• Volume 24,Issue 1,2000 Table of Contents
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    • >PAPERS
    • The property of egg..water and the response of sperm of Penaeus chinensis

      2000, 24(1).

      Abstract (2054) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2286) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The shrimp, Penaeus chinensis used in this test was bought f rom Yellow Sea in March, 1995, for the collection of egg..water EW, as well as the autumn shrimp was bought in October of the same year. The shrimp was raised in marine laboratory and fed with Polychaeta and shellfish, the sand filtered sea water was used in the experiment . The egg..water EW was collected and the characters were examined and reported as well. The results were composed of the collection, storing, life..span of the egg..water, and the response of sperm isolated f rom different parts of male reproductive system and mated female. The results are ordered as follows. 1) The activating ability could be kept for 7 months or more as stored in liquid nitrogen or stored in refrigerator ( - 20 .. ) after inflicted in liquid N2( - 196 .. ) ; and it would lose the ability in normal temperature after 8..10 hours. It is a useful character on sperm quality checking in production. 2) The parallel examination indicates that EW is the only eff icient inductor to activate sperm, compared with sea water, ovary wash liquid, ovary isolated liquid and distilled water. 3) The ultraviolet absorbancy of EW has high peak on 213. 2 nm and a little peak on 268. 0 nm. 4) The initial interval of sperm isolated from mated female responding to EW was 5..8 minutes in autumn but immediate in spring. 5) The activating rates of sperm induced by EW varied in 30%..80% in autumn, and superior to 90% in spring. There has been a 7%..13% space act ivation induced by sea water without EW. 6) The life..span of sperm isolated from thylcum of autumn mated female was 10- 10. 5 hours limited under natural temperature( 9. 5 .. ) bathed in sea water, and 6. 0- 8. 5 hours in 17. 0 .. 1 .. . The life..span of sperm had no significance in male and female in autumn.

    • Ultrastructure and function of the crop and the stomach of Hallotis discus hannai

      2000, 24(1).

      Abstract (2313) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2494) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The ultrastructure and function of crop and stomach of Haliotis discus hannai Ino were studied w ith histochemical method, electron microscopic observat ion and test for some enzymatic act ivity in vitro. The epithelial cells of the crop and the flat part of the stomach show the ultrastructural features of absorptive cells : microvilli, signs of endocytosis, occurrence of secondary lysosomes and storage of reserve materials ( glycogen and lipid) . These features indicate that absorption of energy..rich substances can occur in the crop and the stomach. The fold part of the stomach is lined by ciliated cells which are involved in sorting and transport of food particles. The intraepithial neurons were observed in the stomach. The epithelial cells of the crop and the stomach show proteinase and non..specific esterase activity by histochemical tests, and show activity of three or four polysaccharide enzymes by test in vitro .

    • Purification and some physico..chemical and biological characterization of Ctenocpharyngodon idellus interferon

      2000, 24(1).

      Abstract (1829) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2374) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Serum interferon of grass carp ( Ctenocpharyngodon idellus ) , which was induced by the haemorrhagic virus was purified by means of DEAE..Sepharose anion exchane chromatography, Sephacryl S..200 gel chromatography, high..performance liquid chromatography and gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The purif ied grass carp interferon exhibited single component when analysed by the SDS polyacrylamid gel electrophoresis. It was a glycoprotein with the molecular weight of 38kD and the isoelectric point of 5. 25. Biochemical studies showed that the grass carp interferon was not sedimented at 100 000g for 2 hours, exhibited stability to heat of pH2~ 10, and resisting to DNase and RNase, but was sensitive to trypsin, Glucosidase and NaIO4. It was able to inhibit different kinds of virus in the cells of grass carp, but failed in human, mammalian, avian and shellf ish cells. The results showed that the grass carp interferon was specif ic to fish cells and viruses. Its characterization was consistant w ith that of high vertibrate ../ .. interferon.

