Abstract:Oxyeleotris marmoratus is a member of the family Eleotridae, native to the southeastem Asia, such as Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia. It is one of important economic fish in those countries. It is one of the largest in body size in family Eleotridae, and the biggest individual weights above 5 kg. In 1980s the fish was introduced to China, but the culture industry of this fish did not estabhsh, because the artificial propagation of this fish did not succeed. In 1999, some Oxyeleotris marmoratus fingerlings in size 4 cm were introduced to China for domestication and culture from Viemam. When reared in pond for one year, some individuals have been matured. With the experimentation of artificial propagation for several years, some data of propagation and embryonic development of Oxyeleotris mannoratus have been obtained. The fish propagation period in one year is from March to November in original country, and is from May to September in Guangzhou of China. In this paper, the complete artificial propagation and embryonic development of Oxyeleotris mannoratus have been studied. When reared for one year in pond in Guangzhou, some of the fish become mature. Behaviours of propagation of the fish in nature could be conlrolled by adjusting the ecologic condition of environment they lived in and the spawning rate was 65.6 %. By injection of hormone into it, we also could make the fish spawn and the spawning rate was 72.7 % - 100%. 1.54 million eggs were obtained and 85.1% - 90.3% among these were fertilized eggs. The fertilization eggs are clarity and like melon or pear in shape. The egg' s length is from 1.3 mm to 2.4 mm and its width is from 0.56 mm to 0.7 mm. There are several ten fat balls in its yolk vesicle and the yolk is at the end of egg. There is an adhesion tray made of adhesion silk on the thin end of fertilized egg. The length of adhere silk is from 0.20 mm to 0.23 mm, the width of adhesion tray is from 0.15 mm to 0.17 mm. When water temperature was 26.8℃ - 30℃, egg plasm, 32 minutes after fertilization, undergoes the first cleavage. 30 hours and 25 minutes after fertilization, some embryos begin to break the membrane and come out and hatching' s length is from 2.9 mm to 3.1 mm. The hatch rates were from 76% to 85.6%. 4 days after hatching, the fry can swim fiat and its heartbeat is from 120 to 150 in one minute, its length is from 3.5 mm to 3.9 mm, its muscle section is 7 - 10 + 14 - 17. Its egg yolk is absorbed completely and it can be fed with artificial food then. The artificial propagation of Oxyeleotris marmoratus was fulfilled first in China.