Genetic analysis for Hucho taimen in Wusuli River with microsatellites

Key Lab of Bioengineering Breeding of Northern Finf ish, Ministry of Agriculture, Heilongj iang River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences , Har bin 150070, China

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    Hucho taimen, a kind of cold water fish, is mainly distributed in Huma branch of Heilongjiang River, upper reaches of Wusuli River and Hanasi Lake of Xingjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. In recent years, the number of its population extremely decreased due to environmental deterioration, intense capture and so on. In a word, this treasure species has been considered as one of the endangered species in China. So, it is very urgent for researchers to protect this f ish with effective methods as soon as possible. However, the f irst thing should be done is to learn about genetic diversity of its natural population, then, to take some valuable measures to restore its population. Now, molecular markers are very useful tools in estimation of germplasm resources, variety identification and preparation of genetic linkage map. 30 microsatellites derived from Oncorhynchus mykiss were obtained from nucleotide web sites and designed primers ( Primer 3. 0) by their flanking sequences, then applied to analyze the genetic diversity for Hucho taimen in Wusuli River by using PCR method. As a result, 10 microsatellite markers were amplified polymorphisms for genomic DNA of Hucho taimen, and of which 6 markers were assessed genetic diversity for 17 individuals. The PCR products were electrophoresed by 2% agarose gel, and the data like allelic frequencies and heterozygosities were calculated and analyzed by statistic method. As a consequence, the data showed that allelic frequency ranges from 0. 0455 to 0. 7857, PIC value ( polymorphism information content) from 0. 2801 to 0. 6351, and heterozygosity f rom 0. 3368 to 0. 6563. All of these indices indicated that genetic diversity of Hucho taimen was not inspiring at present. Therefore, considering the reduct ion of its populations, this research aimed at attracting much attention to protecting its genetic diversity. According to the findings, it is suggestted to enlarge its population naturally through artificially reproduced exiling. Meanwhile, make sure the size of effective breeding population more than 200 individuals, in order to avoid the occurrence of genetic / bottle neck0.

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LIANG Li-qun. Genetic analysis for Hucho taimen in Wusuli River with microsatellites[J]. Journal of Fisheries of China,2004,28(3):

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  • Received:March 15,2014
  • Revised:March 15,2014
  • Adopted:March 15,2014
  • Online: March 15,2014
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