Abstract:The effect of starvation for different time and re..feeding on growth, feeding and body biochemical composition of Amur sturgeon juveniles( Acipenser schrenckii ) were investigated indoor under 22 .. 2 .. . The body weight and ratio of RNA/ DNA of f ish decreased with the increasing of starvation period. After being deprived of food for 7 days, 14 days or 21 days, body weight was signif icantly lower than that of fed fish ( P < 0. 01) . At the same time, protein, lipid and glycogen content of fish were lower, while ash and moisture content became higher of the starved group than that of the control. The liver glycogen and muscle glycogen content reduced mainly in the f irst week, and lipid and protein content reduced obviously in second and third week of food deprivat ion respectively . The results indicated that sturgeon juveniles mobilize energy f rom glycogen, lipid and protein in turn. Upon re..feeding, all the starved groups exhibited higher feed intake rates and specif ic growth rates than that of the control group. The ratio of RNA/ DNA of f ish deprived of food for 7 and 14 days reached or approximated to that of the control, while the ratio of RNA/ DNA of the testing f ish starved for 21 days was lower significantly compared to the control ( P < 0. 05) . After re..feeding for 30 days, there were no significant differences in body biochemical composition among four groups ( P > 0. 05) . The f ish deprived of food for 7 and 14 days were able to catch up with the control in body weight , while the fish weight of starving 21 days less than the control ( P < 0. 05) . It suggested that both complete and partial compensation is contributed somewhat by improvement feeding rate in Amur sturgeon.