Abstract:Based on the biological study of 1576 samples of Ovalipes punctatus collected every anniversary from 1998 though 2002 in the East China Sea for surveying crustaceans resources and fishery product ion, it was found that the length of carapace ranged from 26 to 95mm and its width from 32 to 120mm. The body weight of them was between 5 to 410 g, in which the male crab seemed bigger than the female one in average. The female crab grew rather slow in spring (February to June) , while the male one grew very fast with an average growth rate of 38. 7%. However, the female crab grew slightly more than the male in the whole year w ith a sex ratio being around 1B0. 88. Moreover, The female crab reproduced vigorously in March to May and the amount of brood for various O. punctatus was between 68000 to 758000. The body weight of the smallest brood crab was 59 g with its carapace length and width being 46 and 60mm, respectively. Most of brood crab had the body weight of 80 to 115 g with the carapace length of 50 to 60 mm and the width 65 to 80 mm. The rate of half or full stomach of crab reached over 50% to 60% .The feeding activity of O. punctatus became stronger in summer and autumn than in spring and winter. On the basis of the quantity distribution and resources situation of O. punctatus in the East China Sea, it is suggested to organize the f ishery to exploit and utilize the resources properly.