000, 24(3).

      Abstract (2089) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2239) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Sea urchins Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus , Glyptocidaris crenularis, Strongylocentrotus nudus and S. intermedius are the most important roe source that export to Japan, S. nudus, S. intermedius and H . pulcherrimus have been cultured and released in north area of China Yellow Sea. This paper deals with the probability of their interspecific hybridization. And their hybrid larvae and juvenile characters were also reported. The results show that water temperature control can make the four sea urchin spawning simultaneously. The percentage of fert ilization in crossing groups was 0- 69. 6% and it was affected by consanguinity relationship of their native stocks and the spawning proper water temperatures of their native stocks. The larvae of H . pulcherrimus .. G. crenularis, G . crenularis .. H . pulcherrimus, H . pulcherrimus .. S . intermedius, S. intermedius .. H . pulcherrimus and H . pulcherrimus .. S . nudus can grow to four..leg larvae, but the abnormal rate was higher, and the development time of f loat larvae was 3- 10 days longer than that of their native stock off springs. Af ter 14 months reared indoor, three hybrid juvenile sea urchins were carried out and their test diameter was 2. 59- 2. 88 cm.

    • Effects of anthracene on activity of superoxide dismutase in Sebastodes fuscescens

      2000, 24(3).

      Abstract (3070) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3623) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Effects of anthracene on activity of superoxide dismutase( SOD) in serum, liver, kidney , gill and muscle tissues of Sebastodes fuscescens were studied by toxic experimental methods. The results showed as follows: 1. SOD activities exhibited dif ferences among tested tissues, the order of SOD activity from high to low was liver > serum> kidney> gill> muscle. 2. The senstivity of SOD to anthracene also exhibited obvious differences among tested tissues, the most sensitive one to anthracene was serum SOD; the following were SOD of liver, gill and muscle tissues respectively ; the tolerance of kidney SOD to anthracene was the most strongest among them. 3. The changes of SOD act ivity under anthracene stress were different among tested tissuse, low levels of anthracene could stimulate SOD activity of gill, kidney and muscle t issues, while the SOD activity of serum and liver always showed inhibition from low to high anthracene concentrat ion.

    • Isolation and characterization of pigmentation mutants in Porphyra yezoensis Ueda ( Bangiales, Rhodophyta)

      2000, 24(3).

      Abstract (1992) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2109) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A few color..variegated blades appeared in the blades regenerated from the MNNG..treated protoplasts of Porphyra yezoensis Ueda. They consisted of the wild..type and color..mutated cells which spottedly scattered. The monospores released from these spottedly variegated blades, developed into single..colored blades ( variants and the wild..type one) and the spottedly variegated blades, which were very similar to the mother blade. From the single..colored variants, three mutant strains were obtained. They showed green, light yellow orange and dull red orange in color, and were designated as yel , och and bus, respectively. The mutant strains were stable in color in both gametophytic blade and conchocelis phases. In the two phases, each mutant strain showed characterist ic differences in the in vivo absorption spectra, and had different contents of major photosynthetic pigments ( chlorophyll .., phycoerythrin and phycocyanin) as compared with the wild..type and with each other. By crossing the mutant with the w ild..type, it was found that the color phenotypes of yel and och resulted from only a single recessive mutation respectively . The mutated gene associating with the color in yel or och is respectively calculated to be 11. 5 or 15. 8 centimorgans from the chromosome.. s cent somere.

    • Induction of settlement and metamorphosis of Saccostrea cucullata larvae

      2000, 24(3).

      Abstract (1961) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1937) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Induction of adding chemical compounds on the sett lement metamorphosis of Saccostreea cucullata larvae was assayed. The metamorphosis of larval Saccostreea cucullata can be induced by epinephrine ( EPI) , Norepinephrine ( NE) , and L - DOPA. During a 48h exposure, optimum concentrat ions of three compounds were 10- 5mol..L- 1, 5 .. 10- 5mol..L- 1 and 10- 5mol..L- 1 corresponding to maximum metamorphosis rates of 67. 4% , 52. 2% and 43. 0% respectively. Most metamorphosis occurred in the period of 12- 24 h. Over 85% of larvae metamorphosed without attachment . NE can be deprived of its inductive activity when oxidized in seawater to be orange/ brown substances. Exposure time has signif icant inf luence on metamorphosis induction. NE produced the highest metamorphosis rate w ithin 2h, and effect ive concentration was inversely proportional to time in the range of 5 .. 10 - 6 mol..L - 1 ~ 5 .. 10 - 4 mol..L - 1 during this short period. L- DOPA brought about the maximum rate within 30min in the range of 5 .. 10 - 6 mol..L - 1 ~ 10 - 5 mol..L - 1 . A 5 min exposure to 10 - 5 mol.. L - 1 ~ 10 - 4 mol..L - 1 L- DOPA may enhance metamorphosis through attachment. Comparison of induct ive effect between artif icial inducers and chemical active substances ( CAS) that CAS is more active. NE- induced postlarvae well survived in low salinity but badly in high salinity.

