Distribution and contents of mineral elements in different tissues of yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)
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S 965.1

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    Yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) has good taste and nutritional value, and can provide the necessary mineral elements for the human body. In order to explore the content of mineral elements in different tissues, the experiment use the P. fulvidraco as the object. The distribution and content of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn) and selenium (Se) were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry in 18 tissues of P. fulvidraco (heart, liver, brain, spleen, kidney, muscle, fat, fore-intestine, mid-intestine, eyes, gill, tail fin, swim bladder, bone, stomach, skin, blood and whole fish). The results showed that Ca accounted for a higher proportion in bone, gill, tail fin and muscle, and the Ca content was the highest in tail fin and bone and the lowest in fat; Mg accounted for a higher proportion in bone and muscle, and the Mg content was highest in bone and tail fin and the lowest in eyes; Zn had a higher proportion in the bone, muscle, skin and eye, and the Zn content was the highest in eyes and the lowest in fat tissue; Fe had a higher proportion in the bone, blood and muscle, and the Fe content was the highest in blood and the lowest in fat; Cu had a higher proportion in bone, muscle and liver, and the Cu content was the highest in kidney and liver, while the lowest in fat and eyes; Mn had a higher proportion in bone and muscle, and the Mn content was the highest in bone and tail fin and the lowest in eyes and fat; Se had a higher proportion in muscle, bone, skin, and liver, and the Se content was highest in spleen, liver, kidney, and fore-intestine, and the lowest in muscle and fat; The present study used ICP-MS to explore the distribution and content of mineral elements (Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn and Se) in different tissues of P. fulvidraco, which provided good basis for determining the nutritional value of mineral elements in P. fulvidraco, and also has important significance for related research of mineral elements in other fishes.

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SONG Changchun, LIU Tao, ZHONG Chongchao, TAN Xiaoying, ZHANG Dianguang, LIU Lulu, LEI Xijun, LUO Zhi. Distribution and contents of mineral elements in different tissues of yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)[J]. Journal of Fisheries of China,2023,47(8):089610

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  • Received:September 08,2022
  • Revised:November 10,2022
  • Adopted:November 14,2022
  • Online: August 16,2023
  • Published: August 01,2023
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