Abstract:Single and combined affects of temperature and salinity on the survival andgrowth of spat of the,Sraaraovacsdrc carastrca(Lamarc) have baen. studied in Iabo-ratory. The suitable salinity for survival and growth. of spat was in the rangeo1.50.-28.3‰,and the optimum was 12.40-16.30‰. At 25℃, the spat showed strongtolerance in lnw salinity (below 1.80‰),yet it is less tolerent in high salinity (33.54-40‰). The suitable temperature for survival and growth of spat ranges from 10℃to35℃, but the optimum temperature varied with salinity. When tb.ey were epased inthe optimum salinity habitat,the oimam temperature was from 20 ℃to 30℃. The an-aly sis of variation showed that within suboptimum salinity range, the mast suitabletemperature for spat was about 22℃. The spat showed very strong tolerance in Ivwertemperature ( 5-2). The upper lethal temperature of espat was 40℃. The sensibility of spat to salinity was stronger than that to temperature. As thesaiini was optimum and th.e temperature was below 22℃, the earrelativity of salinityand temperature with arganilsm was not mush evident, yet within upper andlower limits of suit.hle salinity and about 27℃ of temperatuxe, the carrelativity wassignificant. The range corresponding either to the suitable salinity or to tb.e tempera-tore was obviousl y narrower.