    • Model Base System for Marine Fishery Services aimed at promoting marine fishery sustainable development

      2000, 24(3).

      Abstract (2073) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1935) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Model Base System for Marine Fishery Services is a type of software system which can classify and maintain a large number of models in the f ield of marine fishery, and support their generation, storage, query, running and analysis. This system can be ut ilized to perform quick report and forecast of sea and f ishing conditions, stock assessment and forecast of marine fishery resources, and marine f ishery management. This paper first analyses the models in the field of marine f ishery. Then it deals with the concept , make up and basic funct ions of Model Base System. The framework architecture of Model Base System for Marine Fishery Services and its implementation process are presented. This paper also presents applications of the system to the f ield of marine f ishery. Finally the conclusions are drawn and the future developments of Model Base System for Marine Fishery Services are prospected.

    • The impact of stocking density on plankton community in shrimp pond

      2000, 24(3).

      Abstract (2068) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2199) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper deals w ith the variations of plankton communities in enclosures in which shrimp and tilapia were stocked in f ive densit ies: 2. 8 ind..m- 2, 5. 6 ind..m- 2, 8. 4 ind..m- 2, 11. 2 ind..m- 2, 14. 0 ind..m- 2. The study was conducted in a shrimp farming pond from July to September, 1998 w ith the enclosure - experimental method. The following result s were obtained: ( 1) Because zooplankton feed on phytoplankton, their quantities were in negative correlation in the most enclosures; ( 2) The total biomass of ciliates showed no signif icant correlation with the biomass of zooplankton, but showed negative correlat ion with the biomass of phytoplankton; ( 3) The biomass of phytoplankton was decreased and the saprophilous forms of Pyrrophyta, Crytophyta, Cyanophyta instead of Bacillariophyta and Chrysophyta became dominant group in the enclosures w ith higher shrimp, but zooplankton.. s biomass was increased, supported by the smaller ones; ( 4) Ciliates breed abundantly in higher stocking enclosure, which showed the quality of water becoming bad.

    • TOC, TP, TN and pH in sediment environment of shrimp culture and quality assessment module

      2000, 24(3).

      Abstract (2227) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2399) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to explore the relationship between environment quality and virus disease, in winter of 1995, the concentrat ion of total organic carbon ( TOC) , total nitrogen ( TN) , total phosphorus ( TP) and pH in bottom sediments of 80 shrimp culture ponds in Qingdao of China were determined, and the correlation between TOC, TP, TN and pH and pond age was analyzed. The results showed that TOC , TN were positive linear correlation w ith pond age, the correlation coeff icient ( ..) for TOC was 0. 742 2- 0. 833 0 ( P < 0. 05) , the correlation coefficient ( ..) for TN was 0. 460 3- 0. 857 4 ( P< 0. 05) ; TP was negative linear correlation with pond age in Liuting areas of Chengyang with correlation coeff icient ( ..) of 0. 4261 ( P > 0. 05) , and was positive linear correlation in other area with correlation coef ficient ( ..) of 0. 495 6- 0. 906 0( P < 0. 05) . The relationship between pH and pond age was not regular. We suggested that the concentrat ion of TN as an index of pond soil quality. A assessment module was established for environmental quality of shrimp pond bottom.

    • The effect of some plant pulps for cultivating Artemia

      2000, 24(3).

      Abstract (1879) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2683) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The deals with possibilities of several plant pulps as diets of the brine shrimp Artemia in high density cultivating mode. The results indicate that different pulp has different diet effect on Artemia. In general, the diet effect of terrestrial plant pulp is better than that of aquatic plant pulp. The leaf of soybean is the best of terrestrial plants. Fed with the pulp of soybean leaf , the Artemia get high survival rate ( 69. 6 % ) and large body length (6. 436 .. 0. 956mm) on the 16th cult ivating day, which are similar to that of Artemia fed with powder of Spirulina ( 66. 0% and 6. 641 .. 1. 181mm respectively) and better than that of Artemia fed w ith yeast ( 29. 8% and 5. 216 .. 1. 030mm respectively) . The amount of crude protein and amino acid in Artemia fed w ith soybean leaf is slightly less than that in Artemia fed with powder of Spirulina and yeast respectively . In high density Artemia culture, it is feasible that soybean leaf can partly substitute for powder of Spirulina and yeast.

