Analysis of volatile components in various cured hairtail by electronic nose and HS-SPME-GC-MS

South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University,South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,College of Food science and engineering,China Ocean University,South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences

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    The impacts of various processing techniques on volatile compounds of cured hairtail were studied using an electronic nose and headspace solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS). The obtained results indicated that the contributions of the first and second principal components were 96.44% and 2.60%, respectively, which contained sufficient sensory information to different samples. Totally 27, 45 and 56 volatile compounds were detected from hairtail samples that were fresh, traditional cured and fermented cured, respectively, and most of volatile compounds were aldehydes, alcohols and ketones. Hexanal, benzaldehyde, octanal, (E, E)-2, 4-heptadienal, 1-octen-3-ol, hexanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 3-hydroxy-2-butanone and trimethylamine were found involved in the formation of characteristic flavor of hairtail. Fresh hairtail exhibited mainly fishy and fruity flavors, and traditional cured hairtail showed fatty, mushroom-muddy and fruity flavors, while the main flavor of fermented cured hairtail were buttery, grassy-fatty and fruity, and these flavors were more intense and better-distributed.

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WU Yanyan, WANG Yueqi, LI Laihao, WANG Xichang, YANG Xianqing, CAI Qiuxing, ZHAO Yongqiang, XIN Shaoping. Analysis of volatile components in various cured hairtail by electronic nose and HS-SPME-GC-MS[J]. Journal of Fisheries of China,2016,40(12):1931~1940

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  • Received:April 08,2016
  • Revised:June 08,2016
  • Adopted:November 15,2016
  • Online: December 16,2016
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