The microsatellite analysis of genetic variability for 3 domesticated populations of Germany mirror carp

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    Nowadays, the selective Germany mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio L. mirror) is one of the excellent breeds adapting to pond condition in the North area of China. In china, however, the information on their genetic variability is unavailable. Here, to evaluate the genetic diversities and relationships among 3 populations (BL, BZ and TJ) located at Suihua, Harbin and Tianjin of China respectively, 10 polymorphism microsatellite markers were used. The results demonstrated that 3 populations showed high polymorphism in 9 loci (PIC>0.5), and the average heterozygosity degree per locus was 0.6293. Meantime, 144 alleles were detected in all examined loci. Among them, BL and TJ populations had higher genetic variation than BZ population. The analyses of Nei’s DA genetic distance indicated the closest relationship was between BL and TJ, and the largest distance was observed between BL and BZ. Only little genetic differentiation was detected among the 3 populations (Fst=0.0315), and the internal variation was 96.85% of the total variation. Furthermore, the own alleles frequencies of each population were commonly lower (0.0125 ~ 0.1500), but the shared alleles frequencies of total populations were relatively higher. Therefore, we proposed that the selective populations of Germany mirror carp in different regions of China still kept high genetic diversity level, and the genetic differentiation among populations was not significant.

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HU Xue-song. The microsatellite analysis of genetic variability for 3 domesticated populations of Germany mirror carp[J]. Journal of Fisheries of China,2007,31(5):575~582

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  • Received:June 10,2007
  • Revised:June 10,2007
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  • Online: September 05,2007
  • Published: September 15,2007
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