Scales were used for the age determination of high-finned grouper (Cromileptes altivelis).The relationships between body length and age were described by four growth models in order to find out the best one.The results showed that the annual-ring feature belongs to the loose-close.The false ring and spawning check can be seen occasionally.According to the scale radius,body length and body weight,the growth condition of C. altivelis was analyzed.The radius of scale was linearly and directly correlative to body length.The relationship between body length ( L) and body weight ( W) was expressed as Wt=2.3×10-5Lt3.0245.Four growth functions provided a high goodness of fit and preferably described the growth of C. altivelis.Among them, the Gomperz growth function was especially suited to describe the growth patterns of under 10 years fish.The growth of body length and body weight can be described by the von Bertalanffy growth equation Lt=566.0139[1-e-0.1549(t+1.0988)];Wt=4531.0076[1-e-0.1641(t+0.76635)]3.0245.The age of 5.98 years was the turning point of body growth with body weight 1346.26 g.The fish grew faster before the age of 6.
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OU You-jun. Studies on the age and growth characteristics of Cromileptes altivelis[J]. Journal of Fisheries of China,2007,31(5):624~632