
Department of Nature,Fujian Province Museum,Fuzhou 350001

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    The present paper reports the results of a systemat ic investigat ion of fishes Homalopteridae , based on a collect ion made by the wr iters in Fujian Province .The collect ion consists of 5 gener a and 18 species , among which one species diagnosed as new to science . Pseudogastromyzon meihuashanensis , Li sp .nov .(Fig .1) D .3 , 7 ; A .2 , 5 ; P .1 , 17 ; V .1 , 9 ; L1 .78 ~ 84 ; Body depth containe d in standar d length 5 .2 ~ 6 .2 (5 .8),width of body 5 .4 ~ 6 .3(6 . 1), length of head 4 .8 ~ 5 .4(5 .2), length of caudal peduncle 7 .2 ~ 7 .7(7 .5), depth of caudal peduncle 9 .1 ~ 9 .8(9 .5).Depth of he ad contained in its length1 .7 ~ 2 .0(1 .8), width of head 0 .7 ~ 0 .9(0 .8), length of snout 2 .0 ~ 2 .2(2 .1), diameter of eye 4 .0 ~ 4 .3(4 .2), width of interorbital space 1 .4 ~ 1 .7(1 .6), length of coudal peduncle 1 .2 ~ 1 .8(1 .6), its depth 1 .7 ~ 2 .1(2 .0).Depth of caudal peduncle containe d in its length 1 .1 ~ 1 .3(1 .2),width of mouth conta ined in width of he ad 2 .1 ~ 2 .4(2 .3). This new species is dist inguished fr om any other known species of the same genus by its chin adhesive apparatus and the colour of its body .Its spe cif ic shape can be definitely ident ified by the following three respe cts :first , there are three dermal ridges extending fowards each cor ne r of its under-lip , but the three dermal ridges are slanting tightly , not l ike those of the other species :the ir thr ee dermal r idges slant ing separately and left a cer tain space between each dermal r idge .Second , in the center of the chin emer ged a “π” , not like the other species (Ther e ar e two “V”on P .l iangiangensis and P .maculatus ;two “Y” on P .fasciatus).And the shape of the adhering appar atus is not like the sh ape of ”品” on P .changtingensis .Third , the colour on the body of the new species and the hor izontal line on each side of the body differ from those of other known species . When alive , the whole body is showing the colour of orange and at the edge of its dorsal fin , there is a black line , and there are nine dark br own nar row indistinct horizontal l ines of different lengths and irregular thr ee black drops on each side of its body . Holotype No .FM00248 , total length 83 .0mm , standard length 68 .0mm, collected in Jiulong River , Meihuashan Nature Reser ve of Fujian Province(25°25′N, 116°55′E), on November , 1990 .Paratype No .FM01312 .FM01313 .FM01314 , 3ex ., total le ngth 51 . 0mm ~ 84 .0mm, standard length 41 .0mm ~ 67 .0mm, collected on Januar y , 1977 , same River as holotype .All type specimens are deposi ted at Department of Nature , Fujian Province Museum.

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LI Shu Qing. STUDY ON THE HOMALOPTERID FISHES FROM FUJIAN PROVINCE, CHINA[J]. Journal of Fisheries of China,1998,22(3):

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  • Received:May 06,2014
  • Revised:May 06,2014
  • Adopted:May 06,2014
  • Online: May 06,2014
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