Selection and characterization of an improved strain produced by genetic recombinant of interspecific hybridization between Pyropia haitanensis and Pyropia radi

College of Fisheries and Life Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai,College of Fisheries and Life Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai,Fujian Marine Economic Operation Monitoring and Assessment Centre,Fuzhou,Fujian Fisheries Technical Extension Center,Fuzhou,Xiangshan Fisheries Technical Extension Center,Xiangshan,Zhejiang,Zhejiang Mariculture Research Institute,Wenzhou

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    In this paper, a crossing-experiment between Pyropia radi from India and Pyropia haitanenesis from China was done for breeding of improved strains with obvious hybrid recombinant advantages.The male parent was the wild-type strain(Pr-WT01)of P.radi, which was characterized by thick blade, slow growing, good toughness and high production of conchospores, and the female parent was the mutation strain(Ph-HMC5)of P.haitanensis, which was characterized by thin blade, fast growing, poor toughness and low production of conchospores.At first, four improved strains with obvious hybrid recombinant advantages were obtained from the F1 color-sectored blades, and finally the most improved strain(HR-6)was selected from them.The maximum of absolute growth rate of the male and female parents were 0.39 and 5.24 cm/d, respectively, while that of HR-6 strain was 9.27 cm/d and its absolute growth rate was greater than the maximum growth rate of the female parent during 30-50 days in culture.After 60 days in culture, the mean length of F1 blades of the male and female parents were 13.18 cm and 85.67 cm, respectively, while that of HR-6 strain was 218.57 cm which was 2.55 times that of the female parent and 16.58 times that of the male parent, respectively.The contents of Chl.a in the 35-day-old blades of HR-6 strain was 9.43 mg/g, increasing by 50% and 20% in contrast with that of the male parent and the female parent, respectively.The content of phycobiliprotein of HR-6 strain was 99.62 mg/g, which was 1.74 times that of the female parent and 2.18 times that of the male parent, respectively.The mean thickness of the 35-day-old blades of HR-6 strain was 26.22 μm, decreasing by 37% in contrast with that of the male parent and increasing by 30% in contrast with that of the female parent, and the toughness of the F1 blades of HR-6 strain increased significantly.The total number of conchospores released from HR-6 strain was 167.72×104, which was 2.65 times that of the female parent and 1.13 times that of the male parent, respectively.The above results confirmed that HR-6 was characterized by fast growth, high quality, large amount of conchospores, having excellent production applicability.

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WU Hongxiao, YAN Xinghong, SONG Wulin, LIU Yanfei, LIU Changjun, WANG Tiegan. Selection and characterization of an improved strain produced by genetic recombinant of interspecific hybridization between Pyropia haitanensis and Pyropia radi[J]. Journal of Fisheries of China,2014,38(8):1079~1088

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  • Received:May 08,2014
  • Revised:May 27,2014
  • Adopted:June 20,2014
  • Online: August 21,2014
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