Abstract:The embryonic development of domesticated goldfisb (Carassius suratus) had been studied with Qptical microscope by Brittle (1940) and Li Pu nt al.(1959).In the present study, the various stages of embryonic development of the red tiger-headed goldfish (Carassius autatus) weree examfined under scanning electron-microscope. The eggs were obtw}ined from artificial fertilization methods described by Li Pu et aI (1959).The results of our observation are briefly described as fulluws liicroplye of the goldfish was clearly discernible. It located a,t the end of animal pole. Qn the surface of oulemma forzzied an inner Pitfall as a funnel. The micropyle is about 15μ in size. That is the only passageivay for the sperm to pass thruugh into the micropylo for fertilizixig the egg. The cleavages of the goldfish divided equally before 8-cell stage. But after the 16-cell stage, the cleavages were unequal. This stage may ma,rh the beginning of cell differentiation (which may staxtfrom 1fi-cell stage).These unequal cleavages formed the cells of different size anal remained clearly discernible until the blastula stage. In our observation, the differentiation of“ paired caudal-fin" of the goldfish had started during the heart-beating stage. It was not in the stsge of formation of the eaudal-fin membrane as described by Li Pu et al (1959).