The enibryQ cell strain (CP-8Q) grass carp (Cteraoa yregodon2deTus) has been cultured on a large scale by using microcarrier suspension cul-Lure. After being cultured with microcarriers for 6 days, the cell density can reachto about 8 .4 x 102, which is 41 times,as the initial inoculativecentration (2 x 105scells/ml). Afterwards, the haemorrhagic virus of grass carp isinoculated into the bioreactor while the cells have just been full on xnacrocarriers.The titer of virus can be increased to 8 .0 LgTOID500.1mI in 5 days incubation,which is 4.25 logarithm values a.s high as the initial virulrnca.
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Ye Xueping, Yang Guangzhi, Luo Yizhi, Chen Yinliang, Chen Zhihong. LARGE-SCALE CULTURE QF GRASS CARP CELL AND VIRUS BY USING BIflREACTUR[J]. Journal of Fisheries of China,1992,16(1):1~6