Research progress in accurate prediction of aquaculture water quality by neural network
Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (51777046), Special Project on New Generation Information Technology in Key Areas of General Universities in Guangdong Province (2020ZDZX3008), Key Project in Artificial Intelligence in Guangdong Province (2019KZDZX1046)

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    China is the world's largest producer and consumer of aquatic products, with aquaculture production ranking first in the world for more than 20 consecutive years, and the demand for aquatic products provides opportunities for the development of the global aquaculture industry. In aquaculture, the aquaculture water environment provides the living environment, food and oxygen for freshwater or seawater. Due to human activities, environmental pollution, agricultural production and other reasons, it may lead to changes in total phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, pH and other indicators in aquaculture waters, which in turn affect the growth of aquatic organisms. Therefore, real-time monitoring and prediction of water quality parameters is an important part of the aquaculture process and is an important measure to determine the quality of aquatic products. Through the analysis of the collected information, there are more neural network research results, which play an important role in accurate water quality prediction, but the lack of scientific classification in the literature and the low usage rate of the literature have made it difficult for scholars to find the research entry point. To address this issue, this paper classified the literature on neural networks methods for accurate prediction of farmed water quality according to two major fields: seawater and freshwater, and mainly studied and analyzed the neural network models applied in each field for prediction of seawater spatio-temporal sequences from three architectures: positive feedback architecture, recurrent architecture and hybrid architecture, and the analysis results showed that the highest prediction performance in the positive feedback architecture model is the ANN prediction model with 64% accuracy, and in the recurrent architecture model, the highest prediction performance is the convolutional neural network prediction model with 97.1% accuracy, and in the hybrid architecture model, the highest prediction accuracy is the intelligent algorithm-LSTM -RNNs model with an accuracy of 99.72%, which is 35.72% and 2.62% higher than the highest accuracy in the positive feedback architecture model and the recurrent architecture model, respectively. The prediction performance of the hybrid architecture model is better than those of the positive feedback model and the recurrent architecture model, which is conducive to improving the prediction accuracy of the different depth water quality prediction models. In addition, this paper had a preliminary discussion on the three-dimensional water quality prediction model based on the neural network method, and the results showed that the research scholars results are more focused on the changes of water quality parameters in different locations of the water surface layer and water intermediate layer, while for neural network prediction model for water surface layer, water quality prediction accuracy was higher than intermediate and deep water layer quality prediction accuracy.

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WANG Ji, XIE Zaimi, MO Chunmei. Research progress in accurate prediction of aquaculture water quality by neural network[J]. Journal of Fisheries of China,2023,47(8):089502

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  • Received:September 17,2022
  • Revised:November 23,2022
  • Adopted:January 10,2023
  • Online: August 16,2023
  • Published: August 01,2023
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