This paper reports the results of an experiment on the nutritional requirements of five essential amino acids (EAAs) of blunt snout bream. Thaoptimal rnge(gkg feed) of the five EAAs are recommended as follows:Arginine20.9--20.8; Leucine 24.2-21.7;Histidine 6.4-6.2,hysine 18.60-19.80; Tso-lecine 14.6-14.7
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Lu Maoyin, Shi Wenlei, Liu Meizheng, Huang Fengqin, Wang Genlin, Zhu Chenwei. THE REQUIREMENT OF FIVE ESSENTIAL AMINO ACDS IN THE DIET OF BLUNT SNOUT BREAM(MECALOBRAMA AMBLYCEPHALA)[J]. Journal of Fisheries of China,1992,16(1):40~49