The annual changa of gonadotropin (GTH) a.nd estradiol--17 (E2) level in the serum of male and female common carp (GyPrinus curpio L) were mea-eared by radioimmunoassy(RIA). The annual average level of GTH in female carp was 8.94 a-5.94 ng/ml, with minimum 1.17+0.76ng/ml in December, and maximum 21.50+11.82 ng/ml in January. The anneal average of GTH level in male carp was 8 .72+5.20ng/mI. minimum 4 .74+2. 81 ng/ml in December and maximum 16.00+7.10 ng/ml in 1lovember. gerund E2 level in female rises from Janusry to April,the average level is 2019.48+754.49 pg/ml while the peak level is 3215.78 +206.34pg/ml in Feberay. The ovaries regressed soon aftor spawning season and E2 level significantly decreased to 454.58 pg/ml from May to August. The difference is obvious between prespa..wning rind postspawning seasons (P= 0 .001). These results indicate that the development and maturation of gonads are closely related to the change of serum E2 Ievel. The feedback effect of E2 on function of pituitary is also discussed.
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Huang Shijiao, Jiang Renliang, Zhao Weixin, Zhou Hongqi. ANNUAL CHANGE OF GONADOTROPIN CONTENT AND ESTRADIOL-17 IN THE SERUM OF COMMON CARP[J]. Journal of Fisheries of China,1987,11(1):75~80