Abstract:An analysis of the present abundance of the filofish population(Navodon septentrionalis) and the retional exploitation of the resource are discussedin this paper. The analysis is based on the age date of 1253 filefish examined betweenJan. and Apr. in 1984 as well as the fishing statistical data from 1977 to 1985. Rickerand Schaefer models are edopted, with reference to filefish natural mortality M=0.257,M =0.183. All technical calculation is computer processed. The results show: 1) The present exploitation of the filefish abundance has already reached the fullextent. In 1984 and especially in 1985 there appeared a tendency near over fishing. 2) The maximum sustainable yield in weight of the fish is MSY=205 MT and thecorresponding fishing efforts is f(may)=47227 haul, according to the present age atfirst capture to=1.5.But the fishing effort on the filefish in 1985 is f95=53869 haul. 3) If the age at first capture increases from tc=1.5to tc=2.5, the filefish fish-ing will be in the better condition, with the fishing level F=0.6-0.8(the fishinglevel in 1985 F95=0.8-1.0).