Comparative analysis of intermuscular bones in lower teleosts

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    The comparative analysis on number, morphology, and distribution of intermuscular bones in lower teleosts nonacanthomorph such as Osteoglossomorpha, Elopomorpha, Clupeomorpha, Ostariophysi, was conducted. Pike eels (Muraenesox cinereus), estuarine tapertail anchovies (Coilia ectenes) yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) and arowanas (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) owned 409, 221, 70 and 8 intermuscular bones, respectively. The numbers of intermuscular bones in the fishes of Cyprinidae fell down on the range from 99 to 133. The morphology of intermuscular bones here was classified into seven types based on the bone complexity. From Osteoglossomorpha to Ostariophysi, the bones were evolved from simple type to various complexity types, then, retrogressed to simple types. Arowanas only owned simplest “I”type epineurals, another type oneendbifork epineurals was found in pike eel, meanwhile several simpletype epipleurals appeared. In herrings (Tenualosa reevesii) and estuarine tapertail anchovies (Coilia ectenes), a little more complexity epineurals like oneendmultifork type were found. As to Xenocypridini and Cyprinidae, most complexity type tree type was evolved. From Leuciscini, the epineurals initially retrogressed to a little simple type, finally to Siluriformes, the epineurals totally was disappeared, and the epipleurals also retrogressed to most simple type. Comparing with epineurals, the epipleurals emerged a little later, and formed a litter simpler. The complexity degree of various epineurals with rostrocaudal arrangment decreased gradually. However, the decreasing trend of the complexity degree of epipleurals was not evident. On the whole, Consideration taken together with lower teleostean phyologenetic relation, the morphology and arrangement of intermuscular bones, two paths of intermuscular bone evolution in Cyprinidae were postulated. One is from “I” type (nofork type) to “卜” type (oneendunequalbifork type), then to “Y” type (oneendequalbifork type), finally to oneendmutifork type, another is from “I” type to “卜” type, then to “Y” type, then to twoendbifork type, then to twoendmutifork type, finally to tree type. The research results provided here will help us to understand the evolution of intermuscular bones.

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LV Yao-ping. Comparative analysis of intermuscular bones in lower teleosts[J]. Journal of Fisheries of China,2007,31(5):661~668

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  • Received:September 04,2007
  • Revised:September 04,2007
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  • Online: September 05,2007
  • Published: September 15,2007
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