Piscine nodavirus and its pathogenesis

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    In recent years, piscine nodaviruses have emerged as major pathogens of a wide range of larval and juvenile marine finfish resulting in high mortality in aquaculture worldwide. Affected fish exhibit a range of neurological signs, such as erratic swimming behaviour with the associated microscopic lesions of necrosis and vacuolation of the central nervous tissues and retina. Numerous roundshaped, unenveloped and 25-30 nm in diameter virus particles were found in the cytoplasm of affected retinal and nerve cells. Nodaviruses have a bipartite genome of positivesense RNA,with RNA1 encoding the RNAdependent RNA polymerase and RNA2 encoding the capsid protein. Both RNA are capped, but not polyadenylated. The family Nodaviridae comprises two genera: Alphanodavirus and Betanodavirus, members of which primarily infect insects and fish, respectively. Therefore, betanodavirus is also named piscine nodavirus. At present, piscine nodaviruses are divided into four genotypes based on partial sequences of the coat protein gene. ELISA and RT-PCR amplification have been developed as specific diagnostic methods for the d etection of the virus. Antibodies to striped jack (Pseudocaranx dentex) nervous necrosis (SJNNV) were found in 65% of plasma samples collected from wild and domestic brood stocks of striped jack, suggesting that the virus is very prevalent. Viral antigens were detected in eggs, larvae, and ovaries of hatcheryreared and wild spawner fish, suggesting both horizontal and vertical modes of transmission of the virus. Selection of nodavirusfree spawners using ELISA for detection of antigens and RT-PCR techniques have successfully reduced incidences of the virus infections in juvenile sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax),striped jack and barfin flounder (Verasper moseri). The SSN1 and GF cell lines have been successfully used in isolating piscinenodaviruses.Although there are many papers describing the molecular characteristics of betanodavirus, our knowledge of the genomic attributes of these viruses is still limited. Vaccination studies are being undertaken by a number of researchers and need to be fostered. In particular, the use of passive immunization of broodfish with homologous and heterologous, high titre antisera are worthy of investigation.

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HUANG Jiannan. Piscine nodavirus and its pathogenesis[J]. Journal of Fisheries of China,2006,30(6):831~836

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  • Received:May 05,2008
  • Revised:May 05,2008
  • Adopted:May 05,2008
  • Online: May 06,2008
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