    • The androgenetic allogynogenetic silver crucian carp and its priliminary application

      2000, 24(1).

      Abstract (1951) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2214) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study part andtrogentic 3n= 156 allogynogentic silver crucian carp( 3n AASCC) using Carassins auratus eggs artif icially fertilizing with normal sperm from 3n= 156 allogynogenetic silver crucian carp ( 3n= 156 ASCC ) were produced . The 3n ASCC fed in pond can not only rearch sexual maturity , but be reproduced. Meanwhile, backcrossing females 3n AASCC ( F1 - similar to ASCC) to faternal parent 3n= 156 ASCC could produce f irst backcross generat ion ( B1 ASCC being very similar to faternal parent ASCC) . These have the same chromosomal numbers, e. g. 3n= 156, and volume of the erythr ocyte nuclei is about 1. 6 time whichis as big as that of C. auratus . On the other hand, genetic variat ions in females C. auratus , males 3n= 156 ASCC, 3n AASCC, backcross generation B1 and red common carp ( Cypinus carpio red variety) were detected using random amplifies polymorphic DNA(RAPD) markers. The result of molecular genetic markers indicated by the RAPD- PCR is consistent with that of the studies on cyto logy and cytogenetics ( chromosomes) . Therefore, androgenetic 3n= 156 ASCC exists in the part of F1 of C . auratus .. .. 3n= 156 ASCC .. .

    • Inducement of tetraploid Pinctada martensii in eggs from triploid

      2000, 24(1).

      Abstract (1898) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2207) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Tetraploidy was induced by inhibit ing the f irst polar body in eggs from triploid Pinctada martensii ( Dunker) fertilized with haploid sperms with 0. 5..g/ mL cytochalasin B ( CB) treatment. The effects of treatment duration and timing of treatment after fertilization on embryonic hatching rate and the percentage of tetraploid were examined, the growth and survival of larvae were compared between treated group, untreated group and diploid control. The results indicated that the hatching rate was inversely related to treatment duration time, but the percentage of tetraploid was positively related to treatment duration time. Two optimal moments for treatment application were determined. Optimal treatment duration time was 15..18min, optimal t iming of treatment was 3..5min before the release of polar body 1. The percentage of tetraploidy embryos was 20% averagely, the percent harvest of spat was only 0. 02% due to a heavy mortality of larvae. There was no difference in growth of larvae between treated group and untreated group( p > 0. 05) , but the growth of larvae in both groups was slower than that of diplo id control and the difference was significant ( p< 0. 05) .

    • Reproductive biology of Pinna pectinata

      2000, 24(1).

      Abstract (1858) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2253) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The reproductive biology of pen shell, Pinna Pectinata , in the northern offsea of Shandong were studied based on 851 samples caught from 1994 to 1998. The results showed that: The ovarian condition is divided into 6 maturation stages according to the morphologic character of ovary, gonadosomot ic index, ova diameter, and ova structure. The gonad muturates once a year and can be divided into 4 phases, that is evolution, proliferation, muturation, and rest . The spawning period is from June to August. and the peak period is from the f irst ten days of July to middle of August. The mutured age is one year. The sex radio is 53. 50..46. 50. The individual absolute fecundity is ranged from 1731. 0 to 53815. 9 thousand. The fecundity per gonad weight is 2844. 1 thousand/ g in average.

    • Toxicity of crude oil and fuel oils to important mariculture and multiplication organisms of South China Sea

      2000, 24(1).

