Abstract:According to the trial fishing practice in the deeper waters of the EastChina Sea and depending upon the installation conditions of our available purse seiners.a type of purse seine for operating in deepers waters was designed in recent years. Thenet sinking speed and net sunk depth of the purse seining method were tested andanalyzed in the cases of various current speed, unequal length and different haulingspeed of pursing cable, so that the relationship of these three varibles to net perfor-mance was obtained. The results are summerized as follows: 1) It is different to measure the natural sinking speed of the three parts of netbody. As for the comparison of their speed, the hauling end of net is at the first, themid-part of net is the second, and the bunt is the third. The natural sink of all partsof the net body appears as fast-slow-fast irregularity. 2) During the full period of operation, the fast current speed and the quickhauling of pursing cable are more disadvantageous for net sinking, while the longerpursing cable is more advantageous for the same one. In certain speed range, thehauling speed of pursing cable plays a main role in the sinking performance of the net.