Abstract:In this report, pho spholipids in six shellf ishes ( Mytilus edulis, Chlamys f arreri , Crassostrea plicatula, Philippinarum Ruditapes , Sinonovacula constricta and Scapharca subcrenata ) were studied in a comparat ive way. Offering meat rate, total lipid, neutral lipid, polar lipid, phospho lipids, composition of phospholipids and fatty acid of six shellfishes were tested. The experimental results were as follows: the characteristic of phospholipids in six shellfishes had definite dif ference . The content of PI in Oyster was particularly higher. CL was only detected in Oyster and Blood clam. Only EPA but no DHA was found in Blood clam. The common characteristic of six shellfishes was that PC and PE were seventy percent of the content of phospholipids.