Abstract:The article systemically studied the relations between healthy synthetical index of Siniperca chuatsi and six aquatic ecofactors by computer technology . The experiment was conducted from July to October at Guangdong Province in 2001. The total test area is 4. 72hm2 composed of 16 fish ponds. The samples were collected every two weeks at 8: 00- 9: 00am during the experiment . The aquatic ecofactors were determinated according to GB11607- 89 and GB3838- 88. Results show that the varied ranges of water temperature and pH are narrow, whereas those of other four aquatic ecofactors about dissolved oxygen, total ammonium, phosphate and nitrite are wide under natural breed conditions, The correlation coefficient of six aquatic ecofactors will help aquatic ecofactors to keep under control . Research suggests that Siniperca chuatsi healthy synthetical indexes have nonlinear relations with six aquatic ecofactors. Accuracy rate of forecast on the basis of the pattern was 89. 6% and standard deviation of fitting was 12. 1 if the third power of factors was adopted. Influence of six aquatic ecofactors on Siniperca chuatsi health index in sequence is PO4 3- > NO2 - > pH> DO> T> NH4 . The article discussed the accuracy rate of forecast of various range, and optimal range of aquatic ecofactors in culture was obtained on the pattern.