      Abstract (1891) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2421) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Lethal toxicity of Nanhai crude oil, No. 0 fuel o il and No. 20 fuel oil to 3 species of larval shrimps, 4 species of larval f ishes and 4 species of shellf ishes was measured by controlled oil exposure experiments. The results show that the toxicity of the oils is in the order of No. 0 fuel oil > No. 20 fuel oil > Nanhai crude oil for both larval f ishes and larval shrimps, while toxicity order for the 3 species of shellfishes except Meretrix meretrix is No. 0 fuel oil > Nanhai crude oil. The dispersed Nanhai crude oil and No. 0 fuel oil are more toxic than their water soluble fractions. Among the 3 species of larval shrimps, Metapenaeus ensis is the most sensitive species to both No. 0 fuel oil and No. 20 fuel oil, while Penaeus japonicus is the most sensitive species to Nanhai crude oil. To lerance order of the larval f ishes to the 3 kinds of oils is Sparus latus > Mugil ophuyseni > Sparus macrocephalus, while the most sensit ive species to No. 0 fuel oil is Lateolabrax japonicus. Tolerance order of the shellfishes to No. 0 fuel oil and Nanhai crude oil is Meretrix meretrix > Paphia undulata > Scapharca subcrenata > Mytilus smaragdimus. In general, tolerance order of the exposured organisms to the o ils is shellfishes > fishes > shrimps.

    • Primary productivity and energy conversion efficiency in eel pond

      2000, 24(1).

      Abstract (1772) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2493) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The vertical and seasonal changes of primary productivity in eel ponds were reported in this paper. The gross oxygen production in water column in eel ponds ranged 3. 51- 7. 90 g O2/ m2..day and the peak appeared in July to August. The photosynthetic oxygen production one meter or less below the water surface accounted for over 90% of the total production. The average compensation depth was 65- 74cm. Among the total oxygen consumption, fish occupied 22. 4%, .. water respiration.. 71. 3%, and detritus 6. 4% respectively. The oxygen production by photosynthesis accounted 67. 7% of the oxygen resources of eel ponds, the rest was supplied by air- dissolved and water- f illing. The photosynthetic energy effciency reached 0. 38% - 0. 85% of solar radiation. The efficiency of converting phytoplankton production to the yield of big- head carp was 1. 05% - 2. 32% and the ecological eff iciency of converting solar radiation to f ish production was 0. 009%- 0. 010% .

    • The effect of salinity on food intake, growth and survival of Haliotis diversicolor supertexta

      2000, 24(1).

      Abstract (1950) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2341) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper report the performance for the intake growth and survival of abalone, Haliotis diversicolor supertexta fed artif icial diets under different salinity conditions. The results showed the salinity range for H . diversicolor supertexta fed with artificial diets was from 20 to 38, so the suitable salinity for growth ranged f rom 25- 35, and the optimum salinity was 30~ 35, respectively. In the condition of the above salinity, the daily growth in shell length and in body weight of small juveniles ( Mean shell length= 1. 3cm and mean body weight= 0. 37g , initial size) was 91. 5- 102. 3..m, 8. 6- 12. 55mg. The same for the large juveniles ( Mean shell length= 2. 6cm and mean body weight= 2. 3g) , it was 56. 3- 81. 8..m, 12. 68- 22. 48mg. The trail also showed the endurance of H . diversicolor supertexta on daily salinity change by degress ( within 24h) was 16; and the endurance on sudden change of salinity ( within 24h) was 14.

    • Study on the optimal levels of energy, crude protein and essential amino acid model of diets for growing turtle

      2000, 24(1).

      Abstract (1669) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2258) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Using two- factor, f ive- level, orthogonal regression rotational combination design, 170 turtles with an average initial weight of 150g, were randomly divided into 17 groups ( one control and 16 treatments) in feeding trial for 60d to study the optimal levels of energy , crude protein ( CP) and essential amino acid ( EAA) model. Average daily gain ( ADG) of group 9- 16 ( 2. 22g/ d) was signif icantly higher ( p< 0. 01) than those of the others, and 60. 87% higher ( p< 0. 01) than the control ( 1. 38g/ d) . Compared w ith the control and other treatments, FCR of group 9- 16 was 1. 43, 27. 41% and 12. 27% - 45. 00% lower, respectively . It is concluded that the levels of energy ( 16. 28MJ/ kg) , CP ( 42. 49%) and EAA model of the ninth diet were suitable to nutrient requirement of grow ing turtle. There was a strongly positive correlation between RNA to DNA ratio of turt le muscle and nutrient level and daily gain.

