Abstract:The suitable soybean ca,l;e as a substitute for partial fish meal informulated diets for the Chinese mitten-handed crab,Eriocheir sinensis, was studi-ed. The tested material was purified diet consisting of different contents ofsoybean cake, fish meal and maize flour, etc. The tested diets were divided intofive groups containing 36 .64-37.2300 of protein, 2.75-3.10% of lipid and452.51-462.23 KCaI/kg of energy,and animal-vegetable protein ratio was1:0.13-2.43. The experiment results indicated that 30% soybean cake as a sub-stitute for partial fish meal in formulated diets for the crab juvenile was suit-able, taking the essential amino acids of the diets,specific growth rate, proteinutilization ratio and the nutrional composition of the crab,etc, as evalution indicesafter 40 days feeding experiment at 24士10C. The insufficient or excessive soybeancake content in diets caused the essential amino acids' imbalance and decreasedthe growth rate of the crab.