Artificial propagation of Platypharodon extremus

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    Platypharodon extremus,an endemic fish belongs to Platypharodon of Schizothoracinae,Cyprinidae,and lives only in the upstream area of the Yellow River,the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,which was a small population size,narrow distribution,threatened species in China.It was included in the “China’s Red Book of Endangered Species of AnimalsFish”,Vulnerable(V).As the QinghaiTibet Plateau’s unique geographical location,P.extremus has adapted in the long-term evolution of the high altitude,strong radiation,low water temperature and other special environments,which also show the remarkably adaptable characteristics.With the intensification of human activities in recent years,the habitat changes and fragmentation,habitat barriers,water pollution,overfishing,the short growing seasons,slow growth rate,late age of sexual maturity and other factors,the populations of the species development were greatly limited.At present,the main distribution area has been gradually reduced to the upstream area of the Yellow River.At present,the population structure changed,the resource declined,the age structure turns into an extent status,the population of three investigation points where aboundance in the last time had disappeared today.However,the artificial propagation of this fish did not succeed.To explore the complete artificial propagation and in order to lay the groundwork for its resources enhancement.In this paper, P.extremus were captured from the Maqu at upper reaches of Yellow River and studies on techniques of artificial propagation and breeding were carried out in Linxia National Salmons Fishery Farm in Gansu province from 2007 to 2009.When reared for one year in pond in Linxia,some of the fish become mature.And,behaviours of propagation of the fish in nature could be controlled by adjusting the ecologic condition of environment they lived in.With the experimentation of artificial propagation for several years,some data of propagation and characteristics of P.extremus have been obtained.Under the artificial breeding conditions,their breeding season is from May to June.Individual females lay their eggs in the 30cm or more in length and weighing more than 750 g,and male body length of mature individuals is more than 30 cm and weighing more than 700 g.Both male and female reached the sexual mature at six years olds,the female mature coefficient ranged from 18.19% to 23.02%,male fish mature coefficient was 7.13%-8.34%; Mature eggs diameter was (2.1±0.1)mm,and the number of eggs per gram was 134.9.And absolute fecundity of grain for 12 630-40 470,and relative fecundity to 12.6-28.78 grains/gram·weight.Two-year cumulative hatching of 140 000 eggs were fertilized using the dry method and average fertilization rate was 87.5%,77.5% eyed rate,floating rate of 72% under the incubation temperature 10-14 ℃ conditions.And all the development of the average accumulated temperature of 6 321.5 ℃·h.Then use the Artemia salina as a weaning food,using formaldehyde solution disinfection.The artificial propagation of P.extremus was fulfilled first in China,which will contribute to its protection and resource proliferation releasing.

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ZHANG Yan-ping, LOU Zhong-yu, SU Jun-hu, JIAO Wen-long, WANG Tai, GONG Xue-feng, QI Shi-hui, WU Jian-pin, WEI Yan-ming. Artificial propagation of Platypharodon extremus[J]. Journal of Fisheries of China,2010,34(11):1698~1703

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  • Received:June 28,2010
  • Revised:September 18,2010
  • Adopted:September 26,2010
  • Online: November 11,2010
  • Published: November 15,2010
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