Abstract:This study inspected the effects of main structure parameters of otter board on the hydrodynamic characteristics of vertical V type otter board by the orthogonal design and appending the simulated sea bottom, based on the test of model in the wind tunnel .The test results indicated as follows :1 .one of the most important factors to influence the hydrodynamic characteristics of otter board was dihedral angle , followed by aspect ratio and sweepback angle .When the curvature on surface of otter board is 14 %, the dihedral angle of the optimal match was 12?, aspect ratio was 1 .60 and sweepback angle was 10?.The lift coefficient was 1 .68 and higher than tested other boards when attack angle was 25?and 28?.2 .the critical angle of attack of the optimized otter board is reduced from 28?to 25?after appending the simulated sea bottom.It was obvious that the attack angle of vertical V type otter board on bottom was less than that in middle water .3 .the lift coefficient of the optimized otter board was obviously raised in the range of the commonly used attack angle after appending the simulated sea bottom. Meanwhile the lift to drag ratio also rose slightly .However , the lift to drag ratio held the line at attack angle of 20?.4 .in the front of the critical attack angle the moment coefficient of the optimized otter board rose slightly after appending the simulated sea bottom and it was favorable for the stabilization of otter board in practical operation .