Genetic analysis of the intergenus hybridization of Pseudosciaena crocea(♀)× Miichthys miiuy(♂)
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    Pseudosciaena crocea(♀)and Miichthys mijuy(♂)was produced in this study. The results showed that the fertilization rate was 56.25%, and the hatching rate was 45.24%; however, the survival rate was only 0.65% at fry stage. The genetic analysis on the relationship between the F1 progenies and their parents were carried out using AFLP and microsatellite markers. Clear parental specific bands were amplified from all the four microsatellite loci(LYC0003,LYC0006,LYC0007,LYC0008), but none of paternal specific bands were found in all the 26 F1 progenies. In the AFLP results, a total of 312 bands was produced with 4 selective primer pairs (E-ACC/M-CAG, E-AAC/M-CAT, E-AAC/M-CTA, E-AGC/M-CTC), of which 132 were maternal specific bands, 94 were paternal specific bands, and 32 were nonparental bands. The average genetic similarity among the F1 progenies was 0.891, genetic distance was 0.116. The average genetic distance between the F1 progenies and their mother was 0.159, while it was 1.307 between them and their father. The results suggested that the F1 progenies were allogynogens for high genetic identity between the F1 and the female parent.

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WANG Xiaoqing, WANG Zhiyong, XIE Zhongguo. Genetic analysis of the intergenus hybridization of Pseudosciaena crocea(♀)× Miichthys miiuy(♂)[J]. Journal of Fisheries of China,2008,32(1):51~57

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  • Received:January 16,2008
  • Revised:January 16,2008
  • Adopted:January 16,2008
  • Online: January 16,2008
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