The effeot of several treatments on quality of silver carp under low temperature frozen storage were observed. The changes of biochemical and tex-tural properties were meaauxed. The aim of this study is to find an optimal refri-geration technology for silvar carp. Eiochemical properties include K-value and EPN-value (salt Extractable Protein Nitrogen). Textural properties are measured by Ottawa Texture Measuring Systen with Extrusion Shearing Cell. The results show that,(1) The pretreatment(gutting etc.) of fish before frozen significantly affects the freshness (K-value) of muscle(p<0.01);(2)The Fast-freeaing method obviously reduces tha damage of texture, and significantly maintain the freshness of the muscle (p<0.01)。(3) Comparing with -1 8℃,under -30℃ frozen storage significantly decreases the rate of protein denaturatian ( p<0.05),(4) Through 26-weelrs frozen storage, there is no significant difference in g-value and EPN-value between the glazed or unglaged fish (p>0.05).
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He Liping, Feng Zhizhe, Wang Jixiang. ON THE BIOCHEMICAL AND TEXTURAL PROPERTIRS OF SILVER CARP UNDER LOW TEMPERATURE FROZEN STORAGE[J]. Journal of Fisheries of China,1990,14(4):297~303