Abstract:In this paper the effect of storage temperature on the freshness-Iowering of highead, Aristichthys nobilis, was studied. Fresh bighead was storedat five different temperatures from -- 3℃ to 20℃ and the variations of freshnesswere followed by K value, TVB-N, bacterial count and sensory assessmeat. Theresults of experiment are as follows: 1. The freshness-lowering at 10℃ and 20℃ deelined very fast and at 5℃,0℃ and - 3℃ declined slowly and obviously. 2. Among these freshness indexes, the K value represented best for the fre-shness of the fish with high quality during the early storage period just after fishdeath and the TVB-N represented the lower quality freshness during later stageonly. 3. The velocity constants of freshness-lowering of the fish stored at differenttemperature were obtained from the relationship of ln (100-K value) versusstorage time.