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    Altogether the samples of 449 mudskipper for this study were collected in prawn pond from Zhuyu (Zhangpu County, Fujian Province) and in tidal mudflat from Haieang, Xiamen during March to May of 1989. The seeond pectoral radial bone was selected for age determination and the scale was used only to check age reading. The pectoral radial bane becomes flat and the central area of the second radial bone is observable clearly, with alternating broad transpa-rent zone (rapid growth) and narrow opaque band (slow growth) under transmitted light. The narrow ossified bands on the pectoral radial bone are farmed annually,but sometimes the reabsorption of narrow ossified bands on the bone may occur.The relationship between body length L (mm) and length of proximal portion of the second pectoral radial bone R(mm) is expressed as R=0.06612+0.02883L (r=0.9947), the length-weight relationship formulas are calculated to be W=1 .4661x 10-5L3.0097(r=0.9990),W'=1.7397 x 10-5L3.0052(r=0.9983) ,The parameters of the von Bertalanffy body length growth equation are:L= 183. 39mm,K=0.2574, t0 =一1.2480,the parameters of net body weight growth equation are : W= 86.96g,K=0.2770, t0=一1.2173, tr=2.75.The catch of the mudskipper consists of } year classes, from age group I to age group IV, excluding the age group 0. The fish of the prawn pond of Zhuyu may at-tain age group IV, while the fish of the mudflat of Haicang only live to age groupII. An analysis of the growth rate and Fultan's Condition Factor shows that the fish of the prawn pond of Zhuyu grow much quicker and are fatter than those of the mudflat of Haicang. The individual absolute fecundity F (eggs) ranges from 4100 to 24600 (mean 12600),the individual relative fecundity F/L (eggs/mm) ranges from 51 to 228 (mean 115) and F/W (egg/g) from 329 to 2117 (mean 774).The ecological characteriatias given show that the herbivorous mudskipper is one of the r-selected species which grazes on the soft mud ingesting benthie diatoms and filamentous algae. It is considered to culture miaedly with prawn in the pond.

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Zhang Qiyong, Sheng Shuguaug, Zhang Wensheng. AGE, GRVWTH AND FECUNDITY OF THE MUDSKIPPER BOLEOPHTHALMUS PECTINIROSTRIS[J]. Journal of Fisheries of China,1990,14(3):179~188

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  • Abstract:2091
  • PDF: 2592
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  • Cited by: 0
  • Received:October 01,1989
  • Revised:March 01,1990
  • Online: October 27,2014
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