    • Electron microscope obseration on the morphology of a sphereovirus and cell pathology of Pagrosomus major

      2000, 24(1).

      Abstract (1912) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2246) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The report made use of the electron microscopy technology to examine the sick Pagrosomus Major at Qingdao in 1995 expounded, a lot of sphereovirus part icles which were found in the cytonucleus and cytoplasm of tissues of hepar, gut, kidney and grill. Study result showed: the sphereovirus had an irregular inclusion body in cytonucleus and cytoplasm at all, whose diameter was between about 80- 100nm. The virus particles had a middle density nucleus w ith an envelope. In diseased cells, nuclear chromatin changed and formed virus inclusion body , and part of the nuclear envelope was dissolved and distributed a lot of ribosome.. s over the cytoplasm, part of the outer membrane and crest of mitochondrion were out of shape and dissolved.

    • Histopathological and cytopathologocal study on hepatic encepha lopathy of amur sturgeon Acipenser schrenckii larvae

      2000, 24(1).

      Abstract (2211) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2363) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Through comparative anatomic, histopathologic, cytopathologic and epideminologic studies on the ill ( 14 Ind. ) and normal ( 1 Ind. ) farmed amour sturgeon, Acipenser schrenckii . No pathogenic microorganism was found. Outer symptom of earlier ill amour sturgeon was not obvious. Through anatomy hepat ic tissue degeneration was severely found. hepatic tissue was lipoid degeneration, watery degeneration and focal necrosis. Hepatic function changed from unusual to deterioration. The illness of encephalic liquefaction necrosis depend on the illness of hepatic tissue, encephalic cell was watery degeneration and necrosis, other organs t issues and cells was not found to be degeneration. Hepatic tissue degeneration was f irst, toxicopathy . encephalic liquefaction necrosis was secondary disease. The toxin that caused hepatic tissue degeneration came from the food. The cause of the illness and mechanism were also studied.

    • Study of fatty acid of muscle oil of six pelagic fish in Minnan-Taiwan Bank fishing ground

      2000, 24(1).

      Abstract (2556) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2396) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Fatty acid of six pelagic fish ( Decapterus maruadsi , Sardinella aurita, Decap terus lajang , Pneumatophorus japoni cus, Trachurus japonicus, Rastrelliger kanagurta ) were studied. Saturated, Monounsaturated, Polyunsaturated fatty acids represent 35. 24%- 38. 60% , 23. 59%- 30. 07% , 33. 06%- 40. 33% of the total fatty acids in fish oil respectively, EPA and DHA represent 2. 35% - 3. 62% and 17. 95%- 24. 49%, .- 3FA/ .- 6FA > 2. The major fatty acids of SFA, MUFA, PUFA are respectively C16B0、C18B0; C18B1; DHA、C20B4、EPA and C22B5. When the lipid content increased the PUFA% decreased, which might be related to reproductive activities. The compositional percentage and content of some fatty acids show larger f luctuations in one year. Adopt ing the mult iple regression, the compositional percentage and content variations of some fatty acids are found to depend on most clearly on the lipid content , and on the season, but no more relations with body length.

    • Amodel of quarante qualify hurdle and its strength designed for high..moisture seasoned dried scallop

      2000, 24(1).

      Abstract (1886) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2205) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the theory of Hurdle Ef fect , our research shaved that because of the mutual ef fects between the several moderate strength hurdles designed for quality, the growth of microbe was prohibited and the harmful effect of single high..strength antiseptic method on sensory evaluation was avoided. By this technique, the product, high..moisture seasoned dried scallop, was developed which can still be stored without refrigeration when Aw > 0. 90 and has such advantages as feeling soft when eating. Comparat ively well keeping the color and the flavor of fresh scallop, more health guarantee as well as more economic benefit. This paper dealt w ith we dealt with the Hurdle Model needed for the quality of the product and put emphasis on the process to select the strength of each Hurdle factor.

