Abstract:A gas chromatography method had been established for the determination of chloramphenicol in aquat ic products. Chloramphenicol was extracted with ethyl acetate and partitioned with n-hexane to remove lipids. Cleanup was performed on a Sep cartridge. After the drug was derived with BSTFA- TMCS, the derivatives were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography- electron capture detection. The linear range was from 0. 5..g..L - 1 to 500..g..L - 1 with r of 0. 999. The average recoveries were 62. 0%, 88. 2% and 96. 4% respectively when samples were spiked w ith 1..g..kg- 1, 10..g..kg- 1 and 20..g..kg- 1. The detection limit was 0. 1..g..kg- 1. The RSDs were 4. 3% - 11. 0% . The method is sensitive, accurate and suitable for the determinat ion of trace chloramphenicol in aquatic products.