Abstract:Consumpt ion and ecological conversion efficiency of rednose anchovy, Thrissa kammalensis, was determined with samples of 38. 69- 64. 45mm in fork length and 0. 5179- 2. 1878g in body weight , caught in an earthen pond for shrimp rearing. Being a typical zooplanktonvore, rednose anchovy preferred to feed large copepods and o stracods without distinct feeding rhythm. Daily food content in its complete digestive tract was 1. 2196g#( 100g) - 1#d - 1 on average, and its daily food consumption was 10. 8135g#( 100g) - 1#d - 1 with an evacuation rate of 0. 3141g#( 100g) - 1#h - 1 . Food and energy conversion efficiency of this f ish was 35. 08% and 39. 30% respectively . In terms of its daily rat ion and abundance in the Bohai Sea, food requirement of redno se anchovy was deduced about 87 000 tones per year. Results indicate that high conversion eff iciency ensures the anchovy high growth rate, and lower zooplankton abundance may support its higher product ivity . That supplies a reason for that the stock of rednose anchovy increased rapidly while the biomass of zooplankton declined obviously in the Bohai Sea in recent years.