Abstract:A study has been conducted on the morphological features, repro-duction, feeding and growth of Synechogobius ommaturus (Richardson). S. omma-turus is a common fish that occurs in the coast and estuary area of China. S. hasta(Temminck et Schlegel) is the synonym of S. ommaturus. It released two batchesof eggs during its reproductive period which is from February to May. After thespawning the parent fish die off. The lifespan is only one year. The relationship between its weight (W) in gm and body length (L) in cmcan be expressed by the formula: W = 0 .01739L2.8279. The relationship between itsage (T) in months and body length (L)can be expressed by the equation: L = 41.24[1 - e-0.08991(t+0.06459)]. The age (T) and weight (W) relationship can be denoted bythe equation: Wt = 606. 15[1 - e(-0.08991)(t+0.06459)]2.8279. The growth inflection pointtr = 11 .5, corresponding to W = 176. 5gm. S. ommaturus is a predatory fish. Its main food are small fish of various kinds,shrimps and crabs. It is harmful to oriental prawn.