    • Establish on bienzyme method of Perna viridis

      2000, 24(1).

      Abstract (1817) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2511) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The seafresh seasoner has been made by the bienzyme method used to hydrolyze mussel meat. The results show : ( 1) Mussel meat protein can be hydrolyzed with the addititious enzyme( e. g. B. Subctls neutral proteinase & stomach protease etc. ) , without the quick autolysis technology of aquat ic products. ( 2 ) The bienzyme optimum hydrolyzed condit ions have been ensured with the orthogonalty trials, the optimum conditions of B. Subctls neutral proteinase invo lves pH7. 5, temperature 45 .. , 0. 2% enzyme consistency, 0. 1% calciumion consistency, hydrolyzed time 2. 5h; another involves pH4. 0, temperature 55 .. , 0. 2% enzyme consistency, hydrolyzed time 2. 0h. ( 3) DH of mussel meat protein reaches 82% by the newly..established method according to above conditions. ( 4) Through the processes of hydrolyzat ion, concentration, allicatation, a high quality seafresh seasoner with nutrient, delicate flavour and sanitarian function were prepared.

    • Preparation and some properties of glucosamine hydrochloride

      2000, 24(1).

      Abstract (1966) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2387) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Glucosamine hydrochloride was prepared by hydrolysis of chitin with concentrated hydrochloric acid and then chromatographed on 732 cation exchange column for purification. The purif ied glucosamine hydrochloride was identif ied by paper chromatography using the solvent system of pyridine, ethyl acetate, water and glacial acetic acid ( 5..5..3..1) and its Rf value was 0. 44. On redissolving in water, the value of the specif ic optical rotation of glucosame hydrochloride decreased with time f rom nearly 100.. to about 72.., and was stable after 2 hrs with [ ..] 20 D = 71. 9... The chloride content of glucosamine hydrochloride product was 16. 74%. Its infrared spectrum shows that the characteristic absorption peaks occured at 3307. 8cm- 1、3098. 9cm- 1、1615. 0cm- 1、1534. 1cm- 1、1417. 9cm- 1、1093. 8cm- 1、1033. 6cm- 1、912. 0cm- 1 and 579. 1cm- 1.

    • Analysis on catch rate of tuna longline fishing in the high sea of tropical Atlantic Ocean

      2000, 24(1).

      Abstract (1707) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2424) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the investigation from November, 1994 to October, 1996( except April - July ) in the high sea of tropical Atlantic Ocean ( 09..00..N - 5..00..S, 18..00..W - 34..00..W) by JING FENG NO. 2 longline fishing vessel, 27 species of f ish and one species of sea turtle were ident ified and catch rates of main economic fish were analyzed. Catch rate of Bigeye tuna( Thunnus obesus Lowe) reached the highest( excess over 8 .. ) during February in north latitude and early December in the area 1..S - 5..S, west of 24..W. But in the other area, catch rate fluctuated between 2 .. - 8 .. . Catch rate of yellowfin tuna ( Thunnus albacare ( Bonnaterre) ) reached the highest ( excess over 4 .. ) during November and December ( 1995) in north latitude fishing grounds and early December in the area 1..S - 5..S, west of 24..W. Catch rate of yellowf in tuna in the area 1..S - 5..S, 24..W - 18..W from August to October. 1996 was less than 1 .. . Generally, catch rate of swordf ish was lower than 2 .. in these fishing areas. Other low valued species catch rates were almost less than 1 .. . Effect factors on catch rate were discussed.

    • Overview of studies on calcium metabolism in molluscs

      2000, 24(1).

      Abstract (1885) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2761) Comment (0) Favorites


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