In studying the growth of taihu new-ice-fish, Neosalanx taihuensis Chen, in spring 1984, 3045 mature parent fishes were caught with ice-fish nats in the Lake Taihu. Through artificial fertilization, 503471 fertilized eggs were obtained and transplanted from Taihu to Beijing. After that 357451 larvae were incubated by artificial incubation and subsequently released in the water bodies of various types. Through collecting sample during an annual cycle the specimens used for this study were collected, and the results of our study are summarized as follows:1) the weight-length relationship may be expressed by the following formulae:2) From the von Bertalanffy's growth equation the correlation formulas have been computed as follows:3) The results of computation indicated that the absolute increasing value of the length was maximum at 2 ages in month old and that of the weight was maximum at 5 ages in month old.
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Wang Wenbin, Zhang Shiyi, Zhong Xuanshi, Gu Liangwei, Zhu Chengde, Li Gaoming, Yang Yue. THE ANNUAL GROWTH OF NEOSALANX TAIHUENSIS CHEN[J]. Journal of Fisheries of China,1990,14(2):137~143