    • equirements of nutrients and optimum energy..protein ratio in the diet for Monopterus albus

      2000, 24(3).

      Abstract (3292) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2509) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The L9( 34) table of orthogonal design method was used to formulate nine diet combinations, which were employed to determine the requirements of protein, fat, mineral and general energy for eel, Monopterus albus. The results indicated that protein and general energy were the major elements that affected the growth of Monopterus albus . The optimum percentage of protein, fat, mineral and carbohydrate were 35. 7%, 3% - 4%, 3% and 24% - 33% respectively. In the diet of Monopterus albus, the relative general energy and energy..protein ratio( E/ P= kJ..g - 1 ) were 11. 50- 12. 50 kJ..g - 1 and 31. 6- 38. 9 respectively.

    • Detection of baculovirus infection in wild..caught Penaeus chinensis by PCR and dot blot hybridization

      2000, 24(3).

      Abstract (1945) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2202) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Wild..caught Penaeus chinensis was detected for baculovirus by Polymerase Chain Reaction( PCR) and dot blot hybridization using DIG..labeled Penaeus chinensis Baculovirus ( PCBV) fragment of nuclein lengthened 800, 1 100, 1 500 and 2 500bp. Positive reaction was found in gills, hepatopancreas, midgut and ovaries , but muscular tissue was negative. Our results demonstrated that the ovaries of shrimps were infected by the baculovirus that implied the virus may be transmitted vertically from parent to young generation.

    • Chemical characteristics of Perna viridis meat and its application to seafood seasoning

      2000, 24(3).

      Abstract (2007) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2255) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Chemical characterist ics of Perna viridis meat were studied in this paper. The experimental results indicate that its nutritional value is as high as that suggested by FAO/WHO in 1973 as the amino acid score and the f irst limiting amino acid being 81 and sulfur..containing amino acid (Met and Cys) respect ively. In addition, it is also rich in taurine and manganese (Mn) . As it contains some tasty substances like glutamic acid, aspart ic acid, glycine and IMP in high content, it can be processed to an ideal seafood seasoning through the method of bi..enzymetic hydrolysis w ith high nutrition and delicate f lavour.

    • The oxidative stability of fish oil in different systems

      2000, 24(3).

      Abstract (2098) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2351) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The oxidative stability of f ish oil in different systems was studied by using peroxide value ( POV) , conjugated diene hydroperoxide content and fatty acids content as indexes. The results show that fish oil is most stable under the protect ion of N2 and most unstable when exposed in the air during storage. If f ish oil was dispersed in water to form an O/W emulsion system, its oxidative stability would be improved. In conclusion, if the oil system is secluded from O2, it might be one of the best ways to increase the oxidative stability of fish oil.

    • Separating and processing technique of 5..- Deoxymononucleotides from fish spermary of chub mackerel

      2000, 24(3).

      Abstract (2027) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2050) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The process of digesting DNA - Na obtained from f ish spermary of chub mackerel into 5..- Deoxymononucleotides by using 5..- phosphodiesterase f rom Penicillium citrinum, M71 was studied. The 201 .. 8 anion exchange resin was used in the separation. The conditions for setting samples are height of column bed 105mm, diameter of column bed 45mm, sample concentration 213mg..mL- 1 and eluting flow..rate 0. 5mL..cm- 2 ..min - 1 . The results of the separation indicated 5..- deoxymononucleotides components could be fully eluted as a whole peak by the elut ing agent, 0. 005 M HCl and 0. 04M NaCl. And the use of a few modified eluting agent s, i. e. 0. 001 8M HCl, 0. 002 8M HCl, 0. 036M NaCl( pH6. 0) and 0. 005M HCl+ 0. 02M NaCl could bring about perfect and respective elution of dCMP, dAMP, TMP and dGMP.

    • Energy matching for fish cold processing

      2000, 24(3).

      Abstract (1570) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1892) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on a dynamic characteristic of heat transfer in fish cold processing, with the objective function of the cold processing time, the relationships among freezing rate, freezer temperature, air velocity, f ish category and f ish size were analyzed and studied, according to a non..unique character of f ish thermophysical properties. It pointed out that it is feasible to consider the amount of heat released in the zone of maximum crystallization as a major foundation for matching refrigeration capacity, and to calculate product load with three..stage method instead of enthalpy difference method. A method was put forward to match energy by changing air velocity in time and to maintain freezer temperature steadying according to different f ish propert ies so that it can save energy on the precondition of maintaining essential freezing rate and pledging f rozen product quality.

    • Advances on aromatase activity in fish

      2000, 24(3).

      Abstract (1607) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2462) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Current status and prospect of studies on microalgal EPA and DHA

      2000, 24(3).

      Abstract (1948) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3323) Comment (0) Favorites


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